Martha Moore Trescott Prize

The Martha Moore Trescott Prize, introduced in 2019, is generously funded by a bequest from the estate of the late Martha Moore Trescott. The prize is awarded to the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference. The award honors pioneering scholars Paul Uselding, Harold F. Williamson, Richard C. Overton, Alfred D. Chandler, and Albro Martin. Martha Moore Trescott was herself a pioneering member of the BHC and published extensively, particularly on the role of women in science and engineering, while she worked in academic administration for several universities. The prize will be for the amount of $500.

Criteria and eligibility: The BHC will establish a prize committee of three under the terms set out in the by-laws. The prize will be awarded on the basis of the written version of a paper to be presented at the annual meeting. Those wishing to be considered for the prize must indicate so at the time of submitting their original proposal for the meeting. Self-nominating scholars must also provide the written paper to the Chair of the committee not less than one month before the annual meeting. Though the prize will be awarded on the basis of the written paper, candidates must attend the meeting and present their work. Scholars who are eligible for the Kerr Prize may also enter the Trescott Award. There are no other restrictions on eligibility.

Written papers should be no longer than 4,000 words (exclusive of notes, bibliography, appendices, figures and illustrations).

Martha Moore Trescott

2024 Martha Moore Trescott Prize Recipient

Jennifer Black
Associate Professor of History and Government, Misericordia University (2020-current)
"Networks for Sale: Advertising and Infrastructure in the US, 1830-1860"

Honorable Mention:

Andrew C. Godley 

"Green Entrepreneurship in UK Foods and the emergence of the alternative meat sector: Quorn 1965-2001"

2023 Martha Moore Trescott Prize Recipient

Marina Moskowitz
Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture, and Design, Professor Design Studies Department, University of Wisconsin
"Broadcasting Seeds on the American Landscape"

Honorable Mention:

Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg, Copenhagen Business School, "The Can War – Everyday Business History from the Perspective of the Aluminium Container"

2022 Martha Moore Trescott Prize Recipient

Charles Petersen
Stanford University
“Flexible Accumulation, Flexible Organization, Flexible Masculinity: Silicon Valley and the Birth of a New Subjectivity, 1957-1998”

Honorable Mention:

Tina Wei, “The US Contraceptive Market Niche: the OCP, the IUD, and their Physician Inventors, 1970-1985”

2021 Martha Moore Trescott Prize Recipient

Fabian Prieto Ñañez
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
"Disrupting National Infrastructures: Satellite Television, Informal Trade, and Suitcase Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean in the 1980s," Business History Conference (March 2021) [View PDF]

Honorable Mention:

Sarvnaz Lotfi (Virginia Tech), “The Stock Market and the Space Age: R&D Assetization and the Quest for Certainty”

2020 Martha Moore Trescott Prize Recipient

Owen James Hyman
University of Mississippi
“Collaboration and Dispossession: The Creation of NASA’s Space Technology Laboratory”