BHC Collective Bibliography

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The Business History Conference Collective Bibliography
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Osofsky, Gilbert. "The Afro-American Realty Company." In The Harlem reader: a celebration of New York's most famous neighborhood, from the renaissance years to the twenty-first century, edited by Boyd, Herb, and Howard Dodson. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2025.
Osório, Helen, and Juan Luis Martirén. "¿Un espacio rioplatense ampliado? Análisis de una economía agraria en el sur de Brasil (Triunfo y Santo Amaro, 1784-1849)." Revista de Indias 81, no. 282 (2021-07-30): 407-440.
Overmyer, James. Queen of the Negro leagues: Effa Manley and the Newark Eagles. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 1998.
Owen, Laura J. "Gender Differences in Labor Turnover and the Development of Internal Labor Markets in the United States during the 1920s." Enterprise & Society 2, no. 1 (March 2001): 41-71.
Pablo-Martí, Federico, Ángel Alañón-Pardo, and Angel Sánchez. "Complex Networks to Understand the Past: The Case of Roads in Bourbon Spain." Cliometrica 15, no. 3 (2021): 477-534.
Packard, Vance Oakley, and Mark Crispin Miller. The hidden persuaders. Brooklyn: Ig, 2025.
Palma, Patricia, and María Montt Strabucchi. "Chinese Business in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Historical Overview." Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 4, no. 2 (2019-07-12): 175-203.
Palma, Nuno, Andrea Papadia, Thales Pereira, and Leonardo Weller. "Slavery and Development in Nineteenth Century Brazil." Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 2, no. 2 (2021): 372-426.
Palsson, Craig. "Small Farms, Large Transaction Costs: Haiti’s Missing Sugar." Journal of Economic History 81, no. 2 (06/2021): 513-548.
Palza Becerra, Héctor. "Reordenando el orden. El reformismo económico del Duque de la Palata (1681-1689)." ISHRA, Revista del Instituto Seminario de Historia Rural Andina 6 (2021-08-10): 53-81.
Pansters, Wil G., and Benjamin T. Smith. "La mafia muere: Violence, Drug Trade and the State in Sinaloa, 1940-1980." European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 112 (2021-12-30): 91-116.
Pardo, Rafael I. "Bankrupted Slaves." Vanderbilt Law Review 71, no. 4 (2018): 1071–1166.
Pardo, Rafael I. "Documenting Bankrupted Slaves." Vanderbilt Law Review 71 (2018): 73-116.
Pardo, Rafael I. "Financial Freedom Suits: Bankruptcy, Race, and Citizenship in Antebellum America." Arizona Law Review 62, no. 1 (2020): 125-82.
Pardo, Rafael I. "Federally Funded Slaving." Tulane Law Review 93, no. 4 (2019): 787–857.
Paredes, Maritza, and Hernán Manrique. "The State's Developmentalist Illusion and the Origins of Illegal Coca Cultivation in Peru's Alto Huallaga Valley (1960–80)." Journal of Latin American Studies 53, no. 2 (05/2021): 245-267.
Parente, Ronaldo, Marne Melo, Daniel Andrews, Arun Kumaraswamy, and Flavio Vasconcelos. "Public Sector Organizations and Agricultural Catch-up Dilemma in Emerging Markets: The Orchestrating Role of Embrapa in Brazil." Journal of International Business Studies 52, no. 4 (06/2021): 646-670.
Parker, Traci. Department stores and the black freedom movement: workers, consumers, and civil rights from the 1930s to the 1980s. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2025.
Parkin, Katherine J. Food Is Love: Advertising and Gender Roles in Modern America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
Parra Salazar, Mayra Natalia, and Dina María Moreno Murillo. "Participación de las mujeres negras del Pacífico colombiano en la economía global del oro." Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores 2 (2021/06/06): 1-26.
Paxman, Andrew. "The Takeover of the Banco de Comercio of 1954: Collision and Collusion between Mexican Political and Business Elites." América Latina en la Historia Económica 28, no. 2 (2021/03/19): 1-22.
Peiss, Kathy Lee. Hope in a jar: the making of America's beauty culture. New York: Henry Holt, 1999.
Peiss, Kathy. "“Vital Industry” and Women's Ventures: Conceptualizing Gender in Twentieth Century Business History." Business History Review 72, no. 2 (1998): 219-241.
Peiss, Kathy. "On Beauty … and the History of Business." Enterprise & Society 1, no. 3 (September 2000): 485-506.
Peña-Mir, José Luis. "How Well Were Creditors’ Rights Protected in Early Modern Spain? The Case of The Public Mortgage Registry in Malaga." Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 40, no. 1 (2022/03): 35-65.
