Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
This prize consists of a $500 award (endowed) and a plaque. Only dissertations written in English will be considered. The Secretary-Treasurer will post notices about the prize in suitable newsletters, journals, guides, electronic media, and in the BHC's call for conference papers. Any dissertation in business history completed in the three calendar years immediately prior to the annual meeting can be nominated or considered, but may be submitted only once for the committee's consideration.
The deadline for proposals for the Krooss prize is November 14. Nominations (or self-nominations) are to consist of a cover letter, the dissertation abstract, and the author's c.v. and are to be uploaded using this form: https://thebhc.org/krooss-prize-nomination.
The prize committee is to consist of three members, one of whom will be the chair. Each member serves a three-year term, rotating onto the committee as junior member, then becoming chair, and then exiting after serving a final year as senior member. The Chair of the Krooss Prize Committee shall preside over the entire process and chair the plenary dissertation session at the BHC annual meeting. The committee will screen the materials from the nomination process and from these nominations draw up a short list of dissertations (roughly, 8 to 10) that the committee will consider as semifinalists. Authors will be notified and asked to send each committee member a copy of his or her dissertation. From these the committee will narrow the candidates down to no more than five finalists, who are to present their dissertations at the annual meeting. Selection of the winner is to be determined by the committee either prior to or following the presentations by finalists selected by the committee, depending on the committee's preference.

2024 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Harvard University

2023 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Postdoctoral Fellow Copenhagen Business School

"Speculation and Profiteering: The Entrepreneurial Transformation of Socialist China"
Harvard University, 2020Ph.D. Supervisor:
2022 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Harvard University

Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth Century”
2021Ph.D. Supervisor:
List of Finalists
2021 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Assistant Professor, History, Bentley University

"Yuppies: Young Urban Professionals and the Making of Postindustrial New York"
Princeton University, 2020Ph.D. Supervisor:
2020 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Assistant Professor, Purchase College, SUNY

"Black Power, Inc: Global American Business and the Post-Apartheid City"
Johns Hopkins University, 2018Ph.D. Supervisor: N.D.B. Connolly and Angus Burgin
2019 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong

"Networks of Capital: German Bankers and the Financial Internationalisation of China (1885-1919)"
University of Cambridge, 2017Ph.D. Supervisor: Hans van de Ven
2018 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Colorado Denver
“From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation".
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017Ph.D. Supervisor: William Cronon
2017 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies

"Intangible Inventions: A History of Software Patenting in the United States, 1945-1985"
Yale University, 2016Ph.D. Supervisor: Daniel J. Kevles
2016 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient

"City of Debtors: Law, Loan Sharks, and the Shadow Economy of Urban Poverty, 1900-1970"
University of Pennsylvania, 2014Ph.D. Supervisor: Sarah Barringer Gordon
2015 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Virginia

"Inventing Purity in the Atlantic Sugar World, 1860-1930"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014Ph.D. Supervisor: David Kaiser
2014 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of British Columbia

"Magic Connections: German News Agencies and Global News Networks, 1905-1945"
Harvard UniversityPh.D. Supervisor: Charles Maier
2013 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of California-Berkeley

"From Memory to Mastery: Accounting for Control in America, 1740-1880"
Harvard University, 2012Ph.D. Supervisor: Sven Beckert and Claudia Goldin
2012 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Manchester

"Selling Paris: Real Estate and Commercial Culture in the Fin-de-Siècle Capital
University of Chicago, 2010Ph.D. Supervisor: Leora Auslander
2011 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
"The Science of Difference: Developing Tools for Discrimination in the American Life Insurance Industry, 1830-1930"
Princeton University, 2009Ph.D. Supervisor: Daniel T. Rodgers
2010 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of New Hampshire
"The Good Consumer: Credit Reporting and the Invention of Financial Identity in the United States, 1840-1940"
University of Pennsylvania, 2008Ph.D. Supervisor: Carolyn Marvin
2009 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of California, Los Angeles
"Your Job is Your Credit: Creating a Market for Loans to Salaried Employees in New York City, 1885-1920"
University of California, Los Angeles, 2008Ph.D. Supervisor: Naomi Lamoreaux
2008 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Cornell University

"Debtor Nation: How Consumer Credit Built Postwar America"
Harvard University, 2007Ph.D. Supervisor: Lizabeth Cohen
2007 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Dartmouth College
"The Soul of the Service Economy: Wal-Mart and the Making of Christian Free Enterprise, 1929-1994"
Yale University, 2006Ph.D. Supervisor: Glenda Gilmore
2006 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of York

