All Prize Recipients
2024 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Honorable Mention:
Gerardo Con Díaz, "Patent Law and the Materiality of Inventions in the California Oil Industry: The Story of Halliburton v. Walker, 1935–1946," Enterprise & Society, Volume 24 , Issue 1 (2023) [open access]
2024 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Honorable Mention:
Emmet von Stackelberg
"From the World to Rochester: The Raw Materials of Kodak’s Motion Picture Film"
2024 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Postdoctoral Fellow, Williams College
2024 Martha Moore Trescott Prize
For the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of the technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Associate Professor of History and Government, Misericordia University (2020-current)
Honorable Mention:
Andrew C. Godley
"Green Entrepreneurship in UK Foods and the emergence of the alternative meat sector: Quorn 1965-2001"
2024 Anne Fleming Article Prize
For the best article in either Law and History Review or Enterprise and Society on the relation of law and business/economy
Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies
Honorable Mention:
Nora Slonimsky, "‘To Save the Benefit of the Act of Parliament’: Mapping an Early American Copyright," Law and History Review, Volume 40, Issue 4 (2022).
2024 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Princeton University
Finalists List
2024 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Florida Atlantic University
2024 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Providence College
Honorable Mention:
Ghassan Moazzin, Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China: Banking on the Chinese Frontier, 1870-1919. Cambridge University Press, 2022
2024 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Harvard University
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
University of Cambridge
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellow
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
University of California, Los Angeles
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
University of Bologna
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
Assistant Professor, Fundação Getulio Vargas
2024 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
University of Oxford
2023 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Dissertation Fellowship
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
Columbia University
2023 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Dissertation Fellowship
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
Binghamton University
2023 Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellowship Program
Dissertation Fellowship
Competitive monetary awards for PhD candidate dissertation fellowships and for post-doctoral fellowships for PhD recipients within five years of receipt of their degree
University of Oxford
2023 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
The University of Manchester
2023 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University Lecturer, University of Helsinki
Finalists List
2023 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of California, Berkeley
Finalists List
2023 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Associate Professor of History, Northeastern University
Honorable Mention:
2023 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Postdoctoral Fellow Copenhagen Business School
Harvard University, 2020
Supervised by:
2023 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Cornell University
2023 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
University of Texas at Arlington
Honorable Mention:
2023 Martha Moore Trescott Prize
For the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of the technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture, and Design, Professor Design Studies Department, University of Wisconsin
Honorable Mention:
Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg, Copenhagen Business School, "The Can War – Everyday Business History from the Perspective of the Aluminium Container"
2023 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Manchester
2022 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Villanova University
2022 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Professor Emeritus, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
2022 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Georgia
Finalists List
2022 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Finalists List
2022 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Assistant Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong
Honorable Mention:
Margartia Serje, “The Peruvian Amazon Co.: Credit and Debt in the Putumayo ‘Wild Rubber’ Business” Enterprise & Society, 22(2), 475 - 501 [View PDF]
2022 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Harvard University
Supervised by:
Finalists List
2022 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Harvard University
Honorable Mention:
Charles Petersen, “Flexible Accumulation, Flexible Organization, Flexible Masculinity: Silicon Valley and the Birth of a New Subjectivity, 1957-1998”
2022 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
SNF Ambizione Fellow
Honorable Mention:
PETRULIS, Jason. (2021). “A Country of Hair”: A Global Story of South Korean Wigs, Korean American Entrepreneurs, African American Hairstyles, and Cold War Industrialization. Enterprise & Society, 22(2), 368-408.
TENOLD, S., KANG, J., KIM, S., &; MURPHY, H. (2021). International Transfer of Tacit Knowledge: The Transmission of Shipbuilding Skills from Scotland to South Korea in the Early 1970s. Enterprise & Society, 22(2), 335-367.
2022 Martha Moore Trescott Prize
For the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of the technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Stanford University
Honorable Mention:
Tina Wei, “The US Contraceptive Market Niche: the OCP, the IUD, and their Physician Inventors, 1970-1985”
2021 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Postdoc researcher VU Amsterdam
2021 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Professor, Georgetown University
Finalists List
2021 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Associate Professor in Economic History, University of Turin, Italy
Professor of Economic history, University of Siena
Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK
Honorable Mention:
Emily Buchnea, “Bridges and Bonds: The Role of British Merchant Bank Intermediaries in Latin American Trade and Finance Networks, 1825-1850,” Enterprise & Society, 21: 2 (June 2020).