Peng, Juanjuan. The Yudahua Business Group in China's Early Industrialization. Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.
Penningroth, Dylan C. The claims of kinfolk: African American property and community in the nineteenth-century South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2025.
Pennock, Pamela. "The National Recovery Administration and the Rubber Tire Industry, 1933–1935." Business History Review 71, no. 4 (1997): 543-568.
Penny, Virginia. Five-Hundred Employments Adapted to Women, Married or Single in all Branches of the Arts and Sciences, Trades, Professions, Agriculture and Mechanical Pursuits, etc., etc.. N/A, 1870.
Perdices de Blas, Luis, and José Luis Ramos Gorostiza. "La economía en las colecciones divulgativas del primer tercio del siglo XX: los Manuales Labor." Investigaciones de Historia Económica (2021/01/29): 48-57.
Pereira, Hugo Silveira. "Appropriation, Integration, and Nation Building: Portuguese Railways in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Years of the Twentieth Century." Social Science History 45, no. 2 (2021): 391-416.
Pereira, Hugo Silveira. "Expertise and Policy-Making: Main Actors, Debates and Outcomes in the Making of the Portuguese Railway Network (1850–90)." Journal of Transport History 42, no. 1 (06/2021): 58-80.
Pereira, Thales Zamberlan. "Taxation and the Stagnation of Cotton Exports in Brazil, 1800–60." Economic History Review 74, no. 2 (05/2021): 522-545.
Pereira Da Silva, Gustavo, and Armando João Dalla Costa. "As estratégias do Grupo Votorantim em meio à desindustrialização do Brasil: internacionalização, revisão do portfólio e mudanças na gestão do grupo (1980-2019)." Tiempo y economía 8, no. 2 (2021/05/18).
Perez Almansi, Bruno Sebastian, and Alejandro Gaggero. "La diversificación del grupo empresarial Macri en el sector automotriz durante la última dictadura militar en Argentina." América Latina en la Historia Económica 27, no. 2 (2020/02/10): e1019-e1019.
Pérez Álvarez, Gonzalo. "Industrias y proyectos de desarrollo en Chubut antes de la implantación de los polos industriales subsidiados." H-industri@: Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina 29 (2021): 1-22.
Pérez Flores, Fidel, and Clayton M. Cunha Filho. "The Oil Nationalizations in Bolivia (1937) and Mexico (1938): A Comparative Study of Asymmetric Confrontations with the United States." Latin American Research Review 55, no. 4 (2020-12-22): 676-690.
Pérez Moreda, Vicente. "Hacia un marco analítico de las consecuencias demográficas y económicas de las epidemias." Investigaciones de Historia Económica (2020/11/25): 3-9.
Perez Torres, Francisco Jose. "Ocupación informal y formal en Colombia, equilibrios de largo plazo y principales causas históricas (2001-2019). Un análisis vectorial de corrección de errores." Tiempo y economía 9, no. 1 (2022): 41-103.
Pérez Trento, Nicolás. "Social Classes and Capital Accumulation in Recent Argentina: The 2008 Agrarian Conflict." Latin American Perspectives 48, no. 6 (11/2021): 160-178.
Perez-Artes, Mari Carmen. Numeracy Selectivity of Spanish Migrants in Hispanic America (16th-18th Centuries)
Pérez-Garcia, Manuel. "Creating Global Demand: Polycentric Approaches, Crossroads of Silk and Silver In China and Iberian Empires During the Early Modern Era." Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 38, no. 3 (2020/12): 405-419.
Perkins, Dwight. China’s Modern Economy in Historical Perspective. Stanford University Press, 1975.
Permanyer-Ugartemendía, Ander. "The Spanish link in the Canton trade, 1787–1830: silver, opium and the Royal Philippine Company." In China’s Development from a Global Perspective, 327-49. Cambridge Publishing Scholars, 2025.
Peschard, Karine, and Shalini Randeria. "Taking Monsanto to Court: Legal activism around intellectual property in Brazil and India." The Journal of Peasant Studies 47, no. 4 (2020-06-06): 792-819.
Phipps, Simone T.A., and Leon C. Prieto. "The business of black beauty: social entrepreneurship or social injustice?." Journal of Management History 24, no. 1 (2018): 37-56.
Phipps, Simone T. A., and Leon C. Prieto. "Leaning in: A Historical Perspective on Influencing Women’s Leadership." Journal of Business Ethics (2020).
Pierre, Guy. "La deuda soberana de Haití durante el doble ciclo expansivo y depresivo de 1940/41- 1955/56 y 1956/57-1966/67." História e Economia 24, no. 1 (2020): 81-105.
