BHC Collective Bibliography

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The Business History Conference Collective Bibliography
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Cable, John H. "“The Roots of Organized Resistance: African-American Political Mobilization in Southwest Georgia, 1918-1945”." The Corinthian. Accessed July 14, 2020.
Cabrera, Daniela Alejandra Gracia, and Martha Misas Arango. "Relación entre el desarrollo financiero y el crecimiento económico en Colombia en el periodo 1994-2018." Cuadernos de Economía 40, no. 83 (2021-08-06): 361-382.
Cáceres, Luis René. "El mecanismo de transmisión de política monetaria en una economía dolarizada. El caso de El Salvador." Cuadernos de Economía 40, no. 83 (2021-08-06): 713-746.
Cailluet, Ludovic, Yannick Lemarchand, and Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel. Histoire et sciences de gestion. Paris: VUIBERT, 2025.
Cainelli, Giulio, Roberto Ganau, and Anna Giunta. "Business Groups, Institutions, and Firm Performance." Industrial and Corporate Change 31, no. 1 (2022-01-31): 215-233.
Calderón, María Guadalupe, and Pilar Perez. "Academic Patents and Entrepreneurial Intention: To What Extent Are Other Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms Affected in a Mexican University?." Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 6, no. 2 (2021): 126-150.
Calderón-Fernández, Andrés, Rafael Dobado-González, and Alfredo García-Hiernaux. "Numeracy in Central New Spain During The Enlightenment." Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 38, no. 2 (2020/09): 369-403.
Callejas, Jerónimo, and Debi Prasad Mohapatra. "Welfare Effects of Public Procurement of Medicines: Evidence from Ecuador." International Journal of Industrial Organization 75 (03/2021): 102697.
Calmon, Daniela. "Shifting Frontiers: The Making of Matopiba in Brazil and Global Redirected Land Use and Control Change." Journal of Peasant Studies 49, no. 2 (2022-02-23): 263-287.
Calvo, Angel. "Internet Access Standards: Dissemination of the Integrated Services Digital Network in Spain, 1984-2005." Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 6, no. 2 (2021): 1-41.
Calvo, Ángel. "Tecnología autóctona y oligopolio en el sector de las telecomunicaciones: Amper, 1980-2003." Revista de Historia Industrial. Economía y Empresa 29, no. 79 (2020/07/15): 165-202.
Camargo Bonilla, Yeniffer. "La tecnificación exitosa del modelo agrícola empresarial en el Bajío mexicano: maquinaria e infraestructura, 1940-1975." Historia Agraria de América Latina 1, no. 02 (2020/12/01): 74-99.
Camou, María, and Silvana Maubrigades. "¿Crisis como oportunidad? La participación laboral de las mujeres en la economía uruguaya durante las crisis económicas de 1930, 1980 y 2000." Revista Uruguaya de Historia Económica 20, no. XX (2022): 57-57.
Campaña, Juan Carlos, J Ignacio Giménez-Nadal, and José Alberto Molina. "Sex-ratios and work in Latin American households: Evidence from Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile." Latin American Economic Review (2021): 25.
Campi, Mercedes, Marco Antonio Dueñas Esterling, and Julio Cesar Zuluaga Jimenez. "¿El fortalecimiento de los derechos de propiedad intelectual estimula la innovación? Un análisis exploratorio de la dinámica de patentamiento por sectores industriales en Colombia, 1980-2010." Cuadernos de Administración 33 (2020/11/04).
Campos, Nicolás, Eduardo Engel, Ronald D. Fischer, and Alexander Galetovic. "The Ways of Corruption in Infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht Case." Journal of Economic Perspectives 35, no. 2 (2021): 171-190.
Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo M. "How Has Labor Demand Been Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Job Ads in Mexico." Latin American Economic Review (2021): 42.
Campuzano-Hoyos, Jairo. "Disrupting narratives of isolation: the production and circulation of ideas in Colombia about Latin America’s progress, 1870–1900." Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social 17 (2021/01/29): 126-149.
