2018 BHC Meeting Program
The Program Committee for the 2018 meeting consists of David Sicilia (chair), University of Maryland; Christy Ford Chapin, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Per Hansen, Copenhagen Business School; Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University; Rory Miller, University of Liverpool; Julia C. Ott, New School for Social Research; and Mary O’Sullivan (BHC president), University of Geneva. Local arrangements have been overseen by Joshua Davis, University of Baltimore.
"Money, Finance, and Capital"
Thursday, April 5th
9:00am-6:00pm Workshops
All workshops require pre-registration and may entail payment of fees separate from conference registration.
9:00am-1:30pm Classroom Frontiers: Business History Course Development Workshop
Sponsor: The Copenhagen Business School
Tuscan, 3rd Floor9:00am-12:30pm STS (Science, Technology, and Society) and Business History Workshop
Sponsor: Canadian Business History Association and University of Toronto Techno-Science Research Unit
Ionic, 3rd Floor2:30-4:00pm Navigating the World of Academic Publishing Workshop
Albert Churella, Kennesaw State University, chair
Ionic, 3rd Floor4:30-6:00pm Teaching the History of Capitalism Workshop
Jennifer Black, Misericordia University, and Eric Hintz, Lemelson Center, co-chairs
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
9:00am-7:00pm Nursing Mothers Room
Inner Chapel, 5th Floor
1:00-7:00pm Registration
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
4:00-6:30pm Trustee Meeting
Chapter, 4th Floor
6:45-7:15pm BHC Membership Meeting
Mirror, 5th Floor
7:30-9:00pm Krooss Prize Plenary Session
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair: Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford
Claire Dunning, Harvard University, 2016
"Outsourcing Government: Boston and the Rise of Public-Private Partnerships, 1950-2000" (Lizabeth Cohen, supervisor)Rachel Gross, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017
"From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation" (William Cronon, supervisor)Mircea Raianu, Harvard University, 2017
“The Incorporation of India: The Tata Business Firm Between Empire and Nation, ca. 1860-1970" (Maya Jasanoff, supervisor)
9:00-11:00pm Opening Reception
Marble, 1st Floor
Sponsored by the Winthrop Group
Friday, April 6th
7:30am-6:30pm Nursing Mothers Room
Inner Chapel, 5th Floor
7:30-8:30am Breakfast (for hotel guests)
2nd Floor
7:30-8:30am Emerging Scholars Networking Breakfast (food provided for hotel guests)
Oriental, 4th Floor
8:00-5:00 Registration
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
8:30-10:00am Concurrent Sessions 1
1.A Women in Finance
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair: Mary Yeager, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Jessica Burch, University of Utah
Christy Ford Chapin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
“Banker in High Heels”: Mary G. Roebling and Economic FeministsAllison Elias, Vanderbilt University
Women as Investors: The Promising But Paradoxical Results of the Business CaseMelissa S. Fisher, University of Copenhagen
The Rise of Transnational White Financial Women’s Feminist Networks and their Celebrity Leaders in the New Millennium
1.B White Collar Crime
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford
Discussant: Mark Billings, University of Exeter Business School
Hartmut Berghoff, Göttingen University
Shady Business: White-Collar Crime as a Topic of Business History
Damian L. Clavel, Graduate Institute, Geneva
The Real Fake Country of Poyais: Sovereign Debt as Legal Fiction, 1822-1823
Sarah Mass, University of Michigan
Opportunism and Alterity in the Wartime British Retail Economy
1.C Controlling Flows of Capital
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gerardo Con Diaz, University of California, Davis
Inventing Business Methods in American Patent Law
Devin Kennedy, Harvard University
Virtual Capital, Electronic Governance: Time-sharing and the Economic Imaginaries of Utility Computing, 1960-1969
Anne C. Fleming, Georgetown University Law Center
Outside the Shadow of the Poorhouse: Economic Regulation as Poverty LawMehrsa Baradaran, University of Georgia
The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap
1.D Globalization and Finance in Modern Scandinavia
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Martin Eriksson, Lena Andersson-Skog, and Josefin Sabo, Umeå University
An Eternal Challenge? The State and Small Business Financing in Sweden, 1935-1970
Rolv Petter Amdam and Ragnhild Kvålshaugen, BI Norwegian Business School
Narratives and Financialization: The Narrative that Transformed Capitalism in Norway in the 1980s