Jessica Ann Levy, “Black Power in the Boardroom: Corporate America, the Sullivan Principles, and Anti-Apartheid,” Enterprise & Society 21: 1 (March 2020).
2021 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Reader in American History, University of Kent
Finalists List
2021 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Assistant Professor, History, Bentley University
Princeton University, 2020
Supervised by:
2021 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Harvard University
2021 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Louisiana State University
2021 Martha Moore Trescott Prize
For the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of the technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
Honorable Mention:
Sarvnaz Lotfi (Virginia Tech), “The Stock Market and the Space Age: R&D Assetization and the Quest for Certainty”
2021 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Reader in American History, University of Kent
2020 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
The University of Tokyo
Finalists List
2020 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Texas A&M University
2020 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Uppsala University
2020 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Southern California
2020 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Providence College
2020 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Assistant Professor, Purchase College, SUNY
Johns Hopkins University, 2018
Supervised by: N.D.B. Connolly and Angus Burgin
2020 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
University of British Columbia
2020 Martha Moore Trescott Prize
For the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of the technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Mississippi
2019 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
University of Cambridge, 2017
Supervised by: Hans van de Ven
2019 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Westmont College
Honorable Mention:
Kate Epstein, Rutgers University, Camden
"Arms and the State: American Torpedoes, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex before World War I"
2019 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
2019 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Honorable Mention:
Herbert S. Klein, Columbia University and Francisco Vidal Luna, University of São Paulo, Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting, Department of Economics
Feeding the World: Brazil's Transformation into a Modern Agricultural Economy
Cambridge University Press, 2019
2019 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Universita' Bocconi
2019 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
2019 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Lehigh University
Honorable Mention:
Richard Popp, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
"The Anywhere, Anytime Market: The 800-Number, Direct Marketing, and the New Networks of Consumption," Enterprise & Society (September 2018) [View PDF]
2018 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Colorado Denver
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017
Supervised by: William Cronon
2018 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
2018 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
2018 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Duke University
2018 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Williams College
2018 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
2018 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Newcastle University
University of Manchester
2018 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Duke University
2017 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies
Yale University, 2016
Supervised by: Daniel J. Kevles
2017 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
2017 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
The Haigh Group
2017 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
2017 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Honorable Mention:
William N. Goetzmann, Yale University School of Management
Money Changes Everything: How Finance Made Civilization Possible (Princeton University Press, 2016)
2017 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
The Haigh Group
2017 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Department of Economics, Yale University
2017 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
2016 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Pennsylvania, 2014
Supervised by: Sarah Barringer Gordon
2016 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
New York University
2016 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Queen's University Belfast
2016 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
2016 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Essex
2016 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
2016 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Fashion Institute of Technology
2016 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Reader in Business History & Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
2015 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Virginia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014
Supervised by: David Kaiser
2015 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Wesleyan University
2015 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Florida
2015 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Digital editor and Assoc. Director, Inquire Capitalism Program, University of Florida
2015 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Drexel University
2015 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Yale University School of Management
2015 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
University of Mississippi
2015 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Harvard Business School
2015 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Pennsylvania
University of Oxford
2015 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
University of Texas, Austin
2014 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of British Columbia
Harvard University
Supervised by: Charles Maier
2014 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Minnesota
2014 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Wellesley College
2014 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
University of Delaware
2014 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
Professor of Strategy & International Business, Birmingham Business School
2014 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Toronto
2014 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Leiden University
2014 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Henley Business School, University of Reading
2014 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Henley Business School, University of Reading
2014 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Georgia
2013 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of California-Berkeley
Harvard University, 2012
Supervised by: Sven Beckert and Claudia Goldin
2013 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Honorable Mention:
Joshua Specht, Monash University
"Hard Winters, International Capital, and the Rise and Fall of the Land and Cattle Company in the United States"
2013 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
University of Tennessee
2013 Ralph Gomory Prize
Article Prize Recipient
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Lecturer in Economic History and Management, London School of Economics
2013 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Honorable Mention:
Jennifer L. Anderson, SUNY-Stony Brook
Mahogany: The Costs of Luxury in Early America (Harvard University Press, 2012)
2013 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
Irvine Valley College
2013 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Miami
2013 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Harvard Business School
Copenhagen Business School
2013 Oxford Journals Best Article Prize
Awarded from 2009 to 2014
Harvard Business School
Copenhagen Business School
2013 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Emeritus Professor of History, The Ohio State University
2012 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Manchester
University of Chicago, 2010
Supervised by: Leora Auslander
2012 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Duke University
Honorable Mention:
Judge Glock, Rutgers University
"The Federal Housing Administration: Did It Really Favor the Suburbs?"
