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Blessy Abraham
University of Delhi
Colonial India, Economic and Business History, Tariffs, History of Capitalism, Industry, cultural/intellectual history
Marc Christopher Adam
Policy Officer, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
American Economic History, History of Capitalism, Financial history, central banking, Economic History
Sean Patrick Adams
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Professor, University of Florida
19th century, Energy, Industrialization
Michael R. Adamson
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FTI Consulting
Energy, International Development, urban
Tamuno-opubo Addah Temple
Student, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Osun State
publishing, Sport & Business, International Development, women's leadership development, Multinationals Offshoring Business-Governement Relations, Digital Humanities, history of advertising and consumer culture, Business and Culture, Entreprenuership, family business
Abdulgafar Adewale
Lagos State University, Ojo , Lagos State University, Ojo , Lagos State University, Ojo
Ajayi olalekan Ezekiel
Ajayi crowther university oyo
@Bu ssd's
Advertising and Marketing Industries
Araceli Almaraz Alvarado
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Professor
Entrepreneurial families, Business History, History of Science and Technology, Entrepreneurial History, family business
Francesca Russello Ammon
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Cities, Planning, Architecture
Ibanca Anand
Johns Hopkins University
cultural/intellectual history, Business and Economic History, American Economic History
Stuart Anderson-Davis
Columbia University
Lobbying, media, Public Relations, Business History
Bench Ansfield
Harvard University
urban history, Racial Capitalism, African-American History, History of Capitalism
Melissa Aronczyk
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Associate Professor, Media Studies, Rutgers University
Corporate culture
Leticia Arroyo Abad
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Latin America, Political Economy, institutions
Fernando Arteaga
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university of pennsylvania
Economic History, Economic Development
Débora Ascencio
Ph.D Fellow, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Argentina), Ph.D. Candidate, University of Buenos Aires, Associate Proffesor, University of Buenos Aires
Economic History, State-Owned Enterprise
Anil Askin
Brown University
History of Capitalism, Labor History, environmental history
Jennifer Aston
Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
ATSE Martial
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Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Abidjan-Cocody, Ivory Coast, General Coordinator of African Network of Young Researchers, Pan-African University
African business history, Economic History, political economy and social responsibility.
Maylis Avaro
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University of Pennsylvania
Financial history, central banking
Shaukat Ayaz
Visiting Scholar at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign , Lecturer of Marketing Iqra National University Peshawar Pakistan.
Chernoh Alpha M. Bah
Northwestern University
African business history, Labor History, British Empire, Corporations and the Environment, Economic History, Business and Economic History, Multinational Corporations, Political Economy, Slavery
David Baillargeon
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University of Texas at Arlington
British Empire, Modern Britain
Bruce E. Baker
Reader in American History, Newcastle University
Commodities, History of Economic Crime, White Collar Crime, 19th c. US, Informal Economics
Erik Baker
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Harvard University
20th c. US., Entreprenuership, Labor History, Management History
Dalit Baranoff
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Business History Group, Fellow: Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Bryant K. Barnes
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University of Georgia
Capitalism, Political Economy, political history, Racial Capitalism, Southern U.S., Railways, Corporate Politics
Kyle Barnett
Associate Professor of Media Studies, Bellarmine University
media, Media Industries, cultural history, music, Material Culture
Tracy Barnett
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University of Georgia
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
Professor of FinTech History and Global Trade, Northumbria University , Universidad Anáhuac México
retail payments (cashless; credit cards), automation, history of computers, Latin America (Mexico), history of management thought
Manuel Alejandro Bautista-González
Postdoctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - Mexico and South America, University of Oxford
Money, Finance, Capitalism, Slavery, United States, Mexico, Latin America
Laurent Beduneau-Wang
Assistant Professor, Africa Business School, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (Rabat, Morocco), Associate Researcher, UMR G-EAU (Montpellier, France)
Business-Government Relations, African business history, Agribusiness, Business Schools
Ihsan Beezer
