Annual Meetings
"Doing Business in the Public Interest"
"Business History in Times of Disruption: Embracing Complexity and Diversity || Historia empresarial en tiempos de incertidumbre: acogiendo la complejidad y la diversidad"
President: Andrea Lluch
Presidential Address: "Business History in Times of Disruption: Embracing Complexity and Diversity A View from Latin America"
Presidential Address: "Business History in Times of Disruption: Embracing Complexity and Diversity A View from Latin America"
"Business History: Building for the Future"
President: Neil Rollings
Presidential Address: ""The Vast and Unsolved Enigma of Power": Business History and Business Power"
Presidential Address: ""The Vast and Unsolved Enigma of Power": Business History and Business Power"
"Collaboration in Business and Business History"
President: Edward Balleisen
Presidential Address: "The Prospects for Collaborative Research in Business History"
Presidential Address: "The Prospects for Collaborative Research in Business History"
"Globalization and De-Globalization: Shifts of Power and Wealth"
President: Teresa da Silva Lopes
Presidential Address: "'The Nature of the Firm'—and the Eternal Life of the Brand"
Presidential Address: "'The Nature of the Firm'—and the Eternal Life of the Brand"
"Money, Finance, and Capital"
President: Walter Friedman
Presidential Address: "Recent Trends in Business History Research: Capitalism, Democracy, and Innovation"
Presidential Address: "Recent Trends in Business History Research: Capitalism, Democracy, and Innovation"
"Inequalities: Winners and Losers in Business"
"The Virtues and Vices of Business—A Historical Perspective"
President: Per H. Hansen
Presidential Address: "From Finance Capitalism to Financialization: A Cultural and Narrative Perspective on 150 Years of Financial History"
Presidential Address: "From Finance Capitalism to Financialization: A Cultural and Narrative Perspective on 150 Years of Financial History"
"The Cultures and Institutions of Business"
President: Kenneth Lipartito
Presidential Address: "Connecting the Cultural and the Material in Business History"
Presidential Address: "Connecting the Cultural and the Material in Business History"
"Business and the State"
President: Margaret Levenstein
Presidential Address: "Escape from Equilibrium: Thinking Historically about Firm Responses to Competition"
Presidential Address: "Escape from Equilibrium: Thinking Historically about Firm Responses to Competition"
"Fashions: Business Practices in Historical Perspective"
President: Mark H. Rose
Presidential Address: "United States Bank Rescue Politics, 2008–2009: A Business Historian’s View"
Presidential Address: "United States Bank Rescue Politics, 2008–2009: A Business Historian’s View"
President: Pamela Laird
Presidential Address: "Looking Toward the Future: Expanding Connections for Business Historians"
Presidential Address: "Looking Toward the Future: Expanding Connections for Business Historians"
President: Richard Sylla
Presidential Address: "Political Economy of Financial Development: Canada and the United States in the Mirror of the Other, 1790-1840"
Presidential Address: "Political Economy of Financial Development: Canada and the United States in the Mirror of the Other, 1790-1840"
President: JoAnne Yates
Presidential Address: "How Business Enterprises Use Technology: Extending the Demand-Side Turn"
Presidential Address: "How Business Enterprises Use Technology: Extending the Demand-Side Turn"
President: Patrick Fridenson
Presidential Address: "Business Failure and the Agenda of Business History "
Presidential Address: "Business Failure and the Agenda of Business History "
President: Naomi Lamoreaux
Presidential Address: "Reframing the Past: Thoughts about Business Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty"
Presidential Address: "Reframing the Past: Thoughts about Business Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty"
President: William H. Becker
Presidential Address: "Managerial Culture and the American Political Economy"
Presidential Address: "Managerial Culture and the American Political Economy"
President: Louis Galambos
Presidential Address: "What Makes Us Think We Can Put Business Back into Business History?"
Presidential Address: "What Makes Us Think We Can Put Business Back into Business History?"
President: Thomas K. McCraw
Presidential Address: "Ideas, Policies, and Outcomes in Business History"
Presidential Address: "Ideas, Policies, and Outcomes in Business History"
President: Morton Rothstein
Presidential Address: "Innocence and Guilt, Comedy and Adventure: Business History as a Human Activity "
Presidential Address: "Innocence and Guilt, Comedy and Adventure: Business History as a Human Activity "
President: Irene D. Neu Jones
Presidential Address: "My Nineteenth-Century Network: Erastus Corning, Benjamin Ingham, Edmond Forstall "
Presidential Address: "My Nineteenth-Century Network: Erastus Corning, Benjamin Ingham, Edmond Forstall "
President: Paul Uselding
Presidential Address: "Recent Trends and Historical Contexts in the Rise and Fall of Economic Regions "
Presidential Address: "Recent Trends and Historical Contexts in the Rise and Fall of Economic Regions "
President: Fred Bateman
Presidential Address: "Business History in an Era of Economic Transformation "
Presidential Address: "Business History in an Era of Economic Transformation "
President: Thomas C. Cochran
Presidential Address: "Forty Years of the Cultural Approach to History "
Presidential Address: "Forty Years of the Cultural Approach to History "
President: Donald L. Kemmerer
Presidential Address: "John E. Rovensky, 1880-1970, Industrialist and Banker "
Presidential Address: "John E. Rovensky, 1880-1970, Industrialist and Banker "
President: Ross M. Robertson
Presidential Address: "American Business and American Life: A Bicentennial Appraisal "
Presidential Address: "American Business and American Life: A Bicentennial Appraisal "
President: Herman E. Krooss
Presidential Address: "Some Random Thoughts on Business and Government "
Presidential Address: "Some Random Thoughts on Business and Government "
President: Harold F. Williamson
Presidential Address: "The Business History Conference and Business History: Some Reflections "
Presidential Address: "The Business History Conference and Business History: Some Reflections "
President: Arthur M. Johnson
Presidential Address: "Business History Research: The Past as Prologue"
Presidential Address: "Business History Research: The Past as Prologue"