2012 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
University of Glasgow
2012 Ralph Gomory Prize
Article Prize Recipient
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wesleyan University
2012 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Stanford University
Honorable Mention:
Jason Colby, University of Victoria
The Business of Empire: United Fruit, Race, and U.S. Expansion in Central America (Cornell University Press, 2011)
Philip J. Stern, Duke University
The Company-State: Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundations of the British Empire in India (Oxford University Press, 2011)
2012 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
Assessment Director, Arts & Languages, at Educational Testing Service (ETS)
2012 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Providence College
2012 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Universiteit van Amsterdam
2012 Oxford Journals Best Article Prize
Awarded from 2009 to 2014
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Honorable Mention:
Bianca Murillo, Associate Professor, California State University, Dominguez Hills
"'The Devil We Know': Gold Coast Consumers, Local Employees, and the United Africa Company, 1940-1960," Enterprise & Society (June 2011) [View PDF]
Christopher Jones, Arizona State University
"The Carbon-Consuming Home: Residential Markets and Energy Transitions," Enterprise & Society (December 2011) [View PDF]
2012 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Geneva
2011 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Harvard University
Honorable Mention:
Kelly Brennan Arehart
"'To Put a Mass of Putrefying Animal Matter into a Fine Plush Casket': The Development of Professional Knowledge among Morticians, 1880-1920"
Johan Mathew, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
"Controlling Currency and Smuggling Specie in the Arabian Sea, 1873-1966"
2011 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Gothenburg
2011 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Princeton University, 2009
Supervised by: Daniel T. Rodgers
2011 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
Gies College of Business and Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2011 Ralph Gomory Prize
Recognizes historical work on the effects of business enterprises on the economic conditions of the countries in which they operate
Columbia University
Honorable Mention:
James R. Fichter, Lingnan University
So Great a Proffit: How the East Indies Trade Transformed Anglo-American Capitalism
Harvard University Press, 2010
2011 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
Umeå University
Luleå University of Technology
2011 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
State University of New York at New Paltz
2011 Oxford Journals Best Article Prize
Awarded from 2009 to 2014
University of Gothenburg
2011 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Stern School of Business, New York University
2010 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Wollongong
2010 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of New Hampshire
University of Pennsylvania, 2008
Supervised by: Carolyn Marvin
2010 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Pennsylvania
2010 Mira Wilkins Prize
Awarded to the author of the best article published annually in Enterprise & Society pertaining to international and comparative business history
University of California, Berkeley
2010 CEBC Halloran Prize in the History of Corporate Responsibility
Offered between 2010 and 2015 for a paper that made a significant contribution to the history of corporate responsibility
University of Pennsylvania
2010 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Delaware
2010 Oxford Journals Best Article Prize
Awarded from 2009 to 2014
University of Wollongong
2010 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Texas at Austin (retired)
2009 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Warwick
2009 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles, 2008
Supervised by: Naomi Lamoreaux
2009 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
University of Goettingen
2009 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
2009 Oxford Journals Best Article Prize
Awarded from 2009 to 2014
University of Warwick
2009 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
2008 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
2008 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Cornell University
Harvard University, 2007
Supervised by: Lizabeth Cohen
2008 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
LKQ Corporation
2008 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
2008 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
2008 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Leadership Chair in the History of Business and Society
Universita' Bocconi
2007 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Michigan
2007 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Dartmouth College
Yale University, 2006
Supervised by: Glenda Gilmore
2007 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, Smithsonian Institution
2007 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Reader in Business History & Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
2007 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Michigan
2007 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Johns Hopkins University
2006 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Northumbria
2006 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of York
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005
Supervised by: Deborah K. Fitzgerald
2006 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Stockton College of New Jersey
2006 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Northumbria
2006 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Department of History, University of Colorado Denver
2006 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Ohio State University
2006 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Department of History, University of Colorado Denver
2005 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Full Professor, University of Milan, Italy
2005 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Strathclyde
London School of Economics
Supervised by: Max-Stephan Schulze
2005 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Business History Group
Johns Hopkins University, 2004
Supervised by: Louis Galambos
2005 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Providence College
2005 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Bluefield College
2005 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Florida International University
2005 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Full Professor, University of Milan, Italy
2004 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
2004 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