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Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University
African-American Management History, African-American History, Black Business, History of U.S. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial History, Business-Government Relations, Business and Economic History, Brazil, 1850s-1940s
Donica Belisle
University of Regina
supply chains and globalization, Global Histroy, Transnational history, Agriculture, Advertising and Marketing Industries, Capitalism, Racial Capitalism, Political Economy, Consumer Culture, retail history
Gavin Benke
Boston University
Business and Culture, Corporations and the Environment, Energy, Financial Services
Peter H. Bent
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Assistant Professor, Trinity College
Katherine Benton-Cohen
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Professor of history, Georgetown University
American women's history, Immigration, Capitalism, Borderlands, Philanthropy
Sean Bigley
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Early Sullivan Wright Gizer and McRae LLP
Jennifer Black
Associate Professor of History and Government, Misericordia University (2020-current), Assistant Professor of History and Government, Misericordia University (2014-2020)
history of advertising and consumer culture, material and visual culture, cultural history, 19th c. US, Consumer Culture, Business fraud
Jennifer C. Boettcher
Business Librarian, Georgetown University, Business Librarian, Texas A&M University
Mark S. Bonham
Senior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto
Financial Economics, Business History
Johanna Bozuwa
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Climate and Community Project
Paolo Bozzi
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Ph.D. candidate, Humboldt University of Berlin
History of Capitalism
Phillip G. Bradford
Associate Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut, Stamford CT, USA
History of Science and Technology, Technology, Technology and Business
Carlos Andres Brando
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Adjunct Lecturer, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA)
Business and Economic History, Banking, Political Economy, Latin America
Lauren Braun-Strumfels
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Cedar Crest College
Immigration, Southern U.S., Labor History, Railways
Laura Brown
University of Texas at Austin
Jordan Buchanan
University of California, San Diego
Latin America, Networks, Economic and Business History, Economic History, Globalizing Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, International Trade
Emily Buchnea
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Newcastle Business School
Andrew D Burns
Doctoral Researcher, University of Edinburgh Business School
Regina L. Burns
University of North Texas
Black Business, 20th c. US., beauty
Heather Butina-Sutton
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University of Houston
African-American History, Women, Black Business, Slavery, Brazil
Steven Calco
Cornell University, Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Labor, industrial-labor relations, Labor History, Business History, Labor-Management Relations, Unions
Yeniffer Alexandra Camargo Bonilla
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Agriculture, Business and Economic History, Transportation
Stephen W. Campbell
Lecturer, Cal Poly Pomona
Banks, Political Economy
Jairo Campuzano-Hoyos
Professor of Business History, Universidad EAFIT
Colombian Business History, The Circulation of Ideas and Technologies, Globalizing Latin America, Business and Culture, 1850s-1940s, institutions, Executive education, International Expositions., Industrialization
Flavia Canestrini
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Luiss University, Rome, Italy, Sciences Po Paris, France
Business and Economic History, Banks, History of Globalization, Financial history
Kerry Carmichael
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DProf Candidate, Shenandoah University
History of U.S. Entrepreneurship, African-American History, Entrepreneurism, 20th c. US., 19th c. US, Business History, gender and work
Kyle B. Carpenter
Instructor of History, University of Arkansas Rich Mountain, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University
diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, Transnational history, Transatlantic History, Borderlands
José Manuel Carrasco Weston
Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Perú)
Latin American business history, Business and Economic History
Christina Carrick
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Princeton University
Christopher J. Castaneda
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California State University, Sacramento
Sergio Castellanos-Gamboa
Bangor Univeristy
Financial history, Economic History, Consumer Credit
Israel Cedillo Lazcano
Full-Time Lecturer Researcher, Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP).
Legal History, financial regulation, History of Money, Money
Bianca Centrone
Princeton University
Business and Economic History, Labor-Management Relations, Industrialization, Knowledge and capitalism, The Circulation of Ideas and Technologies, Europe, Modern
Paul Chastko
University of Calgary
Oil Industry, Oil Multinationals, 20th century, 20th c. US.
