2016 BHC Meeting

The 2016 Business History Conference Annual Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon, on March 31-April 2, 2016. The theme of the meeting was "Reinterpretation." The program committee for 2016 consisted of Rowena Olegario (Chair), Peter Coclanis, Marcelo Bucheli, Julia Yongue, and Margaret Graham (BHC President). See the archived call for papers for further details.


Photos from this annual meeting

BHC Members: submit your own photos from this meeting

Chris Kobrak presents Hagley Prize to Vicki Howard and Jonathan Coopersmith

Xaq Frohlich and Shane Hamilton at Powell's Bookstore

Xaq Frohlich, David Singerman, Shane Hamilton, and Stephen Mihm dining out on the town in Portland

Geoffrey Jones delivers 2016 opening plenary address