2012 Program
Wednesday, March 28
Oxford Journals Doctoral Colloquium Dinner
Thursday, March 29
Doctoral Colloquium
9:00 am—4:00 pm
Chemical Heritage Foundation
1:00—6:00 pm
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
1:00—4:00 pm
Publishing Workshops
Sponsored by the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
I. How To Publish in Academic Journals
USS New JerseyWalter Friedman, Harvard Business School, Business History Review
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Enterprise & SocietyII. How To Convert a Dissertation into a Book
USS OlympiaMansel Blackford, The Ohio State University
Vicki Howard, Hartwick College
Robert Lockhart, University of Pennsylvania Press
4:00—7:00 pm
Trustees Meeting and Dinner
Columbus Ballroom A
7:00 pm
Columbus Ballroom B/C
Fred Bateman: In Memoriam
Jeremy Atack, Vanderbilt University
7:00—9:00 pm
Plenary Session: Whither the Corporation?
Columbus Ballroom B/C
Chair: Margaret C. Levenstein, University of Michigan
Discussant: David F. Weiman, Alena Wels Hirschorn '58 Professor of Economics, Barnard CollegeGerald Davis, Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Margaret M. Blair, Milton R. Underwood Chair in Free Enterprise, Vanderbilt University Law School
9:00—11:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Riverview Room
Sponsored by Bloomberg Opinion & Blogs: http://www.bloomberg.com/view/
Friday, March 30
7:15-10:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30-8:15 am
Breakfast Club for Emerging Scholars
Grand Ballroom D
The Breakfast Club is hosted by the BHC Emerging Scholars Committee and welcomes new members, students, and recent Ph.D.s to discuss ways that the BHC and networking may advance careers in business history. Please pick up food from the continental breakfast in the Grand Ballroom Foyer before joining us.
8:00 am-6:00 pm
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
8:00 am-6:00 pm
Book Exhibit
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
8:30—10:00 am
Concurrent Sessions A
A.1 Futures and Commodities Markets
USS New Jersey
Chair: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Discussant: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business SchoolAlexander Engel, Harvard University
Debating and Regulating Futures Trading in the Fin de siècle: International Comparisons
[Abstract]Bruce Baker, University of London, and Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech University
Regulating the Future: Conflicting Cotton Exchanges and Progressive Legislation
[Abstract]Christina Lubinski, German Historical Institute, and Julia Laura Rischbieter, Humboldt University of Berlin
The Good Gambler: State Regulation and Public Debates on Futures Trading in British India and Germany, 1880-1930
A.2 Roundtable: Toward a Global History of Consumption?
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Gary S. Cross, Pennsylvania State University
Sheldon Marc Garon, Princeton University
Uwe Spiekermann, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Lawrence B. Glickman, University of South Carolina
Hans Peter Hahn, Goethe University Frankfurt
A.3 Corporatism
Columbus A
Chair: Daniel Raff, Wharton Business School
Discussant: Jacqueline McGlade, College of Saint ElizabethThomas Scheiding, University of Wisconsin at Stout
The Incubation of Patronage in Interwar America
[Abstract]David Stebenne, The Ohio State University
The Business Advisory Council (BAC), 1933-1961Heidi J.S. Tworek, Harvard University
Tuning in to the State: The Supply of Economic News in Weimar Germany
A.4 The Business of Design
USS Olympia
Chair and Discussant: Regina Blaszczyk, University of Pennsylvania and Journal of Design History
Stephen B. Adams, Salisbury University
Making a Virtue of Necessity: Herman Miller's Model for Innovation
[Abstract] [Paper]Eloise Moss, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
"Security without disfiguring the furniture": The Chubb Lock and Safe Business and the Aesthetics of the Burglar-Proof Home in Britain, 1860-1939
[Abstract]Marina Nicoli, Bocconi University
"Movies and Trade Wars": The Case of the Italian Motion Picture Industry from the 1920s to the 1960s
A.5 The Rise and Demise of State-Owned Enterprises
Columbus B
Chair: Rowena Olegario, Oxford University
Discussant: H. V. Nelles, McMaster UniversityFranco Amatori, Bocconi University, and Daniela Felisini, University of Rome
A Special Kind of Management: IRI, 1950-1980
[Abstract]Mattia Granata, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Politics and the Demise of the Entrepreneur State, Italy 1972-1992Fabio Lavista, Bocconi University, and Giandomenico Piluso, University of Siena
Getting Unsustainable: Debts, Investments, and Losses of Italian State-Owned Enterprises from the Golden Age to Privatizations, 1951-1991
A.6 Innovation and Technology Transfer across Organizations and Space
Columbus C
Chair and Discussant: Margaret Graham, McGill University
Andrew Godley and David Leslie-Hughes, University of Reading
The Beginning of Pharmaceutical R&D in the USA: The Hidden Technology Transfer from E. Merck to Merck & Co.