Marcia Chatelain
Professor, Georgetown University
Black Business
Tao Chen
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Associate Professor, Tongji University
Chinese economy and business, Multinational Corporations, Communist Enterprise, Technology and Business, supply chains and globalization, Foreign Direct Investment, Transnational history
Aaron L Chin
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University of New Hampshire
19th c. US, Political Economy, History of Money, central banking, Banking
Jessica P. Clark
Brock University
Modern Britain, consumption, beauty, urban space, gender and enterprise
Duncan Connors
Otago Business School and Division of Commerce
State-Owned Enterprise, Energy, Deindustrialization, historical theory, history of management thought, 20th century, Modern Britain, United States History, US-Japan Business History, British industry (1960s)
Eli Cook
University of Haifa
Capitalism, American Economic History
Mandy Cooper
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Business History, Legal History, 19th c. US, American women's history, Slavery, emotions, political history, cultural history, Business-Government Relations, family business
Jonathan Coopersmith
Professor, Dept. of History, Texas A&M University
failure, History of technology, information
Chris Corker
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University of York
Industrial clusters
Juan-Santiago Correa
Professor, CESA Business School
Pier Paolo Creanza
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Princeton University
American Economic History, Innovation
Stephen Cummings
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Copenhagen Business School, Victoria University of Wellington
Innovation, Business and Economic History, Strategy
Alex Sayf Cummings
Georgia State University
History of technology, History of Capitalism, Labor, copyright law, History of Science-Medicine-Technology, Southern U.S., landscape and the built environment, Political Economy, American West
Joao Rafael Cunha
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Lecturer, University of St Andrews
financial regulation, Finance, Financial Economics, Financial history, Financial Institutions, Financial Services, Banking, Banks, Money and finance, central banking
John D'Amico
Yale University
Business and Economic History, East Asia, Trade, Early Modern Europe
Susmita Das
University of Illinois
History of Capitalism, history of advertising and consumer culture, post-1945 US, Business and social history of socialist systems, Culture Industries and Markets, Transnational history, Multinational Corporations, Business History, Communication, Political Economy
Dr P K Dash
VTU, Sandip University, BIT Mesra
Advertising, Material Culture, African-American History
Jessica Dauterive
PhD Candidate, George Mason University
20th c. US., cultural history, music, Southern U.S.
Jerry Davis
University of Michigan
Corporate Governance, Corporate organization, information technology
Anastasia Day
Hagley Scholar, University of Delaware
Environment, Agriculture, Industrialization, Mid-Century Corporation, World War II, Food, Consumer Cultures
Paula de la Cruz-Fernández
Digital editor and Assoc. Director, Inquire Capitalism Program, University of Florida, Web editor, Business History Conference
gender and enterprise, Multinational Corporations, Spain, Latin America (Mexico)
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University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh, Manchester Metropolitan University
Fashion and Textiles, Material Culture, British business, Textiles, Transnational history, Business and Culture
Stephanie Decker
Professor of Strategy & International Business, Birmingham Business School
sub-Saharan Africa, multinational companies, historical theory, historical methodology, organization studies, international business & strategy
Brayan Delgado Muñoz
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Universidad Javeriana
Historia empresarial, Historia económica
Bill Demarest
Stony Brook University
Colombia, Latin America, Transnational Consumer Culture, Consumer Space
Pat Denault
Retired, BHC; Harvard University
Historical editing, digital scholarship
William Deringer
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meera Ann Desai
University of Michigan
20th c. US., Innovation, information technology, Organizations, political economy and social responsibility., Digital Humanities, History of Science and Technology, STS, Technological Change
Christopher R. Deutsch
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Teaching Postdoc, University of Missouri
20th c. US., 20th century, food history, History of Consumption, history of gender, political history
Kiran Kumar D N
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Pondicherry University, University of Hyderabad
inequality, Caste, Business and Economic History, Colonial India, Crony Capitalism, Political Economy, neoliberalism, family business, Economic Development, gender and enterprise
Rodrigo da Costa Dominguez
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University of Minho
Economic History, Trade, State Formation, Interstate commerce, Welfare State, Early Modern Europe, Early America, History of Capitalism, Early Republic United States, Business and Economic History
Thien Dong
Georgia Institute of Technology
entrepreneurship, Technological Change, Strategy, Innovation
Zachary Dorner
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University of Maryland, College Park
Colleen Dunlavy