Jeppe Nevers, University of Southern Denmark, and Kristoffer Jensen, Danish Museum of Industry
Globalization in Small Countries: Lessons from Danish Business History
1.E Shared Work, Wages, and Strike Insurance
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Thomas Castillo, Coastal Carolina University
Discussant: Shaun S. Nichols, Harvard University
Mathieu Floquet and Anne Stévenot, Université de Lorraine
The French Origins of “Shared Capitalism at Work”
Sebastian Teupe, University of Bayreuth
Inflation and the Negotiation of Wages: Comparative Responses to Monetary Changes in Germany and the United States during the late Gold Standard Era, 1896-1922
Robert P. Kaminski, University of Chicago
The Labor Problem, the Insurance Idea, and American Employers’ Quest for Strike Insurance, 1900-1910
1.F Dependence and Independence in Antebellum America
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Sharon Ann Murphy, Providence College
Discussant: Christopher Bonner, University of Maryland, College Park
Sarah Winsberg, University of Pennsylvania
"He Declared Himself to be Partner”: Legal Boundaries Between Owner and Worker, 1780-1860
Amanda White Gibson, College of William and Mary
The Borrower is Slave to the Lender: Free African Americans in Antebellum Virginia and the Role of Coerced Debt in Enslavement
Lindsay Keiter, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Family Fortunes: Marriage and the Management of Capital in Early America
1.G Banking, Credit, and Civil Rights
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair: D.C. Jackson, Lafayette College
Discussant: Martha Olney, University of California, Berkeley
Sean Vanatta, Princeton University
The Rise of the Compliance Ethic in Federal Bank Supervision
Samuel Milner, Yale University
Giving Credit Where It’s Due: The Civil Rights Coalition, the Federal Reserve, and Asset-Based Reserve Requirements
10:00-10:30am Coffee
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
10:30am-12:00pm Keynote Plenary: A Conversation with Wall Street Legend Henry Kaufman
Mirror, 5th Floor
Introduction: David B. Sicilia, University of Maryland
Interviewer: Christy Ford Chapin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
Oriental, 4th Floor
12:00-1:30pm Business Historians in Business Schools Lunch
Marble, 1st Floor
1:30-3:00pm Concurrent Sessions 2
2.A Central Banking in International Perspective
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair/Discussant: Tobias Straumann, University of Zurich
Eric Monnet, Banque de France
Gold Reserves, Central Banking, and the Bretton Woods SystemAnna Gelpern, Georgetown University Law Center, and Nicolas Véron, Peterson Institute for International Economics
In Search of a Banking Union: A European Look at U.S. Banking HistoryPeter Conti-Brown, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Foreign Affairs of the Federal Reserve
2.B Advertising, Branding, and Merchandizing: European, U.S., and Trans-Atlantic
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair: Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
Patrick Hyder Patterson, University of California, San Diego
Brands as Capital, Branding without Capitalism: The Packaging of Prosperity in Communist Eastern Europe
Tristan Jacques, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University
Postwar Americanization: The French Retail Trade and NCR's Seminars on Modern Merchants Methods, 1957-1966
Jennifer M. Black, Misericordia University
“Shrewd Men of Small Capital”: Leveraging Cultural Capital in the Antebellum Advertising Trade
Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
The Nordic Model as a US Constructed Brand: The Case of Scandinavian Democratic Design
2.C Cold War Influences on U.S. Business
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Shane Hamilton, University of York
Discussant: Richard R. John, Columbia University
Kristen Shedd, Fullerton College
Defining Economic Ethics: The Role of the Protestant Mainline during the Cold War
Taylor Alexandra Currie, Queen’s University
“I sure don’t like this Socialism stuff”: Du Pont’s HOBSO Program and the American Way at Mid-Century
David Stebenne, The Ohio State University
IBM and the Cold War, 1948-1970
2.D African-American Banking and Finance
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Shennette Garrett-Scott, University of Mississippi
Discussant: Mehrsa Baradaran, University of Georgia
Marcus Anthony Allen, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
“Upward, Even, Downward”: African-American Savings Trends in 19th-Century Baltimore
Nicholas Gaffney, Northern Virginia Community College, and Keith Hollingsworth, Morehouse College
