2021 BHC Virtual Meeting Program

This online meeting was held in the Hopin virtual conferencing system.


Thursday, March 11th

Roundtables, 10:00am - 11:00am

Session a: An International Collaboration of Business Historians: Female Entrepreneurs in the Long Nineteenth-Century, A Global Approach
Hopin Session RT1
Sharing the challenges and opportunities of our global collaboration on nineteenth-century female entrepreneurship, this roundtable will describe and analyze our experiences as part of a 20-member team of scholars examining women in business across the globe in the long nineteenth century. In… Read more
Chair: Pamela Laird, University of Colorado, Denver
Jennifer Aston, Northumbria University, Newcastle
"New Perspectives: Reframing and Refocusing through Collaboration"
Alisha Cromwell, Coastal Carolina University
"A Workshop of One’s Own"
Kari Zimmerman, University of St. Thomas
"Joining Separate Fields & Separate Spheres in Business History"
Susan Ingalls Lewis, State University of New York, New Paltz
"Breaking Barriers, Thinking Bigger "
Session b: From Glass-Steagall to the Volcker Rule: Examining the Regulatory Regimes in the Changing US Banking Industry
Hopin Session RT3
Since the creation of the Banking Act of 1933, commonly known as GlassSteagall, the investment and retail banking landscape in the United States - often blamed for underpinning the Great Depression - has evolved through cycles of regulation, deregulation, and re-regulation. Policymakers, industry… Read more
Chair: Gabriel Suprise, Independent scholar
Discussants: Mark H. Rose, Florida Atlantic University, and Richard Sylla, New York University, and David Sicilia, University of Maryland
Session c: Making Sense of Digital Sources
Hopin Session RT4
The more business and organisational historians focus on the events of the late twentieth century and beyond, the more they are finding traces of the past that were created digitally. Despite the increasing relevance of emails, webpages and other born-digital material, there has been little… Read more
Chair: Stephanie Decker, University of Bristol
Discussant: David Kirsch, University of Maryland
Stephanie Decker, University of Bristol
Adam Nix, De Montford University
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata, National Archives, United Kingdom
Douglas Oard, University of Maryland
Jessica Ogden, University of Bristol
Gavin Benke, Boston University