Canales, Lissette Cristalina. "Grupos empresariales familiares: cambios económicos y políticos en El Salvador." Tiempo y economía 8, no. 2 (2021/06/23).
Cannizzaro, Anthony P. "Social Influence and MNE Strategic Response to Political Risk: A global network approach." Journal of International Business Studies 51, no. 5 (7/2020): 829-850.
Cante, Freddy. "La política económica como catalizador de las crisis." Análisis Político 33, no. 100 (2020): 55-71.
Cantillo, Tatiana, Víctor Cantillo, Victor Cantillo-García, and Lucy García. "Uncovering the wage differential between formal and informal jobs: Analysis from the Colombian Caribbean region." Latin American Economic Review 31 (2022-1-18): 1-25.
Capel Martínez, Rosa María. El trabajo y la educación de la mujer en España (1900-1930). Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura. Instituto de la Mujer, 1986.
Carini, Gabriel, and Juan Gerbaldo. "Entre la movilización y la negociación: FAA y UATRE frente al agronegocio." Avances del Cesor 18, no. 24 (2021-06-07).
Carlos, Ann M., and Frank D. Lewis. "Marketing in the Land of Hudson Bay: Indian Consumers and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670–1770." Enterprise & Society 3, no. 2 (June 2002): 285-317.
Carnevali, Francesca. "Fashioning Luxury for Factory Girls: American Jewelry, 1860–1914." Business History Review 85, no. 2 (2011): 295-317.
Carnevali, Francesca. "State Enterprise and Italy's ‘Economic Miracle’: The Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, 1945-1962." Enterprise & Society (2000): 249-278.
Carnut, Leonardo, Glauce Araújo Taborda Teixeira, and Gabriela Araújo Valencia. "O pensamento econômico em saúde de Hésio Cordeiro sobre o financiamento da saúde pública no Brasil e a intervenção anticíclica em Claudio Napoleoni." Tiempo y economía 8, no. 1 (2021/01/01): 95-122.
Carrasco Weston, José Manuel. "Un sol naciente en el Perú (1900-1945): Inmigrantes empresarios. Los casos de Nikumatsu Okada y Cintaro Tominaga." Tiempo y economía 7, no. 1 (2020/01/01): 153-168.
Carroll, Berenice A. "Peace Research: The Cult of Power." The Journal of Conflict Resolution 16, no. 4 (1972): 585-616.
Carstarphen, Meta G., Tae Guk Kim. "Who’s the victim?: Intercultural perceptions between African American and Korean American business people in Dallas." In Cultural diversity and the U.S. media, edited by Kamalipour, Yahya, and Theresa Carilli. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Casanova, Mauricio. "El nitrato como estrategia de compensación: clearing agreements y política salitrera durante la gran depresión (Chile, 1932-1938)." Diálogo andino 64 (03/2021): 243-254.
Casanova, Lourdes S., and Anne Miroux. "Chinese companies conquering the world: A descriptive analysis of the rapid rise of Chinese acquisitions." Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 4, no. 2 (2019-07-12): 13-44.
Casquinha Malaia Santos, João Manuel, and Victor Melo. "“Casa Sportman – sempre imitada, nunca igualada”: estratégias de um empreendimento e dinâmicas de consumo (Rio de Janeiro; 1909-1922)." História Econômica & História de Empresas 23, no. 2 (2020/12/08): 495-525.
Casson, Catherine, and Mark Casson. "“To Dispose of Wealth in Works of Charity”: Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy in Medieval England." Business History Review 93, no. 3 (2019): 473-502.
Casson, Catherine, and Mark Dodgson. "Designing for Innovation: Cooperation and Competition in English Cotton, Silk, and Pottery Firms, 1750–1860." Business History Review 93, no. 2 (2019): 247-273.
Casson, Mark, and Andrew Godley. "Revisiting the Emergence of the Modern Business Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and the Singer Global Distribution System." Journal of Management Studies 44, no. 7 (2007): 1064-1077.
Castaño González, Eugenio. "Del trabajo productivo y motivado al imperativo psicológico del descanso: Medellín, 1928-1975." Historia Crítica 83 (2022-01-11).