2004 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Department of History, University of Delaware
Rutgers University
Supervised by: Deborah Gray White
2004 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Department of History, University of California, Davis
2004 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
2004 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
Florida International University
2004 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Georgia Tech
2004 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Department of History, Yale University
2003 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Auburn University
Honorable Mention:
Jeffrey Hornstein, Executive Director, Economy League of Greater Philadelphia
"'Rosie the Realtor' and the Re-Gendering of Real Estate Brokerage, 1930-1960," Enterprise & Society (June 2002) [View PDF]
2003 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
Auburn University
2003 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Lecturer in Economic History and Management, London School of Economics
European University Institute, 2001
Supervised by: Jaime Reis
2003 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
York University
2003 K. Austin Kerr Prize
For the best first paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Mystic Seaport Museum
2003 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2002 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
2002 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Economy League of Greater Philadelphia
University of Maryland, 2001
Supervised by:
2002 Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
For scholars who have contributed in major ways to the field of business history
2002 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Columbia University
Department of History, University of Florida
2002 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of Alabama, Birmingham
2002 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
1937 - 2007
2002 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
2001 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize
Recognizes the author of an article published in Enterprise & Society in the previous year
University of Amsterdam
2001 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Reader in Business History & Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Johns Hopkins University, 2000
Supervised by: Louis Galambos
2001 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
Leadership Chair in the History of Business and Society
2001 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Amsterdam
2000 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture, and Design, Professor Design Studies Department, University of Wisconsin
Yale University, 1999
Supervised by: Jean-Christophe Agnew
2000 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Florida International University
2000 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1999 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles, 1998
Supervised by: Mary Yeager
1999 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1999 Hagley Prize in Business History
For the best book in business history (broadly defined)
1933 - 1997
1999 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1998 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
North Carolina State University
Princeton University, 1998
Supervised by: Michael S. Mahoney
1998 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Professor, University of Florida
1998 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
University of Leeds
Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1998 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Professor, University of Florida
1997 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Texas, San Antonio
Indiana University, 1996
Supervised by: William Cohen
1997 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Kansas
1997 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Kansas
1996 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Leadership Chair in the History of Business and Society
University of Delaware, 1995
Supervised by: David A. Hounshell and Anne M. Boylan
1996 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
1996 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
College of William & Mary
1996 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
1995 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
The Ohio State University, 1994
Supervised by: Mansel Blackford, K. Austin Kerr, and William Childs
1995 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Florida International University
1995 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Florida International University
1994 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles, 1991
Supervised by: Joyce Appleby
1994 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Chicago
1994 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Harvard Business School
1994 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Chicago
1993 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Research Professor Emerita, American Bar Foundation
University of California at Berkeley, 1990
Supervised by: Harry N. Scheiber and Morton Rothstein
1993 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Georgia Tech
1993 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
Georgia Tech
1992 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Michigan Census Research Data Center and Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Yale University, 1991
Supervised by: William N. Parker and David F. Weiman
1992 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Texas at Austin (retired)
1992 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Carnegie Mellon University
1992 Newcomen Prize
Awarded from 1992 through 2008
University of Texas at Austin (retired)
1991 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Maryland, Emeritus
Brandeis University
Supervised by: Morton Keller and Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
1990 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Columbia University
Harvard University, 1989
Supervised by: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., and David Herbert Donald
1990 Harold F. Williamson Prize
For a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to business history
Department of Economics, Yale University
1989 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of California Washington Center
Yale University, 1988
Supervised by: William N. Parker and Albert Fishlow
1988 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
University of Texas at Austin (retired)
Brown University, 1987
Supervised by: Naomi Lamoreaux
1986 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
For the best Ph.D. dissertation in business history completed within past 3 years
Johns Hopkins University, 1985
Supervised by: Louis Galambos