Funding Freedom: The Quest for Economic Self-Sufficiency within the Struggle for Civil Rights
Morris Speller, The Johns Hopkins University
Banking on Community: Community Development, Redlining, and Home Finance in 1970s St. Louis
2.E Building Financial Systems in Spain and the Americas
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Sebastian Alvarez, University of Geneva
Manuel Bautista-González, Columbia University
Currency of the Caribbean World: The Impact of Mexican Dollars on the Balance Sheets of Banks in New Orleans, 1850-1860
J. Carles Maixé-Altés, University of A Coruña
Looking for New Perspectives on Globalization: The International Savings Banks Institute, 1960-1990
Gustavo A. Del Angel, CIDE, México
Development Banks and Their Relationship with Commercial Banks in México, 1940-1980
2.F Competitive Strategy in Metals and Minerals in the Age of Global Environmental Protection
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Pal Thonstad Sandvik, NTNU-Trondheim
Discussant: Kathryn Steen, Drexel University
Nathan Delaney, Case Western Reserve
Competitive Strategy in the Copper Industry after the EPA
Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mercury Falling: The Demise of the International Mercury Industry in the 1970s
2.G International Influence of U.S. Business
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair: Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
Discussant: Ted Fertik, Yale University
Jeffrey D. Brison, Queen’s University
The Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Political Economy of Canadian CultureEric Martell, University of Albany, State University of New York
'The people who brought you Haldeman, Chapin, and Watergate now proudly present General Pinochet and the Chilean Junta': The J. Walter Thompson Company and the Illusion of Legitimacy
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
US Business Elites and Foreign Policy: The Case of the US Capital Surge Toward the European Common Market (1950-1975)
3:00-3:30 Coffee
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
3:30-5:00pm Concurrent Sessions 3
3.A Shareholders and Stakeholders
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair/Discussant: Louis Hyman, Cornell University
William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
The Functions of the Stock Market and the Fallacies of Shareholder Value
Kyle Williams, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
Reforming Corporations from Within: Shareholder Activism and the New Left
Jocelyn Wills, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Engineering the Eight-Day Week: Revisiting High-Tech’s Sweat-Equity Formula in an Era of Increasing Income Inequality
3.B Techniques of the Corporation
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Gavin Benke, Boston University
Justin Douglas, University of Toronto
People, Problems, Potential: Bank of America’s Corporate Strategy in the late 1960s
Grace Davie, Queens College, City University of New York
Corporate Research and Union Corporate Campaigns in Late-Twentieth Century America
Dan Guadagnolo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“In English, I Understand. In Spanish, I Feel”: The Focus Group as a Technique of the Corporation
Kira Lussier, University of Toronto
Every Employee a Manager? Job Redesign and Motivational Psychology in Corporate America, 1960s-1980s
3.C Ideas of Progress in Nineteenth Century Latin America
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Rory Miller, University of Liverpool
Discussant: Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Anne Gerard Hanley, Northern Illinois University
Who Counts, What Counts? The 1872 Brazilian Census and the Adoption of the Metric SystemKaren Caplan, Rutgers University, Newark
New Nations, New Economies: Mexico, Latin America, and the U.S. in the Early Nineteenth Century
3.D Mortgage Lending, Race, and Class
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Judge Glock, West Virginia University
Paige Glotzer, Harvard University
Financing Baltimore’s Suburban Segregation in the 1890s
Todd M. Michney, Georgia Institute of Technology
The Atlanta Life Insurance Company’s Mortgage Lending Activities and Black Homeownership in the 1950s
Natalya D. Vinokurova, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Invention of Subprime: Construction of Specificity as a Rhetorical Strategy to Inhibit Learning
3.E Twentieth-Century U.S. Political Economy
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: William R. Childs, The Ohio State University
Philip D. Byers, University of Notre Dame
Capital, Influence, and the Ironies of Philanthropic Reform
Alexandra Greco, University of Georgia