Professor emerita of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Political Economy, Corporate Governance, Corporate organization, Commodities, Business and Economic History, History of Capitalism, History of technology
James D Dupey
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Arizona State University
Robert Eberhart
Knauss School of Business, University of San Diego
Institutional Change, institutions, Entrepreneurial History, Entrepreneurism, Organizations, inequality
Megan Elias
Boston University
Food, gender
Luise Elsaesser
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European University Institute
Economic and Business History, Business and Culture, 19th century, History of Consumption, Political Economy
María Fernanda Erazo Obando
Doctora en Historia y Estudios Regionales, Becaria Conacyt, Universidad Veracruzana
Historia empresarial, History of Industrial Research, Networks, Historia económica, Latin American business history, Business and Economic History, History of Entrepreneurship
Nahomi Linda Esquivel
University of Chicago
Immigration, Labor History, Borderlands, Legal History
Jonah Estess
American University
Political Economy, History of Capitalism, History of Money, Money and finance, State Formation, Early Republic United States, United States History
Boyu Fang
University Carlos III of Madrid
20th century, Chinese economy and business, diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship, East Asian modern business history
Giovanni Favero
Professor of Business History, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice School of Management
historical methodology, uses of the past, History of Capitalism, Management theory and history; Science and technology studies; History of science; Marketing history; Consumer culture; Organizational Behavior;, Accounting
Anne Fleming
Consumer Credit, Commercial Law, bankruptcy, Fringe Lending, Contracts, Poverty
Robert Fredona
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University of York
Capitalism, Commercial Law, cultural/intellectual history
Aaron Freedman
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Columbia University
Labor, Finance, Political Economy, 20th c. US.
Xaq Frohlich
Auburn University
Food, Technology, Consumer Culture, standardization, consumer information economy, Marketing
Adam Frost
Postdoctoral Fellow Copenhagen Business School
History of Capitalism, Modern China, Entreprenuership, Informal Economics
Johnny Fulfer
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Ph.D. student, Indiana University
Matt Garcia
Dartmouth College
Agribusiness, Labor, Borderlands, Latin American business history
Alexandra Garrett
Saint Michael's College
Early America, Early Republic United States, American women's history, gender and enterprise, history of gender, Slavery
Shennette Garrett-Scott
Texas A&M University
Mihajla Gavin
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Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
Marlene Gaynair
Washington State University
Transatlantic History, 20th century, Black Business, Immigration, food history, 20th c. US., American Consumer Culture, Popular Culture, urban history, diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship
federico ghibaudo
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Economic Development
Valeria Giacomin
Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
Global Histroy, Entrepreneurial History, Industrial clusters, International Business, Agribusiness, Philanthropy
Mark R Gibb
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
19th c. US, History of Capitalism, History of Beer and Brewing, Small Business, the history of the corporation, Industrialization, Urban Development, Immigration
Ewan Gibbs
Lecturer in Global Inequalities, University of Glasgow
Deindustrialization, labour history, industrial-labor relations, Energy, Foreign Direct Investment, multinationals, offshore oil
Ashley Gilbert
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University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Early America, British Empire, Trade, American women's history
Eric Godelier
Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
@EricGodelier ‏
Corporate culture, Managerial Elites, General Business History
Eun Sun Godwin
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Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University of Wolverhampton, UK
Auto Industry, British industry (1960s), Business and Culture, Business and Economic History, African business history, Business History, Corporate culture, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
Marcus Golding
University of Texas
Latin American business history
Aurora, Gómez-Galvarriato
Professor, El Colegio de México
Latin America, Networks, Crony Capitalism, Banks, Globalization
Sage M Goodwin
Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford
20th c. US., African-American History, Media Industries, American History, journalism, Public Relations, cultural/intellectual history, The Circulation of Ideas and Technologies, history of communication, inequality
Dylan Gottlieb
Assistant Professor, History, Bentley University, NEH-Hagley Fellowship in Business, Culture and Society, Hagley Center
United States, Twentieth Century, Consumer Culture, Labor History, Financial history
William Glenn Gray
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Purdue University
History of Capitalism, Foreign Direct Investment, Brazil, US foreign policy
Maxwell Greenberg
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University of Wisconsin -- Madison
History of Entrepreneurship, Business education, Education, Politics, Political Economy, Business Political Activism, 20th c. US.
