2002 BHC Meeting

"Corporate Governance"

Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference

Hagley Museum & Library, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

April 19-21, 2002

The theme of the 2002 annual meeting of the Business History Conference will be "Corporate Governance."  We invite proposals for papers concerned with the historical evolution of corporate governance in all of its forms, including but not limited to: entrepreneurial and managerial styles and innovations; the historical construction of norms and formal rules of governance; relationships between governance systems and corporate strategies and structures; and the ideological and political dimensions of governance regimes. Submissions are invited on all chronological periods, and those on non-traditional and non-U.S. forms of corporate governance are especially encouraged.  Submissions on topics beyond the theme are welcome as well.

The Program Committee consists of David Sicilia (chair), Mark Mason, Mary O’Sullivan, and Jonathan Russ.