"Trucking Country: Food Politics and the Transformation of Rural Life in Postwar America"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005Ph.D. Supervisor: Deborah K. Fitzgerald
2005 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Co-recipient
Business History Group
"Shaped by Risk: The American Fire Insurance Industry, 1790-1920"
Johns Hopkins University, 2004Ph.D. Supervisor: Louis Galambos
2005 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Co-recipient
University of Strathclyde
"State Subsidies and the Sources of Company Finance in Italian Industrial Districts, 1951-1991"
London School of EconomicsPh.D. Supervisor: Max-Stephan Schulze
2004 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Department of History, University of Delaware
"Civic Beauty: Beauty Culturists and the Politics of African American Female Entrepreneurship, 1900-1965"
Rutgers UniversityPh.D. Supervisor: Deborah Gray White
2003 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Lecturer in Economic History and Management, London School of Economics

"Entertainment Industrialized: The Emergence of the International Film Industry, 1890-1940"
European University Institute, 2001Ph.D. Supervisor: Jaime Reis
2002 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Economy League of Greater Philadelphia
"A Nation of Realtors: The Professionalization of Real Estate Brokerage and the Construction of a New Middle Class"
University of Maryland, 2001Ph.D. Supervisor:
2001 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Reader in Business History & Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

"The World's Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the Twentieth Century"
Johns Hopkins University, 2000Ph.D. Supervisor: Louis Galambos
2000 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture, and Design, Professor Design Studies Department, University of Wisconsin

"Standard Bearers: Material Culture and Middle-Class Communities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century"
Yale University, 1999Ph.D. Supervisor: Jean-Christophe Agnew
1999 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of California, Los Angeles
"Fueling the Fires of Genius: Women's Inventive Activities in American War Eras"
University of California, Los Angeles, 1998Ph.D. Supervisor: Mary Yeager
1998 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
North Carolina State University
"New Technology, New People, New Organizations: The Rise of the MOS Transistor, 1945-1975"
Princeton University, 1998Ph.D. Supervisor: Michael S. Mahoney
1997 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Texas, San Antonio
"Wine, Work, and Wealth: Class Relations and Modernization in the Champagne Wine Industry, 1870-1914"
Indiana University, 1996Ph.D. Supervisor: William Cohen
1996 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Leadership Chair in the History of Business and Society

"Imagining Consumers: Manufacturers and Markets in Ceramics and Glass, 1865-1965"
University of Delaware, 1995Ph.D. Supervisor: David A. Hounshell and Anne M. Boylan
1995 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
"Beyond the Broker State: A History of the Federal Government's Policies toward Small Business, 1936-61"
The Ohio State University, 1994Ph.D. Supervisor: Mansel Blackford, K. Austin Kerr, and William Childs
1994 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of California, Los Angeles
"Building an American Book Trade: Philadelphia Publishing in the New Republic"
University of California, Los Angeles, 1991Ph.D. Supervisor: Joyce Appleby
1993 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Research Professor Emerita, American Bar Foundation
"Cooperatives and Corporations: The Sun-Maid Antitrust Case and the Legal Status of Agricultural Cooperatives, 1890-1943"
University of California at Berkeley, 1990Ph.D. Supervisor: Harry N. Scheiber and Morton Rothstein
1992 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Michigan Census Research Data Center and Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

"Information Systems and Internal Organization: A Study of the Dow Chemical Company, 1890-1914"
Yale University, 1991Ph.D. Supervisor: William N. Parker and David F. Weiman
1991 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Maryland, Emeritus

"Selling Power: Marketing and Monopoly at Boston Edison, 1886-1926"
Brandeis UniversityPh.D. Supervisor: Morton Keller and Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
1990 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
Columbia University

"Spreading the Word: The Postal System and the Creation of American Society"
Harvard University, 1989Ph.D. Supervisor: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., and David Herbert Donald
1989 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of California Washington Center
"State Intervention and Industrialization: The Origins of the Brazilian Automotive Industry"
Yale University, 1988Ph.D. Supervisor: William N. Parker and Albert Fishlow
1988 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
University of Texas at Austin (retired)

"Farmers as Entrepreneurs: Regulation and Innovation in American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century"
Brown University, 1987Ph.D. Supervisor: Naomi Lamoreaux
1986 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History Recipient
"From Conflict to Consensus: The American Institute of Accountants and the Professionalization of Public Accountancy, 1886-1940"
Johns Hopkins University, 1985Ph.D. Supervisor: Louis Galambos