
The BHC committee structure in brief: The Executive Committee is always composed of the President, the President-Elect, and the Secretary-Treasurer. The Budget Committee consists of the Past-President on the Board, the immediate Past-President, President, and President-Elect, and the Secretary-Treasurer. Two members of the Nominating Committee are elected by the members; the third is the immediate Past-President. They select candidates for Trustee, President-elect, Nominating Committee, and the Secretary-Treasurer. Members of the Print Media Oversight Committee (PMOC) and the Electronic Media Oversight Committee are drawn from the Trustees and are appointed by the President. Members of the Investment, Liaison, Emerging Scholars, and Grants and Prizes Committees are appointed by the President. The Grants and Prizes Committee appoints members to the specific prize committees: Krooss Dissertation, Kerr, Scranton, Wilkins, Halloran, and Gomory. The Hagley Book Prize Committee consists of a Hagley representative, a person appointed by the President, and a third member selected by those two. All other committee members are appointed by the President. For a full explanation of our committee structure, please see the By-Laws.

The Digital Strategy Ad-hoc Committee joins the co-directors of the project (Paula de la Cruz-Fernández and Shane Hamilton) and the project's research associates (Mariel García Llorens and Rebecca Orr) in the process of reviewing the Business History Conference's digital presence.

The Budget Committee consists of the Past-President on the Board, the immediate Past President, President, and President-Elect. The President acts as chair.


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is responsible for ensuring that the BHC encourages broad and diverse participation in the organization and annual meeting, as consistent with the BHC’s Commitment to Principles


Members of the Electronic Media Oversight Committee (EMOC) are drawn from the Trustees and are appointed by the President. The Electronic Media Oversight Committee (EMOC) has responsibility for the BHC's Web presence.


This committee was first constituted as an ad hoc group in 2008 and became a standing committee in 2009.

The Executive Committee is always composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. 

The Grants and Prizes Committee appoints members to the specific prize committees: Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History, K. Austin Kerr Prize, Philip Scranton Best Article Prize, Mira Wilkins Prize, CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility, Martha Moore Trescott Prize, and Ralph Gomory Prize. It also recommends recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award. In these lists, the year always refers to the meeting year; terms begin and end at the annual meeting.

The Hagley Book Prize Committee consists of a Hagley representative, a person appointed by the President, and a third member selected by those two.

The Halloran Prize is no longer offered.

The Kaufman Fellowship Program is funded through a generous donation from Dr. Henry Kaufman. It is intended to encourage emerging scholars to pursue research on topics related to financial history, broadly conceived.

The Investment Committee is charged with making recommendations about the handling of BHC finances and accounts. Note that the year always refers to the meeting year, at which terms begin and end.

The Kerr Prize Committee selects the finalists in the Kerr Prize competition for the annual meeting each year and then the winner after hearing the presentations. The committee was expanded to six people in 2023. Note that the year always refers to the meeting year, at which terms begin and end.

The Krooss Dissertation Prize Committee selects the presenters in the Herman E. Krooss Dissertation Session at the annual meeting each year and then chooses the winner. Note that the year always refers to the meeting year, at which terms begin and end.

The Nominating Committee consists of three individuals. The chair is the immediate Past President. The members elect the other two individuals to staggered two-year terms. Terms begin and end at the close of the annual scholarly convention, which is ordinarily in the Spring. The Nominating Committee actively solicits and recruits nominations from the members. Each year, at least four months prior to the annual scholarly convention, the Nominating Committee presents to the Secretary-Treasurer one candidate for the office of President-Elect and at least two candidates for each open position on the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee. Once every four years, the Nominating Committee recommends to the Trustees at least one candidate for Secretary-Treasurer. Trustees and Officers are ineligible to serve on the Nominating Committee during their term in office.

The Grants and Prizes Committee appoints members to the Philip Scranton Best Article Prize Committee.

Members of the Print Media Oversight Committee (PMOC) are drawn from the Trustees and are appointed by the President. The Print Media Oversight Committee (PMOC) deals with the BHC's print publications, primarily Enterprise & Society.

Program committee members are selected by the President, who also serves on the committee. Local arrangements members are included in this list when available. All terms begin and end at annual meetings.

Members of this committee are appointed by the Grants and Prizes Committee.

This committee was first constituted as an ad hoc group in 2008 and became a standing committee in 2009. Its purpose is to promote panels and other publicity about business history at the professional meetings of the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians.

The Grants and Prizes Committee appoints members to the Trescott Prize Committee.

The Grants and Prizes Committee appoints members to the Wilkins Prize Committee.