Completing the Dixie Route: Delta Airlines Inc.'s Rise through Formal Public Partnerships in the Twentieth Century
Daniel Rowe, University of Oxford
The End of the Auto Thrill Show: Assisting the U.S. Automobile Industry in the “Age of Reagan”
William D. Goldsmith, Duke University
The Southern Technology Council: Importing Flexible Specialization to the U.S. South, 1984-1993
3.F Women Investors and the Stock Market
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Melissa S. Fisher, University of Copenhagen
Discussant: Margaret B.W. Graham, McGill University
Amy Froide, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Women Investors in the Early Stock Market: London, 1690-1750
George Robb, William Paterson University of New Jersey
“Turning Wall Street Inside Out”: Victorian Women Stockbrokers and the Women’s Rights Movement
Janice Traflet, Bucknell University, and Robert Wright, Augustana University
One Woman, One Vote: Wilma Soss and the Rise of Shareholder Activism
3.G Business History and the History of Emotions
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Mary Yeager, University of California, Los Angeles
Ludovic Cailluet, EDHEC Business School, France
Trying to Catch Soap Bubbles: The Challenges of Tracing Emotions in a Family Business History
Andrew Popp, University of Liverpool
“None But a Parent:” Parents, Emotions, and Family Business
Nicholas Wong, University of Northumbria, and Andrew Smith and Andrew Popp, University of Liverpool
Religion, Emotion, and Strategy in the Family Firm: Edm. Schluter & Co Ltd., 1953-1979
5:15-6:45pm Concurrent Sessions 4
4.A Finance and Family Capitalism in the Indian Ocean World
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair: Johan Mathew, Rutgers University
Sudev J. Sheth, University of Pennsylvania
Indigenous Bankers, Princely States, and Accumulating Debts in Colonial India
Hollian Wint, Northwestern University
Financial Friendships and Contractual Commensurability: Rethinking the Problem of Trust and Intimacy in the Nineteenth-Century Indian Ocean
Mircea Raianu, University of Maryland
Global Financial Crises and the Transition from Mercantile to Industrial
Capitalism in South Asia: The Case of Tata
Nidhi Mahajan, University of California, Santa Cruz
Seasonality, Kinship and Exchange in the Contemporary Dhow Trade from India
4.B Capitalism, Finance, and the Environment
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Xaq Frohlich, Auburn University
Discussant: Mark Stoll, Texas Tech University
Christine Meisner Rosen, University of California, Berkeley
Business Leadership in the Fight against Industrial and Excremental Water Pollution: Financing the Construction of Municipal Water and Sewage Treatment Systems in the Progressive Era
Betsy A. Beasley, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Contracted Responsibility: Oilfield Services Firms and Environmental Calamity
Bartow J. Elmore, The Ohio State University
Seeding a New Monsanto Empire in Vietnam: How an Agent Orange Maker Became a GMO Giant in Southeast Asia
4.C Adventures in Financial Archives
Chapter, 4th Floor
Presenter and Moderator: Andrew D. Smith, University of Liverpool
Open Data and Business History: Promises and Pitfalls
Niels Viggo Haueter, Head of Corporate History, Swiss Re
Elisa Liberatori Prati, World Bank Group Chief Archivist
Anne DiFabio and Brigette Kamsler, HSBC Archives
4.D Mentalities of Money
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Amy Froide, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Discussant: Angus Burgin, Johns Hopkins University
Andrew M. Odlyzko, University of Minnesota
The Demise of the South Sea Company and the Rise of Modern Corporate Capitalism
Kelly Goodman, Yale University
Parables and Political Economy: Interest in the Nineteenth CenturyErika Vause, Florida Southern College
Risky Business: Tontines, Insurance, and Temporal Imagination in Post-Revolutionary France
4.E Bubbles and Crises
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Rowena Olegario, University of Oxford
Youssef Cassis, European University Institute, Florence
International Financial Centres after the Global Financial Crisis and Brexit
David Kirsch and Brent Goldfarb, University of Maryland, College Park
Explaining and Learning from Bubbles and Non-Bubbles
Åsa Malmström Rognes, Uppsala University
Crisis Resolution and the Asian Financial Crises: Uses of the Past in the Resolution of Financial Crises in Emerging Markets
Martin Horn, McMaster University
“Reconstructing the world again”: J.P. Morgan & Co. and the Crisis of Capitalism 1929-33
4.F Re-Personalizing Mass Consumption: Gender, Advertising, and Corporate Identity in Postwar America