Castillo, Omar Neme, Ana Lilia Valderrama Santibáñez, and Césaire Chiatchoua. "Factores determinantes del consumo productivo de agua y efectos en la actividad económica de México." Economía Sociedad y Territorio 21, no. 66 (2021/04/27): 505-537.
Castro Gutiérrez, Felipe. "Pascual Ignacio de Apezechea, los miserables operarios y los díscolos empleados del Apartado de Oro." Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores 2 (2021/06/06): 27-57.
Castro Scavone, Pablo, and Henry Willebald. "Producto regional en Uruguay durante la Primera Globalización (1872-1908): desigualad decreciente y convergencia entre regiones." Investigaciones de Historia Económica 18, no. 1 (2022-01-27): 50-64.
Cebreiro Ares, Francisco. "Caudales americanos y consulado francés en Galicia durante el período bélico de 1743 a 1749." Revista de Indias 81, no. 282 (2021-07-30): 375-405.
Celaya Nández, Yovana. "La política económica de Venustiano Carranza a debate: el Congreso de Industriales de 1917." Secuencia 111 (2021-07-30).
Cerchiello, Gaetano. "Del transporte de emigrantes a los cruceros turísticos. Las navieras transatlánticas de pasaje en la Europa de la segunda posguerra mundial: el caso español (1945-1960)." Revista de Historia Industrial. Economía y Empresa 29, no. 79 (2020/07/15): 101-131.
Cerqueira Lima, Fernando. "Oferta e demanda de moeda metálica no Brasil colonial (1695-1807)." História Econômica & História de Empresas 24, no. 2 (2021/06/21): 345-374.
Cervantes-Cortés, José-Luis. "Sin registro de ocupación: la omisión de empleo de las mujeres solteras en la Ciudad de México, 1790." Historia y sociedad 41 (2021-07-01): 235-268.
Cha-Jua, Sundiata Keita. America's First Black Town: Brooklyn, Illinois, 1830-1915. University of Illinois Press, 2025.
Chaia De Bellis, Jonás. "Estatizar para privatizar." H-industri@: Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina 29 (2021): 49-69.
Chambers, Jason. Madison Avenue and the color line: African Americans in the advertising industry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025.
Chan, Kay Yiu. Business expansion and structural change in pre-war China: Liu Hongsheng and his enterprises, 1920-1937. Hong Kong University Press, 2025.
Chan, Wellington K. K. "Chapter 16. Chinese Entrepreneurship since Its Late Imperial Period." In Chapter 16. Chinese Entrepreneurship since Its Late Imperial Period, 469-500. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Chan, . "Government, Merchants, and Industry to 1911." The Cambridge History of China 11.
Chan, Kai Yiu. "MAKING SENSE OF THE ‘BUSINESS GROUP’ IN MODERN CHINA: THE RONG BROTHERS' BUSINESSES, 1901-37: Business group in modern China." Australian Economic History Review 51, no. 3 (11/2011): 219-244.
Chan, Wellington K. K. "The Organizational Structure of the Traditional Chinese and Its Modern Reform." Business History Review 56, no. 2 (1982): 218-35.
Chan, Wellington K. K. "Tradition and Change in the Chinese Business Enterprise: The Family Firm Past and Present." In Chinese Business History. Routledge, 1998.
Chan, Wellington K. K., and Wellington K. Chan. Merchants, Mandarins, and Modern Enterprise in Late Chʻing China. East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1977.
Chang, Ning Jennifer. "Vertical Integration, Business Diversification, and Firm Architecture: The Case of the China Egg Produce Company in Shanghai, 1923–1950." Enterprise & Society 6, no. 3 (2005/09): 419-451.
Chapin, Christy Ford. "“Going Behind with that Fifteen Cent Policy”: Black-Owned Insurance Companies and the State." Journal of Policy History 24, no. 4 (2012): 644-674.
