Gerardo Con Diaz

Gerardo Con Diaz is Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the University of California, Davis. He holds a PhD in History (Yale, 2016) and was awarded BHC's Krooss Prize in 2017. During 2020-2021, he is a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution (Stanford), where he is writing a history of how U.S. copyright law has shaped the information and telecommunications industries (Yale, under contract). He is the author of Software Rights (Yale, 2019) and the editor-in-chief of the Annals of the History of Computing, where he has edited or co-edited special issues on topics such as governance and the IT industry and the relationships between computing and capitalism. He has won a number of awards and fellowships, most recently from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation. Since joining BHC, he has served on the Liaison Committee (2019) and the Krooss Prize Committee (2020).
Recent Presentations at BHC Annual Meetings