Joanna Grisinger
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Associate Professor of Instruction, Center for Legal Studies, Northwestern University
regulation, Public policy and regulation, Transportation
Carlos Abel Gutierrez
Profesor titular-regular, Historia Argentina S XIX. Facultad de Humanidades y Cs Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM), Profesor titular-regular, Historia Económica Mundial. Facultad de Cs Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM), Doctorando, Facultad de Humanidades y Cs de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
Caroline Hackett
Florida State University
Early Modern Europe, France, American women's history, gender and work, gender and work, history of gender
Catharina Haensel
PhD Student, Georg-August University of Göttingen , PhD Student, Scuola Normale Superiore
Anna Hajdik
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
20th c. US., American Consumer Culture, Business and Culture, business and consumption, US History since 1865; the New Deal; history of capitalism; antimonopoly; politics of consumption
Jade Halbert
Lecturer in Fashion Business and Cultural Studies, University of Huddersfield
Culture Industries and Markets, Entrepreneurial families, Fashion and Textiles, Manufacturing, Retailing
Andrew Hall
John Handel
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Baylor University
Finance, Technology, Slavery, History of financial infrastructure
Daniel Hanley
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Open Markets Institute
Political Economy, antimonopoly
Tim Hannigan
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Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
Institutional Change
Bradley Hansen
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Professor, University of Mary Washington
bankruptcy, Finance, Institutional Change, law
Andrew Hargadon
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University of California Davis
Innovation, History of Science and Technology, History of technology, Business Management
David Raphael Harris
University of Georgia
Business and Economic History, Cold War history, History of Capitalism, 20th century, American Economic History
Hiromichi Hasebe
Kyorin University
Institutional Change, History of management, Executive education, Networks, Corporate culture, Culture Industries and Markets, History of Science and Technology, Management theory and history; Leadership; Science and technology studies; History of science; Marketing history; Consumer culture; Organizational Behavior;, industrial-labor relations, US-Japan Business History
Erin Hatton
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Associate Professor, University at Buffalo
Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
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Associate Professor, University of Cyprus
Business Law, Commercial Law, international trade law, law
Katherine Hempstead
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rutgers University
Insurance, United States History, Public policy and regulation
Nataša Henig Miščič
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Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia
19th century, 19th century finance, Banks, Business and Economic History, environmental history, Financial history, History of financial infrastructure, Security, the welfare state, financial regulation
Liane Hewitt
Centre for History and Economics, Sciences Po Paris
antimonopoly, European Common Market, Corporate Governance, Economic and Business History, Planning, Public policy and regulation, Transatlantic History, Europe, Modern, Global Histroy
David M. Higgins
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Newcastle University
Eric Hintz
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, Smithsonian Institution
invention, Innovation, R&D, History of Science and Technology, Business History
Josh Hollands
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Teaching Fellow in United States History, University College London
Keith Hollingsworth
Professor of Management, Morehouse College
Black Business
Bareerah Hoorani
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Radboud University
Mirek Tobiáš Hošman
University of Bologna, Paris City University