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Andrew Popp, University of Liverpool
Davor Mondom, Syracuse University
“An Enormous Worldwide Family”: Amway and the Gendered Selling of Free Enterprise
Jessica Burch, University of Utah
“Selling is Just Being Yourself”: Home Demonstration Parties and the Commercialization of Private Life in Postwar America
Derek Hoff, University of Utah
Dry Beer, Lively Contest: Crowning Miss Rheingold at the Crest of the Consensus
6:45-8:00pm Presidential Reception
Marble, 1st Floor
With a special tribute to Professor Lou Galambos
Sponsored by the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History, University of Geneva
9:30-11:00pm Emerging Scholars Reception
Marble, 1st Floor
Sponsored by the Hagley Library
Saturday, April 7th
7:30am-8:00pm Nursing Mothers Room
Inner Chapel, 5th Floor
7:30-8:30am Breakfast (for hotel guests)
Marble, 1st Floor
8:00am-12:00pm Registration
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
8:30-10:00am Concurrent Sessions 5
5.A U.S. Regional Financial Cultures
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Robert Wright, Augustana University
Amanda R. Mushal, The Citadel
A “Commercial Inquisition” or a “Necessary Evil”?: South Carolina Lawyers, Antebellum Sectionalism, and R.G. Dun’s Recruitment Efforts
Joseph Marin, Florida International University
Shadow Rivers of Capitalism: Counterfeiters, Fake Currency, and the Antebellum South
Richard Elliott, University of Illinois at Chicago
Alchemists of the Market: Comstock Mines, the San Francisco Stock & Exchange Board, and the Rise of Finance in the American West, 1860-1879
Erin Cully, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Branching Out: Interstate Banking in the American Southeast, 1984-1994
5.B Women, Credit, and Banking
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair/Discussant: Rowena Olegario, University of Oxford
Susan Ingalls Lewis, State University of New York at New Paltz
Analyzing Credit Reports as Literary Narratives: The Case of Businesswomen in the R.G. Dun & Co. Ledgers
Joan V. Flores-Villalobos, New York University
“Cash fe’ sen’ back home:” Banks, Compensation, and Women’s Financial Exchanges in Panama and Barbados
Debra Michals, Merrimack College
The Buck Stops Where? 1970s Feminist Credit Unions, Women’s Banks and the Gendering of Money
5.C Latin America and International Finance
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Anne Gerard Hanley, Northern Illinois University
Sebastian Alvarez, University of Geneva
Brazilian Banks and International Finance, 1973-1982
Felipe Ford Cole, Northwestern University
Sovereign Debt, Bondholders, and the Peruvian Corporation, 1820-1955
Paula Vedoveli, Princeton University
A Lost Decade? The Baring Crisis and Financial Credibility in Argentina from the Early 1880s to the Late 1890s
5.D Slave Trade and Capitalism
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Joseph P. Slaughter, United States Naval Academy
Discussant: Caitlin Rosenthal, University of California, Berkeley
Holly Brewer, University of Maryland, College Park
Property in People and the Complexities of Capitalism
Matthew David Mitchell, Sewanee: The University of the South
How Humphry Morice Directed His Slave Ship Captains
Carolyn Roberts, Yale University
Slave Trade Drugs and the Rise of British Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
5.E Early Twentieth-Century Business and Law
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Ed Balleisen, Duke University
Jesse Tarbert, Loyola University, Maryland
The Corporate Bar and the Modern American State: The Shifting Channels of Business Influence in American Politics
Laura Phillips Sawyer, Harvard Business School
Democratic Protest in an Age of Market Consolidation: A Case Study on the Chicago Gas Trust and the Illinois Antitrust Act of 1891
Stephen R. Leccese, Fordham University
Pro-Trust Thought Among American Progressive Economists, 1880-1900
5.F Women and Business in the Antebellum United States
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Rachel Tamar Van, California State Polytechnic University at Pomona
Mandy L. Cooper, Duke University
“I am writing this moment with a small favor”: Women and Credit in Family Business Networks
Alexandra Finley, Mississippi State University
The Domestic Laborers of the Domestic Slave Trade
Ann Daly, Brown University
Women and the Business of Gold Mining in Antebellum America
5.G Paper Money and its Discontents: Cash in the Early Republic
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Hannah Farber, Columbia University
Susan Gaunt Stearns, University of Mississippi
Tracking Inflation in Revolutionary Virginia: Stud Fees, Paper Money, and American Independence
