2014 BHC Meeting

The 2014 Program Committee consisted of: Ed Balleisen, Duke University (chair); Chris McKenna, University of Oxford; Andrea Schneider, Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (Society for Business History) (Germany); Per Hansen, Copenhagen Business School (BHC President), and Jan-Otmar Hesse, Universität Bielefeld. Local arrangements in Frankfurt were provided by the Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte.


Photos from this annual meeting

BHC Members: submit your own photos from this meeting

Heidi Tworek, Joyman Lee, and Fashad Bishara, Krooss finalists

2014 Meeting Photo Collage

Holy Roman Emperor portraits, Kaisersaal, Römer

Directions to the BHC Meeting at Goethe University's Poelzig Building

Early browsers at the book and journal exhibit

Committee chair Ken Lipartito with Halloran Prize recipient Stephanie Decker

Roger Horowitz in conversation with Rose Bishara

The Poelzig Building, Goethe University

Andrew Godley, Craig Murphy, Meg Graham, and Eric Hintz