Chat Facilities, 10:00am - 4:15pm

Hopin Chatroom

Online Showcases, Thursday, 11:00am - Saturday, 7:00pm

Hopin Showcase Booths
Richard Popp, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
"A Businessman’s Holiday: The Time Newstour and the Forging of a Multinational Mindset"
Gavin Benke, Boston University
"Multinational Corporations and Post-national Thinking in the 1970s"
Alan Loeb, Alan P. Loeb and Associates
"The Use of Business History in Solving Climate Change"
Mary Bridges, Yale University
"Bankers’ Acceptances and Foreign Credit Information"
Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School
"The Growth of US Multinational Enterprises and the Birth of International Business as an Academic Discipline"
Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg
"Fashion and Entrepreneur: Developing Home-Grown Fashion Retailing in South Africa, the case of Edgars Stores"
Thomas Heinrich, Baruch College
"Anglo-American Naval Shipbuilding and Industrial Mobilization, 1937-1945"
Erin Cully, CUNY Graduate Center
"Financial Supermergers and the Business of Banking in the 1990s"
Peter Labuza, University of Southern California
"Hard, Fast, and Capital: Ida Lupino and The Art-Business Divide of 1950s Hollywood"
Rachel Gross, University of Colorado, Denver
"Bringing the Outdoor Experience Indoors"
Hideki Nakamura, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow
"Building a Supply Chain for the Future Market Leader Position: Competitive Advantage in the History of the Computer Market"
Bashar Malkawi, University of Arizona
"Sustainability and Trade: The EU Green Deal and Future Business"
Glenn Bugos, Moment LLC
"Bigness in Silicon Valley"
Adoracion Alvaro-Moya, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)
"Contextualizing Organizational Imprinting. The Case of Spanish Engineering Consulting firms"
Aída Calvo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
"Entre cuentas y rankings: intersecciones entre la historia empresarial y la historia contable durante el proceso de apertura económica en Colombia. "
Samuel Backer, Johns Hopkins University
"'That Mysterious Rag': Vaudeville, Tin Pan Alley, and the Rise of the American Entertainment Industry"
Bram Bouwens, Utrecht University, and Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique
"Cross Border Alliances: An Opportunity or a Guarantee of Failure in Normal Business Life and Crisis? The Cases of Air France-KLM and Renault-Nissan Technology"
Araceli Almaraz, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
"Empresas y empresarios en el sector agroindustrial de Baja California: circuitos comerciales y sucesiones"
Dylan Gottlieb, Princeton University
"Takeover: Finance and Proletarianization at Wall Street Law Firms"
Charles Petersen, Cornell University
"Employee Stock Options and the Origins of Neoliberalism"
Daniel Levinson Wilk, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
"Performing the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire"
Maki Umemura, Cardiff University
"Paradox Adoption of Medical Technology? Reshaping Fertility in Japan, 1983-2018"
Juanjuan Peng, Georgia Southern University
"Tecno Mobile in Africa: The Adventure of a Private Chinese Phone Manufacturer"
Andrew Busch, Coastal Carolina University
"Turning to Texas: An Alternative Perspective on Business and Government in the 1970s"
Johnathan Williams, Boston University
"A Green Compromise: Target and the EPA in the 1990s"
Martin Louis Johnson, University of North Carolina
"Letting Dynamite Do It: Du Pont’s Motion Pictures, 1910-1930"
Susan Ohmer, University of Notre Dame
"Constructing Production: The Walt Disney Studio’s Move to Burbank in 1940"
Rachel Miller, College of Idaho
"Mass Culture Before Adorno: The US Theater Industry in the 1870s"
Gloria Calhoun, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Entrepreneurs and Technological Change: Inventing Underground Infrastructure (1871-1910)"
Timothy Blanton, University of Florida
"Bucket Shops and Business Progressivism"
Jiemin Tina Wei, Harvard University
"Amazon Mechanical Turk: Methodological Innovation in an Evolving Labor Market"
Paolo Bozzi, Humboldt Univeresität zu Berlin
"An Italian Sonderweg Towards Social Democracy? Taxes, Inflation, and the Reshaping of the Italian Fiscal Contract, 1973 – 1984"
Kenneth Reilly, University of Western Ontario
"From Green Menace To Green Moneymaker: The Sakae Bio Inc. Kudzu Factory, 1990-1999"
Jiakai Jeremy Chua, University of Southern California
"Defying the Gravity of ‘Dominant Parent’ Sino-Foreign JVs: Nationalist Leadership and Control of Eurasia Aviation Corporation, 1931-1943"
Bárbara Burton, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Centro de Estudios CITECDE, and Magdalena Garmendia, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), IHUCSO-Litoral
"“Sean eternos los emprendedores”: disputas en las narrativas históricas sobre el proceso de legitimación del paradigma emprendedor en Argentina (1980-2020) "
Simone Fari, Universidad de Granada
"Conceptualising Entrepreneur in the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Harilaos Kitsikopoulos, New York University (retired) and Unbound Prometheus Program
"Comparative Costs of Leading British Steam Models in Relation to Water Power, 1800-70"
Luca Zan, University of Bologna, and Bulent Ari, Istanbul University
"Shipbuilding & Early Forms of Modern Management. Comparing Venice & The Ottomans after Lepanto (1571)"
Luca Zan, University of Bologna, and Qingmei Xue, Nanjing University
"The Chinese Accounting Profession in the People’s Republic. A Preliminary Understanding from an Oral History Perspective "
Daniela Pirani, University of Liverpool
"How Biscuits Became Italian: The Fleeting Nature of Country of Origin Effect"
Joao Rafael Cunha, University of St Andrews
"The Financial Regulatory Cycle"
Rob Konkel, Princeton University
"Caught in Webs of Credit: Corporations and Resource Interdependence after the First World War"
Keith Harris, Purdue University
"“We must make known our case at Washington”: Trade, Tariffs, and Protective Liberalism, 1816-1820"
Juan Manuel Matés-Barco, Universidad de Jaén
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa"
Débora Ascencio, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
"Desde los orígenes hacia el auge. Reconstrucción historiográfica de las empresas públicas argentinas antes del ciclo privatizador (1800-1975)"
Kyle Barnett, Bellarmine University
"Convergence Cultures in the U.S. Recording Industry, 1925-1935"
Yan Xu, University of Chicago
"Local Tinkering, Institutional Change and the Rise of Tech Entrepreneurship in China"
RAMIRO VILLASANA, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
"Nuevos aportes a la historia empresarial en México: inversionistas, agroindustria y sucesiones"
Mark Straver, Erasmus University Rotterdam
"Navigating between changing market conditions and rigid resources: Dutch shipbuilding companies’ strategies during the rise of Japanese competition, 1950-1983"
Carlos Gutierrez, Universidad Nacional de Misiones
"El Boom de la Obra Pública en Misiones en los 2000’s: estrategia política y cambio estructural "
Karen Trivette, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
"Voices of Fashion Industry Decision-makers: The Oral History Program at the Fashion Institute of Technology-State University of New York"
Chris Madsen, Canadian Forces College
"Shifting Integration from British to American Predominance in Canadian Munitions Production”"
María José Vargas-Machuca, Universidad de Jaén
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa"
María José Vargas-Machuca, Universidad de Jaén, España
Kyunghee Pyun, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
"Teaching Business History in Art Collecting: Industrialists of Fossil Fuels and Big Pharma"
Mark Carlson, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Domestic and International Crises in the Early 1930s and Their Effects on Conditions in New York City Money Markets and in the Market for U.S. Treasury Bonds"
Marc Adam, Forum for a New Economy
"Liquidating Bankers' Acceptances: International Crisis, Doctrinal Conflict and American Exceptionalism in the Federal Reserve 1913-1932"
Yeniffer Camargo Bonilla, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
"El tejido productivo empresarial del Bajío: consolidación de industrias agroalimentarias y de inputs agropecuarios"
Leonardo Caruana, Universidad de Granada, España
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa / Recent publications in Business History"
Leonardo Caruana, Universidad de Granada
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa"
Chris Corker, University of York
"After ‘The Arsenal of the World’: the Sheffield Armaments Industry 1930-1945"
Eric Daniels, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
"Design Thinking and the Business of Disruption"
Jesse Tarbert, Independent Scholar
"American Capitalism, American Government: The Business Roots of the Modern Administrative State"
Natalya Vinokurova, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
"Leaping Forward and Bridging Back: Understanding Cognitively Distant Opportunities"
Martín Cuesta, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa"
Martín Cuesta, Universidad de Buenos Aires
"Publicaciones Recientes en Historia de la Empresa"

