Contact Us


The BHC is based at the Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society at the Hagley Library and relies on Center Coordinator Carol Lockman to manage the BHC's annual meetings, finances, membership, and other business. 

Mailing Address and Other Contact Information:

Business History Conference
Hagley Museum and Library
P.O. Box 3630
Wilmington, DE 19807-0630 USA

Telephone: 302-658-2400, ext. 243
Fax: 302-655-3188
Email: Carol Lockman

Federal Express, Other Courier Delivery:

Business History Conference
Hagley Museum and Library
298 Buck Road East
Wilmington, DE 19807-0630
Telephone: 302-658-2400

Current membership fees are:

  • Regular: $60 (digital) / $85 (print)
  • Regular (annual income > $75,000): $75 (digital) / $100 (print)
  • Contributing: $125 (digital) / $150 (print)
  • Recent PhD (received within the last 6 years): $40 (digital) / $65 (print)
  • Student: $30 (digital) / $55 (print)
  • Emeritus/a or Retired: $40 (digital) / $65 (print)

Please direct inquiries to the Secretary or Treasurer


Enterprise and Society

Subscription to Enterprise and Society is included with digital-only membership; a $25 surcharge is applied for print + digital journal access