Chastain, Andra B. "“A shameful and uncivilized spectacle”: Taxibuses, students, and the conflicted road to deregulation in Pinochet’s Chile, 1975–1978." The Journal of Transport History 42, no. 2 (June 1, 2021): 187-205.
Chatelain, Marcia. Franchise: the golden arches in Black America. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2025.
Chávez, Matías. "Itinerancia comercial y control social. Trayectorias de mercachifles árabes en la Patagonia septentrional, Argentina (1900-1935)." Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social 19 (2022-01-28): 118-139.
Chávez, Tania, María Dolores Lorenzo, and Leonor Ludlow. "Negocios y servicios en la Ciudad de México a finales del siglo XIX. Análisis espacial y re-clasificación: el directorio de comercio de Figueroa Doménech y los criterios del Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte." Revista de Historia 84 (2021-07-01): 466-494.
Chávez Leyva, José Miguel. "Powerful Disruptions: Braceros, Campesinos, and the Green Revolution in Mexico, 1940–1965." Agricultural History 95, no. 3 (2021): 472.
Chazarreta, Adriana. "Trayectorias y perfiles socioeconómicos de propietarios y gerentes de empresas vitivinícolas (Argentina, 2002-2015)." H-industri@: Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina 14, no. 26 (2020): 61-84.
Chen, Zhongping. Modern China’s Network Revolution: Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century. Stanford University Press, 2011.
Chen, Hailian. Zinc for Coin and Brass: Bureaucrats, Merchants, Artisans, and Mining Laborers in Qing China, ca. 1680s–1830s. BRILL, 2018.
Cheng, Linsun. Banking in Modern China: Entrepreneurs, Professional Managers, and the Development of Chinese Banks, 1897-1937. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Cheong, Kee-Cheok, Poh-Ping Lee, and Kam-Hing Lee. "The internationalisation of family firms: case histories of two Chinese overseas family firms." Business History 57, no. 6 (August 18, 2015): 841-861.
Chinelato, Flavia Braga, and Diogo Batista de Freitas Cruz. "Parceiros do Brasil: Uma análise das exportações brasileiras." Cuadernos de Economía 40, no. 83 (2021-08-06): 459-482.
Choi, Sze Hang. The Remarkable Hybrid Maritime World of Hong Kong and the West River Region in the Late Qing Period. BRILL, 2017.
Choi, Chi-cheung, Takashi Oishi, and Tomoko Shiroyama. Chinese and Indian Merchants in Modern Asia: Networking Businesses and Formation of Regional Economy. BRILL, 2019.
Christy, Ralph D. Entrepreneurship-centered economic development: an analysis of African American entrepreneurship in the southern black belt / Dassie, Wylin.. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 2025.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "A Chinese movie mogul and the transformation of his movie empire—the Loke Wan Tho family and the Cathay Organisation in Southern China and Southeast Asia (1915–2000)*." Asia Europe Journal 7, no. 3 (2009-11-21): 463.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "Changes and continuities. Evolution of a Chinese family business (1876–2004)." Asia Europe Journal 3, no. 2 (2005-07-01): 259-268.
Chung, Stephanie Po-Yin. "Chinese Tong as British Trust: Institutional Collisions and Legal Disputes in Urban Hong Kong, 1860s–1980s1." Modern Asian Studies 44, no. 6 (2010/11): 1409-1432.
Chung, Stephanie Po Yin. "Creating ‘Family’ Networks across Time and Space: The Alsagoffs in Singapore, 1824–2009." Modern Asian Studies 52, no. 2 (2018/03): 458-491.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "Floating in Mud to Reach the Skies: Victor Sassoon and the Real Estate Boom in Shanghai, 1920s–1930s." International Journal of Asian Studies 16, no. 1 (2019/01): 1-31.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "FROM ANCESTRAL TONG TO JOINT-STOCK COMPANY: THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE YIP KWONG TAI TONG IN SOUTH CHINA, 1830s–1960s." International Journal of Asian Studies 12, no. 1 (2015/01): 79-105.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "Hong Kong Merchants in New China, 1900–11." In Chinese Business Groups in Hong Kong and Political Change in South China, 1900–25, edited by Chung, Stephanie Po-yin, 35-58. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1998.