Opening Social Networking Event, 11:15am - 1:00pm

Hopin Networking Area

Concurrent Sessions 1, 1:30pm - 2:45pm

Session a: Labor Control as Management Strategy
Hopin Session 1a
Chair: David Singerman, University of Virginia
Discussant: Caitlin Rosenthal, University of California, Berkeley
Justene Hill Edwards, University of Virginia
"Paternalism, Control, and Capitalism in Antebellum South Carolina"
Bernadette Perez, University of California, Berkeley
"Managing Nature’s Shortcomings in Colorado’s Sugar Industry"
Erin Hatton, University of Buffalo
"Control over Status as Labor Coercion"
Session b: Black Consumers, Black Entrepreneurs, and Economic Justice in the Twentieth-Century United States
Hopin Session 1b
Chair: Traci Parker, University of Massachussetts, Amherst
Discussant: Traci Parker, University of Massachussetts, Amherst
Ronny Regev, Hebrew University
"Market Propagations: Visions of the Black Consumer and the Black Businessowner in the Twentieth Century"
Kendra Boyd, Rutgers University, Camden
"Black Entrepreneurs’ Search for Alternatives to Capitalism in the 1930s"
Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Respect and Respectability: Black Consumers and the Politics of Beer Marketing in the Postwar United States"
Session c: Branding and Image-Building in the United States, c.1830-1910
Hopin Session 1c
Chair: Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
Discussant: Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
Amy Sopcak-Joseph, Wilkes University
"Crafting a Nation of Ladies: Marketing Godey’s Lady’s Book in the Nineteenth Century"
Travis Ross, Yale Center for Medical Informatics
"New Patrons of the Press: Corporate Constructions of Benevolence and Obligation in Gilded-Age Subscription Publishing"
Jennifer Black, Misericordia University
"Visualizing Character: American Advertising Personalities in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era "
Nick Pozek, Columbia University Law School
"U.S. Corporate Philanthropy and Foreign Relations in the 20th century"