Pilgrim, Danya M. "Masters of a Craft: Philadelphia's Black Public Waiters, 1820–50." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 142, no. 3 (2018): 269-293.
Piper, W. Brian. "“To Develop Our Business”: Addison Scurlock, Photography, and the National Negro Business League, 1900–1920." The Journal of African American History 101, no. 4 (September 1, 2016): 436-468.
Pitteloud, Sabine. "Les multinationales comme catégorie politique : les années formatrices (1970-1990):." Entreprises et histoire 104, no. 3 (2021-11-16): 93-110.
Plater, Michael A. African American entrepreneurship in Richmond, 1890-1940: the story of R.C. Scott. New York: Garland Pub, 1996.
Pond, Shepard. "The Maria Theresa Thaler: A Famous Trade Coin." Business History Review 15, no. 2 (April 1941): 26-31.
Pons-Pons, Jerònia, and Juan Carpio-Elías. "Evolución de la gestión del riesgo en el sector agrario español: De la economía preindustrial a los seguros." Historia Agraria Revista de agricultura e historia rural (2020-8-1).
Popp, Andrew. "Business and Everyday Life in the Nineteenth Century." In A Cultural History of Business, edited by Loftus, Donna J., and Robin Mackie. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2025.
Porter, Susie S. From Angel to Office Worker. University of Nebraska Press, 2025.
Porter, Susie S. Working women in Mexico City: public discourses and material conditions, 1879-1931. Tuscon: University of Arizona Press, 2025.
Posada-Morales, Juan-Esteban. "Los imperativos psicológicos de la gestión empresarial en Medellín a través de la revista Temas (1941-1948)." Historia y sociedad 41 (2021-07-01): 269-292.
Pouillard, Véronique. "Design Piracy in the Fashion Industries of Paris and New York in the Interwar Years." Business History Review 85, no. 2 (2011): 319-344.
Prado, Fabrício. "No Such Thing as Neutral Trade: U.S. Shippers in the Rio de la Plata at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century." Colonial Latin American Review 31, no. 1 (2022-01-02): 93-113.
Prados de la Escosura, Leandro. "Capital in Spain, 1850–2019." Cliometrica 16, no. 1 (01/2022): 1-28.
Pretel, David. "Reacciones en cadena: cambio tecnológico global y frontera forestal en la península de Yucatán (ca. 1850-1950)." Historia Mexicana 70, no. 1 (2020/07/01): 259-311.
Prieto, Leon C. African American management history: insights on gaining a cooperative advantage / Phipps, Simone T. A., ; author.. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2025.
Prieto, Leon C., and Simone T. A. Phipps. "Re-discovering Charles Clinton Spaulding’s “The Administration of Big Business”: Insight into early 20th century African-American management thought." Journal of Management History 22, no. 1 (2016): 73-90.
Prieto, Leon C., Simone T.A. Phipps, John K. Osiri, and John F. LeCounte. "Creating an interface: Aiding entrepreneurial success via critical pedagogy and insights from African-American management history." Journal of Management History 23, no. 4 (2017): 489-506.
Prieto, Leon, Simone Phipps, and Babita Mathur-Helm. "From slaves to servant leaders: remembering the contributions of John Merrick and Alonzo Herndon." Society and Business Review 13 (2018).
Primmer, Andrew Thomas. "Railway Nationalism and «Railway Imperialism» in Colombia and The Economic Decline of Santander, 1907–1918." Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 39, no. 2 (2021/09): 355-389.
Puente, Ignacio, and Ben Ross Schneider. "Business and Development: how organization, ownership and networks matter." Review of International Political Economy 27, no. 6 (2020-11-01): 1354-1377.
Puig, Nuria, and Maria Fernandez Moya. "¿Son útiles las escuelas de negocios? Una aproximación desde las empresas familiares españolas." Revista de Historia Industrial. Economía y Empresa 30, no. 81 (2021/03/22): 117-150.
Puk, Wing Kin. The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-century China: The Story of the Ming Salt Certificate. Brill, 2025.
Pulley, Brett. The billion dollar BET: Robert Johnson and the inside story of Black Entertainment Television. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley, 2025.
Putnam, Lara. The company they kept: migrants and the politics of gender in Caribbean Costa Rica, 1870-1960. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2025.
Qiliang, He. "Between Business and Bureaucrats: Pingtan Storytelling in Maoist and Post-Maoist China." Modern China 36, no. 3 (2010): 243-68.
Quejada-Camacho, Juan Carlos, and Clara Inés Carreño-Tarazona. "Estrategias para conectarse con el mundo: puertos del Caribe, redes agenciales y redes marítimas desde Valle del Cauca y Santander (Colombia) durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX." Tiempo y economía 7, no. 1 (2020/01/01): 69-96.