Franklin Sammons, University of California, Berkeley
Yazoo’s Settlements: The Political Economy of Mississippi Stock
Joshua Greenberg, Common-Place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life
Pen and Paper Money: Writing on Early Republic Bank Notes
10:00-10:30am Coffee
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
10:30am-12:00pm Concurrent Sessions 6
6.A Commodities and Finance
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair: David Sicilia, University of Maryland
Discussant: Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, Miami University (Ohio)
Rosanne Currarino, Queen’s University
New Thinking about Markets in the Gilded Age
Michael Aldous and Christopher Coyle, Queen’s University, Belfast
The Crowning of King Cotton: Analyzing the Role of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers Association, 1840-1890
Dan Du, Wake Forest University
Money and Credit in China’s International Tea Trade
6.B Patents, R&D, and Finance
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Steven Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Discussant: Eric S. Hintz, Lemelson Center, National Museum of American History
Stephen B. Adams, Salisbury University
A Diversified Portfolio: Resources Fueling Silicon Valley Before Venture CapitalPeter Scott and Anna Spadavecchia, University of Reading
Fundamental Patent Exploitation Strategies, National Intellectual Property Regimes, and the Development of New Industries during the “Second Industrial Revolution”
Shigehiro Nishimura, Kansai University
Financing the Laboratories: The Role of RCA’s Patent Management in the 1930s
6.C A World of Currencies
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Laura Phillips Sawyer, Harvard Business School
Seung Woo Kim, University of Cambridge
“[A] dollar is a dollar is a dollar?”: National Sovereignty, the Ambivalence of the US dollar, and the Emergence of the Eurodollar System, 1959-1973
Bamidélé Aly, Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris
The Biafran Sterling and the Operations of Currency Manipulations
Miikka Voutilainen, Riina Turunen, and Jari Ojala, University of Jyväskylä
Explaining Multiple Currency Regime in the 1800s Finland: Why Russia Failed to Eradicate Swedish Currency from a Conquered Region
6.D Political Transition and Economic Transformation
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair/Discussant: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Camden
Saša Vejzagić, European University Institute, Florence
Banks in the Name of Socialism: Investment Management in Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s
John D. Wong, University of Hong Kong
Flexible Nationality of Capital: Cathay Pacific Transforming Its Investor Profile for the Shifting Geopolitics of Hong Kong, 1940s-1990s
6.E Women and Consumer Culture
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Pamela Laird, University of Colorado Denver
Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Selling the Invisible Woman Drinker: Liquor Retailing and Liquor Advertising in Postwar America
Emily Westkaemper, James Madison University
The Career Woman as Consumer: Charm Magazine in the 1950s
6.F Twentieth Century Banking and the State
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics
Aki Kinjo, Gakushuin Women’s College
Financing Industrial Development in Early 20th Century Japan: Balancing State Intervention and Market Mechanism
Jamieson Gordon Myles, University of Geneva
The Political Economy of British Trade Finance: Coordination among Banks, Industry and the State, 1916-1931
Patrice Baubeau, Université Paris Nanterre, and Eric Monnet, Angelo Riva, and Stefano Ungaro, Paris School of Economics
A New History of the French Banking System during the Interwar Period
Victoria Barnes, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Lucy Newton, University of Reading, and Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow
Carry on Banking: The Response of British Retail Banks to the Threat of Nationalisation during the 1970s
6.G Working for Highs: The Business of Addiction
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair: Gerardo Con Diaz, University of California, Davis
Discussant: Louis Galambos, The Johns Hopkins University
Gregory Wood, Frostburg State University
The Smoking Cases: Nicotine Addiction and the NLRB in the Late Twentieth Century
Will Cooley, Walsh University
The Killing of Sugarbear: Nixon’s Failed Anti-Crime Formula
Michael Stauch, University of Toledo
Becoming Scandalous: Organizing the Informal Economy During the War on Crime
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
Oriental, 4th Floor
12:00-1:30pm Women in Business History Lunch