Concurrent Sessions 2, 3:00pm - 4:15pm

Session a: Las Empresas de la Europa Mediterránea y de Iberoamérica en el Siglo XX. Lecciones de la Historia Empresarial ante los Retos del Futuro
Hopin Session 2a
Chairs: Pablo Alonso-Villa, Universidad de Valladolid, and Jorge Lafuente del Cano, Universidad de Valladolid
Pablo Alonso-Villa, Universidad de Valladolid, and Pedro Pablo Ortúñez, Universidad de Valladolid
"Los Fabricantes de Automóviles en España y en Portugal durante el Siglo XX. Una perspectiva Histórica Comparada"
Javier Arroyo Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and Rafael Barquin, Universidad Nacional a Distancia
"La Compañía Metropolitano de Madrid. Un Éxito Empresarial para el Transporte Urbano (1919-1936)"
Jorge Lafuente del Cano, Universidad de Valladolid
"Los Empresarios Españoles entre la Dictadura y la Democracia"
Fabiano Quadros Rückert, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
"La Compañía Hidráulica Porto-Alegrense y el negocio del agua en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, Brasil (1861-1941)"
Session c: Methodological Workshop: Business History and Environmental Standards after 1960
Hopin Session 2c
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Discussant: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Samuel Klebaner, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
"Regulation Crises and Dynamics: How to Connect Business and Policymaking"
Sabine Pitteloud, University of Geneva
"Delay and Dilution in the Implementation of Environmental Norms: Business Groups and the Regulation of Car Emissions in Switzerland in the 1970s–1980s"
Mattias Näsman, Umeå University
"Safe Before Green! The Greening of Volvo Cars 1970s-1990s"
Grace Ballor, Harvard Business School
"Accelerating Environmentalism or Racing to the Bottom? Automakers, Emissions Standards, and the Single European Car Market, 1985-1992"

Friday, March 12th

Concurrent Sessions 3, 9:00am - 10:15am

Session a: Money and Politics in Early America
Hopin Session 3a
Chair: Sharon Murphy, Providence College
Discussant: Sharon Murphy, Providence College
Katie Moore, University of California, Santa Barbara
"'Like the Fish in the Sea, the Greater Will Devour the Less': Money, Banking, and the Fear of Monopolies in Early America"
Jonah Estess, American University
"New Money: The American Revolution and the National Origins of the Politicization of Money, 1775-1857"
Christina Carrick, Boston University
"The Benefits of Banishment: The Lasting Influence of Loyalist Merchant Networks on the Early American Republic"
Session b: Notes on Monetary Governance in Nineteenth Century America
Hopin Session 3b
Chair: Susie Pak, St. Johns University
Discussant: Susie Pak, St. Johns University
Ann Daly, Brown University
"The Independent Treasury, William M. Gouge, and Federal Currency Reform in the Antebellum US"
David Thomson, Sacred Heart University
"‘He [Chase] thinks there is a fourth person in the Trinity’: Salmon Chase and the Civil War Treasury"
Sean Vanatta, University of Glasgow
"The Origins of Federal Bank Supervision and Supervisory Discretion, 1863-1875"
Session c: The Politics of Individualized Risk Management
Hopin Session 3c
Chair: Caley Horan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rachel Bunker, New York University
"Making and Managing War Risk: The War-Risk Insurance Bureau and Insuring Soldiers’ Lives During the First World War"
Benjamin Wiggins, University of Minnesota
"Tracing the Ideology of Racialized Risk Management in the United States"
Allison Schwartz, University of Minnesota
"Fatal Attraction: The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Interminable Link Between Gender, Debt, and Risk"
Elizabeth Shermer, Loyola University Chicago
"Social Welfare or Risk Management? Reconsidering US Federal Student Loan and Social Welfare Policies"
Shane Hamilton, University of York
"Technologies of Risk Management in Modern Agribusiness"
Session d: U.S.-China Collaboration, 1800-2000
Hopin Session 3d
Chair: Shuang Frost, University of Southern California
Dan Du, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
"Black Gold and White Gold: Weaving a Global Network through the Chinese-American Tea Trade, 1815-1842"
Dael Norwood, University of Delaware
"An Exclusive Traffic: The Failed Collaboration Between Olyphant & Co., the United States, and the Republic of Peru in the Business of Human Trafficking in the First Era of Globalization"
Zhaojin Zeng, Duke Kunshan University
"Beijing Jeep, Tsingtao Beer: Entrepreneurship, Networks, and the Re-making of the US-China Economic Relations in the 1980s"
Peter Hamilton, Trinity College Dublin
"From College Station to Shanghai: Mu Xiangyue and the Introduction of Taylorism in China"

