Sean Delehanty
Management, Financial Economics, Business Schools, Takeovers
I am a fifth-year PhD Candidate in History at Johns Hopkins University with Angus Burgin as my advisor. My research focuses on American political economy and the history of capitalism in the second half of the twentieth century. My dissertation focuses on the development of financial economics in business schools, and the rise of shareholder value ideology in American business as a result of the 1980s takeover wave. I received an M.A. in History from Johns Hopkins in 2018. Prior to starting my PhD, I received a B.A. in History and International Relations from the University of Rochester in 2013, as well as an M.B.A. with concentrations in Finance, International Management, and Business and Public Policy from the University of Rochester in 2015. While in business school, I spent the Summer of 2015 working for USAID in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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