Marble, 1st Floor
1:30-3:00pm Concurrent Sessions 7
7.A Teaching Financial and Monetary History – What, Why, and How? A Roundtable Discussion
Mirror, 5th Floor
Moderator: Edward Balleisen, Duke University
Panel participants:
Per H. Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
Julia Ott, The New School
Richard Sylla, New York University
7.B Varieties of Innovation: Technology, Patents, and Design in Transatlantic Perspective
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Hartmut Berghoff, University of Göttingen
Discussants: Mary Nolan, New York University
Joris Mercelis, Johns Hopkins University
Intellectual Property and the Emergence of Corporate Research and Development: A Transatlantic Analysis
Corinna Schlombs, Rochester Institute of Technology
German and US Labor Unions, Productivity, and Technological Innovation Before and After WWII
Jan Logemann, University of Göttingen
Engineered Design: Transatlantic Perspectives on Aesthetic Innovation at Midcentury
7.C Business, Finance, and Politics in the United States since 1880
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Josh Lauer, University of New Hampshire
Discussant: Eric Rauchway, University of California, Davis
Susie J. Pak, St. John’s University
The Depersonalization of North American Finance: The Family Brokerage in the late 20th Century
Daniel Scroop, University of Glasgow
From the Commoner to the Kingfish: Critiques of Money, Finance, Capital in the US Politics of Reform, 1890-1935
Richard R. John, Columbia University
Financial Speculation, Public Utility, and the Legitimation of Managerial Capitalism
7.D Brands and Trademarks in the Evolution of Industries
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business School
Discussant: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Roger Horowitz, Hagley Museum and Library
Is Kosher a Brand? Exploring the Intersections of Religious and Secular Law in the 20th Century Marketplace
Andrea Lluch, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina, and Los Andes University, Colombia
Trademark Registration, Brands, and the Development of Marketing Knowledge in Colombia, 1890–1930
Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York, and Shin Tomita, University of Tezukayama
Match Brands as Merchants of Culture: The Dynamics of the Japanese Match Industry, 1870-1930
7.E Global Finance and the Cold War World
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Ahmad Shokr, Swarthmore College
Jeannette Alden Estruth, New York University
Anti-Vietnam War Activism and the Business of Anti-Statism in California’s Silicon Valley, 1965-1980
Fritz Bartel, Yale University
Ideologies of Discipline: Exploring the Parallel Histories of Thatcherism and Perestroika
A.J. Murphy, Columbia University
Simulating Markets in the U.S. Military Bureaucracy
Lukas Dovern, Stanford University
Turning West: On Communist Poland’s Accession to the IMF in 1986
7.F Exported Encounters: Japanese Exports in the US Since 1880
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Meghan Mettler, Upper Iowa University
William Chou, Ohio State University
Alternate Paths: The Japanese Camera’s Marketing and Technology for the US Market, 1955-1985
Keiji Fujimura, Osaka University
Exporting into a Different Regulatory Environment: A Case Study of the Japanese Auto Exports to the American Market, 1960-1980
Andrew McKevitt, Louisiana Tech University
Transplant Utopias: Nissan, Honda, and the U.S. Auto Industry in the 1980s
Wendy Woloson, Rutgers University, Camden
Ten-Cent Lines of Japanese Goods and the Perils and Promises of Cheap Stuff
7.G Free Banking and American Democracy
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair: Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
Discussant: John Wallis, University of Maryland, College Park
Sharon Ann Murphy, Providence College
The Political Economy of Free Banking in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Louisiana
Howard Bodenhorn, Clemson University and NBER
Opening Access: Banks and Politics in New York from the Revolution to the Civil War
Eric Hilt, Wellesley College and NBER
“For the Separation of Bank and State”: Hard Money Democrats and Free Banking in the Jacksonian Era
3:00-3:30pm Coffee
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
3:30-5:00pm Concurrent Sessions 8
8.A British Banking: Networks, Varieties of Capitalism, and Financial Elites
Doric, 4th Floor
Chair: Youssef Cassis, European University Institute, Florence
Discussant: Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow
Emily Buchnea, Northumbria University
Too Reputable to Fail? Anglo-American Merchant Bank Networks in the Panic of 1837