Business and Economic History, Cold War history, American Economic History, History of Globalization, Economic Development, International Development, Financial Institutions
Vicki Howard
University of Essex, Visiting Fellow, School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies, Journal Co-editor, "History of Retailing and Consumption" (Routledge)
Retailing, Consumer Culture, gender, policy
Jordan Howell
University of Manitoba
20th c. US., Multinational Corporations, Labor History, Corporations and the Environment, Political Economy, Transnational history
Marie Huber
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Phillips Universität Marburg, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Vilja Hulden
Instructor, University of Colorado Boulder
Labor History, Business-Government Relations, Lobbying
Atiya Hussain
Graduate Institute, Geneva
History of Capitalism, Financial history, World War II, East Asian modern business history
Steven Hyland
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Associate Professor, Wingate University
diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship, Globalizing Latin America, Immigration, Latin America
Lizzie Ingleson
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Postdoctoral fellow, Southern Methodist University
Elizabeth Ingleson
London School of Economics and Political Science
Ola Innset
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Postdoctoral researcher, BI Norwegian Business School
State-Owned Enterprise, Economic and Business History, neoliberalism
Trevor Israelsen
Penn State University
Entrepreneurial families, Entrepreneurial History, family business, institutions, cultural history
Stephanie Jacobe
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Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Maryland Global Campus
19th c. US, 19th century finance, Social and Cultural, Business History
Conrad Jacober
Johns Hopkins University
Financial history, Political Economy, Capitalism, neoliberalism, 20th c. US., Banks, the New Deal, financial regulation, Consumer Credit, Credit Reporting
David Jacobs
American University, Kogod School of Business
Labor History, Management theory and history; Leadership; Science and technology studies; History of science; Marketing history; Consumer culture; Organizational Behavior;, Business Political Activism
Sonia Jaimes-Penaloza
Adjunct Professor, Universidad Icesi, Ph. D. Candidate at Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar
Yuan Jia-Zheng
Harvard Business School
Business and Economic History, Sustainability, Auto Industry, China, international business & strategy, policy
Joseph Johnson
Temple University
US foreign policy, History of Science and Technology, Technology and Business, Diplomacy, environmental history, cultural/intellectual history
Marrisa Joseph
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Henley Business School, University of Reading
history of publishing, Publishing., Creative Industries, Media Industries, copyright law, Institutional Change, Professionalization
Diana Jue-Rajasingh
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University of Michigan
Trish Kahle
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Georgetown University Qatar
20th c. US., Capitalism, consumption, Energy, environmental history, Labor
Aparna Kapadia
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Williams College, Associate Professor
Business History, urban history
Yazen Kashlan
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University of California Berkeley
Economic Development, International Trade, Manufacturing, Business and Economic History
Bryan Kauma
Southwestern University
African business history, environmental history, sub-Saharan Africa, Economic History, food history
Lindsay M. Keiter
Assistant Professor, Penn State Altoona, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation/ College of William & Mary
history of gender, American women's history, family business
Bill Kelson
Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellow
History of Capitalism, Modern China, Financial history, International Trade, East Asia, Banking
Connor Kenaston
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Randolph College
media, Religion, Media Industries, United States History, American Consumer Culture, 20th c. US.