Quirke, Carol. Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America's Working Class. OUP USA, 2012.
Quirke, Carol. Dorothea Lange, Documentary Photography, and Twentieth-Century America: Reinventing Self and Nation. Routledge, 2025.
Quiroz, Francisco F. "Pueblos y trabajo indígena en los Andes centrales: Bombón en el siglo XVII." América Latina en la Historia Económica 27, no. 2 (2020): e1048-e1048.
Rabinovitch-Fox, Einav. "Baby, You Can Drive My Car: Advertising Women's Freedom in 1920s America." American Journalism 33, no. 4 (October 1, 2016): 372-400.
Ramaswami, V.K. "Andrew Shonfield: Modern Capitalism — The Changing Balance of Public & Private Power. Oxford University Press, 1965, 55 Sh." The Indian Economic & Social History Review 4, no. 1 (1965): 94-97.
Ramírez, Sebastián. "La reforma en el sector eléctrico del Gran Buenos Aires." H-industri@: Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina 26 (2020): 39-59.
Rangel-Padilla, Mariana. "State-Business Relations and Industrial Upgrading in the Digital Era: The Cases of Software and Aerospace Sectors in Mexico (2000–2012)." Business and Politics 23, no. 3 (2021): 309-329.
Ransom, Roger L., and Richard Sutch. One kind of freedom: the economic consequences of emancipation. Cambridge [England] ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2025.
Rapp, Rayna, and Ellen Ross. "The 1920s: Feminism, Consumerism and Political Backlash in the United States." Women in Culture and Politics: A Century of change (1986).
Ratigan, Kerry. "Are Peruvians Enticed by the “China Model”? Chinese Investment and Public Opinion in Peru." Studies in Comparative International Development 56, no. 1 (03/2021): 87-111.
Rauch, James E. "Black ties only?: Ethnic business networks, intermediaries, and African American retail entrepreneurship." In Networks and Markets, edited by Rauch, James E., and Alexandra Casella. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2025.
Rawski, Thomas G. Economic Growth in Prewar China. University of California Press, 1989.
Rawski, Thomas G., and Lillian M. Li. Chinese History in Economic Perspective. Univ of California Press, 2018.
Rayes, Agustina. "Temas y problemas del comercio exterior sudamericano en perspectiva histórica." Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo 16 (2021): 165-177.
Rayes, Agustina. "Una Hidra de Lerna. La política arancelaria argentina, c. 1863-1923." Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 61, no. 234 (2022): 125-150.
Rea, Christopher, and Nicolai Volland. The Business of Culture: Cultural Entrepreneurs in China and Southeast Asia, 1900-65. UBC Press, 2014.
Reed, Christopher. Gutenberg in Shanghai: Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876-1937. Honolulu:, 2025.
Regalsky, Andrés. "Presentación: La globalización y los sistemas bancarios nacionales en América Latina y el mundo ibérico, 1850-1940. Parte II.." Anuario IEHS 36, no. 1 (2021-06-28): 137-144.
Regalsky, Andrés, and Agustina Vence Conti. "Estado, banca pública y financiamiento de las exportaciones: el gran préstamo argentino a los aliados de 1918–19." Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 40, no. 1 (2022/03): 171-204.
Regina da Silva Gallo, Érika. "Teoria da decisão: o desenvolvimento do pensamento econômico da racionalidade à subjetividade." História Econômica & História de Empresas 24, no. 2 (2021/06/21): 531-564.
Reinhardt, Anne. Navigating Semi-colonialism: Shipping, Sovereignity, and Nation Building in China, 1860–1937. BRILL, 2020.
Reinhardt, Anne. Navigating Semi-Colonialism: Shipping, Sovereignty, and Nation-Building in China, 1860-1937. Cambridge, MA:, 2025.
Remedi, Fernando J. "De “los domésticos de hoy” a “los trabajadores del hogar del mañana”: Estado y legislación laboral del servicio doméstico (Córdoba, Argentina, 1936)." Historia y sociedad 42 (2022-01-01): 37-59.
Remus, Emily. A Shoppers' Paradise: How the Ladies of Chicago Claimed Power and Pleasure in the New Downtown. Harvard University Press, 2025.
Remus, Emily A. "Tippling Ladies and the Making of Consumer Culture: Gender and Public Space in Fin-de-Siècle Chicago." Journal of American History 101, no. 3 (December 1, 2014): 751-777.
Restad, Penne. "The Third Sex: Historians, Consumer Society, and the Idea of the American Consumer." Journal of Social History 47, no. 3 (2014): 769-786.