Chat Facilities, 9:00am - 6:00pm

Hopin Chatroom

Concurrent Sessions 4, 10:30am - 11:45am

Session a: Organization in Agriculture
Hopin Session 4a
Chair: Araceli Almaraz, Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Gustavo Concari, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, and Carolin Greising, Universidad Católica del Uruguay
"Historia y Aportes de la Unión económica del Uruguay (1911-1941)"
Noah Bender, University of California, Berkeley
"The Politics of Emigration in Imperial Germany; or, How German Agrarians Conspired to Halt the Transatlantic Migration, 1873-1914"
Daniel Gresham, St. Mary's College
"Breaking the Supply Chain: How Cattlemen and Packers Cooperated to wipe out Middlemen after World War I"
Session b: Monetary Systems
Hopin Session 4b
Chair: Gail Triner, Rutgers University
Israel Cedillo Lazcano, Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
"The Creation of Inside Money within the Aztec Empire"
Christian Naranjo Navas, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
"Revisiting the Beginnings of the Central Banking in Ecuador"
Session c: Competition, Cartels, and Monopolies
Hopin Session 4c
Chair: Richard John, Columbia University in the City of New York
Discussant: Laura Phillips-Sawyer, University of Georgia
Ghassan Moazzin, University of Hong Kong
"Hu Xiyuan, Oppel Lamp Manufacturers Ltd. and Sino-Foreign Competition in the Electric Lamp Industry in China, 1921–1937"
Liane Hewitt, Princeton University
"Private Planning: The International Chamber of Commerce’s Promotion of International Cartels and 'Industrial Self-Government' in Between the Wars, 1919-39"
Frank Vanderlinden, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
"United Aircraft and Transport Corporation: The Brief Rise and Fall of a Near Perfect Monopoly"
Session d: Ethics and Morality and the Making of Business
Hopin Session 4d
Chair: Sean Patrick Adams, University of Florida
Nicole de Silva, University of California, Santa Barbara
"'Housewives Imagine a New World': The International Cooperative Women’s Guild's Conceptions of Ethical Commerce, 1921-1924"
Spencer Tompkins, The New School
"From Regulating Markets to Managing Individuals: The Diebold Group’s Planning for Change"
Julio Cesar Zuluaga, Universidad Javeriana
"Strategic Philanthropy and Family Business: The Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Manuelita, 1920-1950"

Krooss Dissertation Plenary, 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Hopin Plenary Stage

Chair: Heidi Tworek, University of British Columbia

Mary Bridges, 'Branching Out: Banking, Credit, and the Globalizing US Economy, 1900s-1930s' (Ph.D. History, Vanderbilt University)

Dylan Gottlieb, 'Yuppies: Young Urban Professions and the Making of Postindustrial New York' (Ph.D. History, Princeton University)

Joshua Hollands, 'Work and Sexuality in the Sunbelt: Homophobic Workplace Discrimination in the US South and Southwest, 1970 to the Present' (Ph.D. History, University College London)

Peter Labuza, 'When a Handshake Meant Something: Lawyers, Deal-Making, and the Emergence of a New Hollywood' (Ph.D. Cinema and Media Studies, University of Southern California)