Chung, Stephanie Po-Yin. "Moguls of the Chinese Cinema: The Story of the Shaw Brothers in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, 1924–2002." Modern Asian Studies 41, no. 4 (2007/07): 665-682.
Chung, Stephanie Po-Yin. "Surviving Economic Crises in Southeast Asia and Southern China: The History of Eu Yan Sang Business Conglomerates in Penang, Singapore and Hong Kong." Modern Asian Studies 36, no. 3 (2002/07): 579-617.
Chung, Stephanie Po-Yin. "The Transformation of an Overseas Chinese Family—Three Generations of the Eu Tong Sen Family, 1822–1941." Modern Asian Studies 39, no. 3 (2005/07): 599-630.
Chung, Stephanie Po-yin. "Western law vs. Asian customs: Legal disputes on business practices in India, British Malaya and Hong Kong, 1850s–1930s." Asia Europe Journal 1, no. 4 (2003-12-01): 527-539.
Cieply, Stefan K. "The Uncommon Man: Esquire and the Problem of the North American Male Consumer, 1957–63." Gender & History 22, no. 1 (2010): 151-168.
Ciolli, Karina Gabriela. "Ritmos globales y territoriales de la producción en la industria del calzado y su incidencia en la clase trabajadora." H-industri@: Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina 28 (2021-09-24 23:41:31): 165-180.
Cirer-Costa, Joan Carles. "Building Multinationals in the Mediterranean: Balearic Island Hotels in the 1990s." Management & Organizational History 15, no. 4 (2020): 338-359.
Clapp, Jennifer, and Doris Fuchs. Corporate Power in Global Agrifood Governance. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2009.
Clark, Sally H. Tust and Power: Consumers, the Modern Corporation, and the Making of the United States Automobile Market. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 2025.
Cleary, Patricia. "View of "She Will Be in the Shop": Women's Sphere of Trade in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia and New York." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (1995): 181-202.
Cliver, Robert. "Factory management in Chinese capitalist enterprises in the 1950s. The case of the Shanghai silk weaving industry labor-capital consultative conference." Enterprises et Histoire 2 (2021).
Cliver, Robert. "Minzhu guanli: the democratization of factory management in the Chinese revolution." Labor History 50 (2009): 409-435.
Cliver, Robert. Red Silk: Class, Gender, and Revolution in China's Yangzi Delta Silk Industry. Harvard University Asia Center, 2025.
Cliver, Robert K. "Surviving Socialism: Private Industry and the Transition to Socialism in China, 1945-1958." Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 16 (2015): 139-64.
Clough, Siiepard B. "Histoire de l'exploitation d'un grand réseau: La Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Nord, 1846–1937. (École Pratique des Hautes Études—Sorbonne. VIe Section: Sciences économiques et sociales, Centre de Recherches historiques. Industrie et artisanat, 7.) Paris: Mouton. 1973. Pp. 619. 78 fr." The American Historical Review 80, no. 3 (June 1, 1975): 653-654.
Coble, Parks. Chinese Capitalists in Japan's New Order: The Occupied Lower Yangzi, 1937-1945. Berkeley:, 2025.
Coble, Parks. Chinese Capitalists in Japan’s New Order: The Occupied Lower Yangzi, 1937-1945. University of California Press, 2003.
Coble, Parks M. "Comments and Reflections on Chinese Business History." Chinese Studies in History 31, no. 3-4 (April 1, 1998): 145-150.
Coble, Parks. The Shanghai Capitalists and the Nationalist Government, 1927-1937. Cambridge, MA:, 1980.
Cochran, Sherman. "15. Capitalists Choosing Communist China: The Liu Family of Shanghai, 1948–56." In 15. Capitalists Choosing Communist China: The Liu Family of Shanghai, 1948–56, 359-386. Harvard University Press, 2010.
Cochran, Sherman. Big Business in China: Sino-foreign Rivalry in the Cigarette Industry, 1890-1930. Harvard University Press, 1980.