Shawna Kidman
Associate Professor, University of California San Diego
Media Industries, History of Capitalism, antimonopoly, Black Business, Nonprofit Organizations, Financial Institutions, Corporate organization, Small Business
David Kirsch
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University of Maryland
Wilfried Kisling
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Assistant Professor, WU Vienna, Associate Researcher, University of Oxford
19th century finance, Microfinance, Banking, Financial history, Financial Institutions, History of financial infrastructure, International Trade
Samuel Klebaner
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Assistant Professor, University Sorbonne Paris Nord
Market Regulation, Auto Industry, Regulatory policy, European Common Market
Rebecca Kobrin
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Associate Professor, Columbia University
Religion, family business
Ben Kodres-O'Brien
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Columbia University, The New School for Social Research, Virginia Tech
Energy, Political Economy, History of technology, 20th c. US., Public policy and regulation, Communication, Innovation, uses of the past, US History since 1865; the New Deal; history of capitalism; antimonopoly; politics of consumption
Ernest K.W. Koh
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Business History, Business and Economic History, Economic History, East Asian modern business history
Michael Kubo
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Rhode Island School of Design
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata
Digital Archiving Researcher, The National Archives, United Kingdom
Digital Humanities, Business History
Enes Kurt
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Research Assistant, Istinye University
cultural/intellectual history, 20th century, Management theory and history; Science and technology studies; History of science; Marketing history; Consumer culture; Organizational Behavior;, Business Management, Defence Industries
Danielle La Scala
De Montfort University, University of Leicester, Arts and Humanities Research Council / Midlands4Cities
food history, food studies, History of Consumption, cultural history, history of advertising and consumer culture, History of Globalization, British business, Modern Britain, Supermarkets, American Consumer Culture
Shayan S. Lallani
University of Ottawa
Business and Culture, Globalization, History of Globalization, food history, 20th c. US., Globalizing Latin America, history of advertising and consumer culture, American Consumer Culture
Jeremy Land
Postdoktor, University of Gothenburg, Visiting Researcher, University of Helsinki
Early America, Trade, International Trade, International Business, Transatlantic History, Financial history, central banking
Joe Lane
Assistant Professor, Henley Business School, University of Reading
Innovation, Industrial clusters, History of technology, Business and Economic History, Manufacturing, Networks, Strategy
Josh Lauer
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University of New Hampshire
Media Industries, History of Science and Technology, American Consumer Culture, Consumer Credit
Michael Leger
University of Cambridge
Economic Development, central banking, 20th century, Financial history
Jessica Levy
Assistant Professor, Purchase College, SUNY
Black Business, Corporate Politics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Multinational Corporations, Race, Urban Development
Ying Li
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
20th c. US., industry dynamics, Management theory and history; Science and technology studies; History of science; Marketing history; Consumer culture; Organizational Behavior;
Ioannis Limnios Sekeris
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Panteion University
Immigration, Transportation, Business, Organizations, Business-Government Relations
Benjamin D. Lisle
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Assistant Professor, Colby College
Beining LIU
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The University of Hong Kong, School of Business and Economics
Economic History, Political Economy, Chinese economy and business
Yi Liu
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Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, Fudan University, Shanghai China
Banking, Chinese economy and business, Financial history, International Expansion, International Trade
Jaime E. Londoño-M.
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Profesor, Universidad Icesi
History of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economic History, Business and social history of socialist systems, Women, Sport & Business
Terri Lonier
CEO, Make International, Founder, Authority By Design
Marisol Lopez Romero
Universidad Anáhuac de México
Financial history, Globalization, financial regulation, General Business History, gender and enterprise
Miguel A. López-Morell
Associate Professor, Universidad de Murcia
Banking, Foreign Direct Investment, Business History
W. Luo
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Florida State University
Jose Joaquín Luque-García
Student, Universidad de Mála
Natural Gas, History of Industrial Research
Karin Lurvink
Postdoc researcher VU Amsterdam, Investment Risk Manager and Researcher PGGM Investments
Kira Lussier
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Mississauga
History of management, History of Science and Technology, Consumer Culture
Mingke Ma
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University of Oxford
Noah MacDonald
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Emory University
Labor, American Economic History, Labor History, Business and Economic History