Ashton Merck, 'The Fox Guarding the Henhouse: Coregulation and Consumer Protection in Food Safety, 1946-2002' (Ph.D. History, Duke University)

Early Career Networking Session, 3:45pm - 6:00pm

Hopin Networking Area

Saturday, March 13th

Concurrent Sessions 5, 9:00am - 10:15am

Session a: Institutions of Family Capitalism
Hopin Session 5a
Chair: Andrew Popp, Copenhagen Business School
victor pegoraro, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
"Capitalismo familiar en la industria de la construcción (1950-1990). Pequeñas y medianas empresas en Mar del Plata, Argentina"
Núria Puig, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Maria Fernandez-Moya, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)
"Business Schools and Family Capitalism: An Insight into IESE Executive Program, 1958-1974"
Lindsay Keiter, University in Altoona, Pennsylvania
"From Matrimonial Lottery to Marriage Market in Early America"
Session b: Identity and Subjectivity in Business
Hopin Session 5b
Chair: Bill Foster, University of Alberta
Michael Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
"Identity Narratives of Danish Maersk Captains - Negotiating Self and Company Loyalty in the Age of Containerization"
Amal Kumar, Harvard University
"The Organizational Self as a Historically Contingent Dialectic: The Case of the California Postsecondary Education Commission, 1974-2011"
Ida Jørgensen, Copenhagen Business School
"Maintaining the Eskimo: Business and the Construction of Race"
Session c: Publishing and Literature
Hopin Session 5c
Chair: Adoracion Alvaro-Moya, Colegio Universitario De Estudios Financieros
David Rahimi, University of Texas, Austin
"Publishing Consumerism: Franklin Book Programs in Iran, 1950s-1970s"
Denise Sutton, New York City College of Technology
"Harlequin Mills & Boon in India: From the ‘Colonial Library’ to Marketing to Modern Indian Readers"
Damian Clavel, University of Oxford
"Robert Southey’s Madoc Revisited: Excluding Indigenous Peoples from British Business Imperialism in the Early Decades of the Nineteenth Century"
Sonia Jaimes-Penaloza, Universidad Icesi
"La noticia como empresa. El caso del periódico Relator- Diario liberal (Cali, 1918-1960)"
Session d: Methodologies in Business History
Hopin Session 5d
Chair: Takafumi Kurosawa, Kyoto University
OSCAR MONTIEL, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
"The History of Entrepreneurship Backward: An Exploratory Approach From Industrial Archaeology"
William Lazonick, Academic-Industry Research Network
"Is the Unproductive Firm the Foundation of the Most Efficient Economy? Penrosian Learning and the Neoclassical Fallacy"
Claire-Lise Debluë, Swiss National Science Foundation
"What Can Business History Learn from Media History? Media Archaeology and the Challenge of Technological Determinism"
Luise Elsaesser, European University Institute
"‘We Wiped the Tears Away and the Grease off the New Motors’: Changing Professions at the End of the Working Horses’ Life"

