Teaching the History of Capitalism
Jennifer Black, Misericordia University, and Eric Hintz, Lemelson Center, co-chairs
This workshop will share some best practices for teaching the History of Capitalism in a variety of different pedagogical settings (i.e. as a component of a broader undergraduate survey, as a dedicated seminar at the undergraduate or graduate level, or within a business school). A panel of experienced professors will briefly share some of their most effective teaching strategies. Then participants will work in small groups with these expert facilitators to discuss potential assignments, readings, course structure / themes, and pedagogical techniques. Interested participants are asked to register for the workshop so that materials may be pre-circulated if available. This professional development workshop has been organized by the BHC’s Emerging Scholars Committee - please direct any questions to the ESC co-chairs Jennifer Black (jblack2@misericordia.edu) and Eric Hintz (hintze@si.edu).
Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University
Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
Chris McKenna, Said Business School, Oxford University
Amanda Mushal, The Citadel
Gregory J. Wood, Frostburg State University
To register for this workshop, use the annual meeting registration form.