Graeme Mack
University of Richmond, University
Professor Mairi Maclean
Professor of International Business, University of Bath
historical theory, historical methodology, international business & strategy
Andrea R. Maestrejuan
Associate Professor of History, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Innovation, invention, History of Science and Technology
Joseph Anthony Maiolo
Professor of International History, Department of War Studies, King's College London
Benoit Majerus
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University of Luxembourg
History of financial infrastructure, law, 20th century
Joseph Malherek
George Washingon University
History of Capitalism, American Consumer Culture, diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship
Kevan Q. Malone
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Humanities Center, Texas Tech University
urban history, environmental history, Borderlands, United States History, Mexico
Alina Marktanner
Postdoc, RWTH Aachen University
consulting, Public Finance, Business-Government Relations, History of Science and Technology, Management History, labour history, Professional Firms, political history
Aaron W. Marrs
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Historian, U.S. Department of State
Chris Abdul Hakim Martinez
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Université de Kindia
African business history, sub-Saharan Africa, Commodity Chains, Industrialization; Mining and Metals; Futures Markets; International Business; Modern US, Capitalism, Labor History, Economic Development, Business and social history of socialist systems, Business and Economic History
Susana Martinez-Rodriguez
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Associate Professor, University of Murcia
Business History, Business Law, gender and enterprise
Whitney Martinko
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Villanova University
the history of the corporation, 19th c. US, cultural history, Material Culture
Sheena Mason
Assistant Professor at Suny Oneonta, President of Theory of Racelessness, PH.d
African-American History
Macon McCormack
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University of Glasgow
James McElroy
Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, University of Minnesota
Ajay K. Mehrotra
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Northwestern University, American Bar Foundation
Business and Economic History, Legal History, Political Economy
Timothy Mennel
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University of Chicago Press
Tracy Mensah
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Western Carolina University
African business history, Economic History, Department Stores, Entrepreneurial families, family business
Deborah Tiniwah Mensah
Ca 'Foscari University, University of Professional Studies, Accra
Strategy, Marketing, global brands
Ashton Merck
Postdoctoral Researcher, North Carolina State University, Non-Resident Affiliate, Duke Center on Risk
20th century, Agriculture, Business fraud, Consumer protection, Regulatory policy, Trade, United States, Public policy and regulation
Adam Mestyan
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Duke University
African business history, labour history, environmental history, Commodities, food history, Religion, State-Owned Enterprise, Capitalism
Cynthia Meyers
College of Mount Saint Vincent
marketing strategy, Media Industries, Telecommunication, Culture Industries and Markets, Advertising and Marketing Industries, 20th c. US., entertainment
Stephen Mihm
University of Georgia
Laura Milanes-Reyes
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Independent Scholar
Latin American business history, Media Industries, Female Entrepreneurship, Social and Cultural, cultural/intellectual history
Peter Miskell
Henley Business School, University of Reading
Kenichi Miyata
Meiji University
Institutional Change, Creative Industries, History of Science and Technology, Technological Change, International and strategic management, Business education, Media Industries, International comparative study of history of management system, US-Japan Business History, 20th c. US.
Francis Daudi
Universität Basel , Saint Augustine University of Tanzania
African business history, sub-Saharan Africa, Business and Economic History
Ghassan Moazzin
Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
19th century finance, Chinese economy and business, East Asian modern business history, Financial history, History of technology, China
Shazwan Mokhtar
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National University of Malaysia
Trade, Banks, Commodities, Interstate commerce, 20th century, British Empire, Agriculture, Business and Economic History, environmental history, food history
Joseph S. Moore
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Kennesaw State University
Social and Cultural
Fauziyatu Moro
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Marina Moskowitz
Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture, and Design, Professor Design Studies Department, University of Wisconsin
material and visual culture, landscape and the built environment, business and consumption, constructions of the middle class
Jack Moss
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University of Nottingham
retail history, cultural history, History of Crime, post-1945 US, urban history, British business, Design, Architecture, Planning
Sharon Murphy
Providence College, Professor of History
19th c. US, Financial history, Slavery, Banking, Insurance
Aldo Musacchio
Brandeis University, NBER
State-Owned Enterprise, Corporate Governance, Multinational Corporations, Financial history, Innovation, Banking, Latin America, Brazil