Concurrent Sessions 6, 10:30am - 11:45am

Session a: Professions and Elites
Hopin Session 6a
Chair: Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
Alina Marktanner, RWTH Aachen University
"Engineering Political Discourse: Business Consultants in the German Public Sector, 1950s to 1990s"
Israel García Solares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and Ted Beatty, University of Notre Dame
"Engineers in Managerial Positions in the U.S. and Britain, 1870-1920: A Big Data Approach"
Evangelia Matthopoulou, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
"The Recruitment of Business Elite in a Colonial Context: The Case of British Cyprus"
Yun Wu, Tokuyama University
"Seeking Compatible and Embracing Differences: Management Transfer in China 1978-1990"
Session b: Rules and Relationships
Hopin Session 6b
Chair: Edward Balleisen, Duke University
Laurent Beduneau-Wang, HEC Montreal
"The Evaluation of Public-Private Collaboration in Water Management in the Paris’ Suburb (1923-2017): from Discretion to Publicizing"
Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford, and Rebecca Orr, European University Institute
"Light Fingers and Visible Hands: Deploying Fidelity Guarantee Insurance to Curb Employee Theft"
Eugenio Andrieu, University of Johannesburg, and Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg
"Rule of Law versus Personal Relationships: a Clash of Cultures"
Session c: El futuro de las empresas en tiempos de crisis: ¿qué nos enseñan los empresarios del siglo XX? El caso de España
Hopin Session 6c
Chair: Carlos LARRINAGA, Universidad de Granada
Mercedes Fernández Paradas, Universidad de Málaga
"Las empresas de suministro de gas en el siglo XX"
Carlos LARRINAGA, Universidad de Granada
"De una empresa local a una empresa nacional en el sector turístico. Viajes Cafranga antes del boom turístico"
Mariano Castro Valdivia, Universidad de Jaén
"Empresas extranjeras en la industria de red española (1911-1920)"
María Vázquez-Fariñas, Universidad de Jaén
"La Comercialización del Vino en el Marco del Jerez en el Siglo XX - The Commercialization of Wine in the Marco del Jerez Area through the 20th Century"
Session d: State Enterprise and Technology
Hopin Session 6d
Chair: Manuel Alejandro Bautista-González, Columbia University in the City of New York
federico ghibaudo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Juan Odisio, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad de Buenos Aires
"Empresa Pública y Desarrollo Científico en Argentina. Los Laboratorios de YPF, 1925-1994"
Ewan Gibbs, University of Glasgow
"Long Waves in Energy History: Competing Fuel Policy Coalitions During Britain’s Long Movement out of Coal-Fired Electricity from the late 1940s to the early 1990s"
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Northumbria University, and Marybeth Rouse, University of Johannesburg
"From Redlining to M-Pesa: The Role of the Entrepreneurial State Behind Innovative Technology to Deliver an Inclusive Financial Sector "

Concurrent Sessions 7, 2:00pm - 3:15pm

Session a: Enterprise, Politics, and the State
Hopin Session 7a
Chair: Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina
Chris Choe, University of Georgia
"Fully Armed and Operational: The U.S. Government and the Panama Canal"
Vincent Dubé-Senécal, University of Oslo
"The Decoupling of the French Textile Industry and Haute Couture in the 1950s and 1960s"
Mónica Farkas, Universidad de Buenos Aires
"La Configuración de la Cultura Postal Argentina como Agente Estatal de la Transformación Económica de los Imaginarios de Espacio y de Tiempo en el Siglo XIX y su Proyección en el Contexto de la Pandemia del Siglo XXI"
Session b: Technology and Innovation
Hopin Session 7b
Chair: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Anne Heslinga, Erasmus University Rotterdam
"Toward a Business History of the Internet: Digital Games and Gaming as a Case Study Approach to ‘Big Tech’ Industries"
Eric Hintz, Smithsonian Institution
"American Independent Inventors in an Era of Corporate R&D"
Sarvnaz Lotfi, Virginia Tech
"The Space Age and the Stock Market: R&D Assetization and the Quest for Certainty"
Session d: Uses of the Past
Hopin Session 7d
Chair: Susie Pak, St. John's University
Daniela Pirani, University of Liverpool
"Inventing Marketplace Traditions: Memory and Materiality in the Case of Mulino Bianco and the Italian Breakfast (1975-1996)"
Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal, Queen Mary University of London
"How to Commemorate Manuelita’s First Hundred Years? The Uses of the Past and the Historical Construction of Affective Events in Family Firms "
Session e: Entrepreneurial Drivers in Time
Hopin Session 7e
Chair: Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
Juan Baños, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, and Javier Fernandez-Roca, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
"When a Woman Loves a Firm: Cándida Morand, an Institutional Entrepreneur in 19th-century Spain"
Fabian Prieto-Ñañez, Virginia Tech
"Disrupting National Infrastructures: Satellite Television, Informal Trade, and Suitcase Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean in the 1980s"
Jackie Wang, University of Hong Kong
"Engendered Entrepreneur: Women and the Politics of Business in Modern China"

Presidential Address, 4:00pm - 5:15pm

Hopin Plenary Stage

Presidential Reception and Awards Ceremony, 5:30pm - 8:00pm

Hopin Awards Ceremony Session