Mark Billings, University of Exeter Business School, and Philip Garnett, University of York
Debating Banking in Britain: The Colwyn Committee, 1918
Simon Mollan and Chris Corker, University of York
The Court of the Bank of England: An Analysis of Cohort Characteristics and Change, 1910-2010
8.B Fashion Futures: The History and Practice of Fashion and Trend Prediction
Mirror, 5th Floor
Chair/Discussant: Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, University of Leeds
Mod in America: How British Trend Forecasters Exported the London Look
Ben Wubs, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Fashion Forecasting at the World’s Leading Fabric Trade Fairs: Interstoff and Premiere Vision
8.C Stockmarkets and Shareholders
Chapter, 4th Floor
Chair: Susie Pak, St. John’s University
Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics
US Stock Exchanges, 1868-1950: Size, Composition, and the Role of GovernmentJérémy Ducros, EHESS, Paris School of Economics and University of Geneva
The Determinants of Listing Decisions of Companies: Evidence from France during the Belle Époque (1898-1909)
Graeme G. Acheson, University of Stirling, Gareth Campbell, Áine Gallagher, and John D. Turner, Queen’s University Belfast
Were Women Investors from Venus? UK Railway Shareholders, 1870 - 1922
Alexia Yates, University of Manchester
Making the French Foreign Investor, 1870-1930
8.D Reputation and Resilience in Emerging Markets
Ionic, 3rd Floor
Chair: Rory Miller, University of Liverpool
Discussant: Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford
Valeria Giacomin, Harvard Business School
Reputation as Global Practice: Malaysian Agribusiness and the Conquest of the Global Vegetable Oil Market, 1960s-1990s
Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
The Non-Imperialists: German MNCs’ Image Work in Colonial and Post-Colonial India, 1900s-1970s
Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Erica Salvaj, Universidad del Desarrollo
Political Connections, the Liability of Foreignness, and Legitimacy: A Business Historical Analysis of Multinationals’ Strategies in Chile
8.E New Perspectives on the Business History of the Cold War
Tuscan, 3rd Floor
Chair: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Camden
Tom J. Cinq-Mars, Duke University
Building “Friendship”: From Soviet Oil to Varieties of Socialism in East-Central Europe, 1948-1989
Zhaojin Zeng, University of Texas at Austin
Between East and West: Factory Politics, Industrial Technology, and Cold War Diplomacy in Socialist China, 1945-1980
Ryan I. Haddad, University of Maryland, College Park
America’s Commercial Cold War: Trade, Security, and the Western Alliance
Sven Kube, Florida International University
Making Records, Breaking Records: A Communist Music Industry and Cold War Business Opportunity
8.F Exploring the Boundaries of Corporate Social Responsibility
Veterans, 3rd Floor
Chair: Stephen B. Adams, Salisbury University
Discussant: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Jonathon Free, Duke University
“We wholeheartedly agree with your desire to beautify our land”: Surface Mining Associations and Social Responsibility during the Environmental Decade
Jessica Ann Levy, Johns Hopkins University
“Enlightened Self-Interest”: American Business and Anti-Colonialism in Africa
Lauren Klaffke, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
The Pharmaceutical Industry and Medical Philanthropy in Project HOPE
8.G Strategy: It’s History
Composite, 3rd Floor
Chair: Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
Martin Giraudeau, London School of Economics and Political Science
Management vs. Theory: Georges F. Doriot and the Pragmatics of Business, 1921-1973
Shane Hamilton and Beatrice D’Ippolito, University of York
Owning and Disowning History: Resource Ownership and Control and Strategic Transformations at Monsanto
Daniel Raff, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Cooperative Game Theory and the Book-of-the-Month Club as Amazon avant la lèttre
Dylan Boynton and William Ocasio, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Business Models: Toolkits for Sensemaking in a Post-Chandlerian Economy
5:00-5:20pm Book auction – final call at 5:20
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
5:45-6:45pm Presidential Address: "The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Capitalism"
Mary O'Sullivan, University of Geneva
Mirror, 5th Floor
6:45-8:00pm Reception
Edinburgh, 5th Floor
Sponsored by Rowena Olegario
8:00-10:00pm Awards Banquet
Marble, 1st Floor
Sunday, April 8
9:30-11:30am The History of the Corporation: A British Academy Project
Chapter, 4th Floor
Co-Chairs: Christopher McKenna and Rowena Olegario, University of Oxford