[Abstract]Federico Barbiellini Amidei, Banca d'Italia, John Cantwell, Rutgers University, and Anna Spadavecchia, University of Reading
Innovation and Foreign Technology in Italy, 1861-2011
10:00-10:30 am
Coffee Break
Grand Ballroom Foyer
10:30 am—12:00 noon
Concurrent Sessions B
B.1 Banking and Credit Networks
USS New Jersey
Chair: Ranjit Dighe, SUNY-Oswego
Discussant: Paul Miranti, Rutgers UniversityJosh Lauer, University of New Hampshire
Database Panic: The Computerization of Consumer Credit Reporting in the United States
[Abstract]Olga Pantelidou, National Technical University of Athens
ERMA: Automating Check Processing, or a New Business Spatial Strategy for Bank of America, 1955-1966
[Abstract]Sean H. Vanatta, Princeton University
"Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Federalism and Banking Mobility in America's Age of Finance
B.2 Business-State Relations in Emerging Markets
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Denis Simon, Arizona State University
Discussant: Stephen Kobrin, Wharton SchoolMarcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Stephanie Decker, Aston Business School
Economic Nationalism In Latin America and Africa in the Twentieth Century: A Comparison
[Abstract]Aldo Musacchio, Harvard Business School, Sergio G. Lazzarini, Insper Institute of Education and Research, and Cláudia Bruschi, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, FGV-EESP
Leviathan as a Manager in Brazil, 1973-1993: Does the Background of Managers of State-Owned Enterprises Matter?
[Abstract]Dan Breznitz and Michael Murphree, Georgia Institute of Technology
China's Run: Global Fragmentation and Structured Uncertainty in the World's Fastest-Growing Economy
B.3 Debt, Disability, and Criminality
Columbus A
Chair: John Kleeberg, Independent Scholar
Discussant: Jerry Drew, University of PennsylvaniaAdam Wolkoff, Rutgers University
Every Man His Own Avenger: Distress, Debt, and Landlord-Tenant Law in the Nineteenth Century
[Abstract]Fahad Ahmad Bishara, Duke University
A Malleable Instrument: Reading Writing in the Indian Ocean
[Abstract]Nate Holdren, University of Minnesota
"A serious handicap upon the defective workman in search of employment": Law, Liability, and Disability in the Early Twentieth-Century United States
B.4 Empire, State and Capitalism in Early Modern Britain
Columbus B
Chair: Thomas Safley, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Cathy Matson, University of DelawareMatthew David Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania
The First Duke of Chandos and the Royal African Company
[Abstract]D'Maris Coffman, Newnham College, Cambridge
Anticipating the State: Reassessing the 'Old' English Excises and the Development of Brewing in EnglandMichael Wagner, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
Managing to Compete: The Hudson's Bay, Levant, and Russia Companies, 1714-1763
[Abstract] [Paper]
B.5 Cooperative Enterprises and the State
Columbus C
Chair: Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Patrizia Battilani, University of BolognaKatarina Friberg, Södertörn University, Rachael Vorberg-Rugh and John Wilson, University of Liverpool Management School, and Tony Webster, Liverpool John Moores University
The Politics of Commercial Dynamics: Co-operative Adaptations to Post-War Consumerism in the U.K. and Sweden, 1950-2010
[Abstract]Tito Menzani, University of Bologna
The Italian Cooperative Movement and Its Legal Environment, 1945-2010
B.6 Cartels and Collusion
USS Olympia
Chair: William Hausman, College of William & Mary
Discussant: Jeffrey Fear, University of RedlandsMiguel A. López-Morell, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, and Universidad de Murcia, and Luciano Segreto, Università degli Studi di Firenze
The International Mercury Cartel, 1928-1949
[Abstract]Espen Storli, Harvard Business School
When Business Systems Collide: Alcoa and the International Aluminum Cartel in the Interwar Period
B.7 Roundtable: Regulation
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Per Hansen, Copenhagen School of Business
Mark Rose, Florida Atlantic University
Edward Balleisen, Duke University
Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
12:00 Noon-1:30 pm
Grand Ballroom D
12:00 noon-1:30 pm
Business Historians in Business Schools Lunch
Riverview B
1:30—3:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions C
C.1 Financial Markets and the Law in Modern America
Columbus A
Chair: David B. Sicilia, University of Maryland
Discussant: Jonathan Levy, Princeton UniversityCarola Frydman, Boston University, and Eric Hilt, Wellesley College
The Panic of 1907: Trust Companies and the Impact of the Financial Crisis
[Abstract]Steven A. Bank, UCLA, Brian R. Cheffins, University of Cambridge, and Harwell Wells, Temple University
Questioning "Law and Finance": U.S. Stock Market Development, 1930-1970
[Abstract]Daniel S. Holt, Federal Judicial Center
The Stock Market and the States: Securities Regulation, 1907-1933
C.2 Business and State in China
Columbus B
Chair: Brett Sheehan, University of Southern California
Discussant: Tuan-Hwee Sng, Princeton UniversityLuman Wang, University of Southern California
The Contingent Business Relationship That Soured: Shanxi "Piaohao" and the Qing Dynasty, 1850s-1911
[Abstract]Miriam Kaminishi, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Japanese Imperialism in Manchuria: An Approach to the Role of Japanese Currencies in Soybean Marketing during the 1920s
[Abstract]Chi Man Kwong, Hong Kong Baptist University
Elephants Are Killed for Their Ivory: Shenyang Arsenal and Its Subsidiaries, 1919-1931
C.3 Employers and State Power from the Gilded Age to the Postwar Era
Columbus C
Chair: Walter Licht, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts, AmherstThomas Dorrance, University of Illinois, Chicago
The National Recovery Administration and Local Struggles for the New Deal Economy
[Abstract]Sam Mitrani, College of DuPage
Policing Upheaval: How Employer Responses to the Labor Movement Drove the Development of State Power in Chicago
[Abstract] [Paper]Vilja Hulden, University of Arizona
Sitting on the Lid: The National Association of Manufacturers and the Legislative Branch, 1902-1948
C.4 Roundtable: The 1%
Grand Ballroom A
Co-Chairs: Daniel Amsterdam, The Ohio State University, and Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, University of Cambridge and Loyola University Chicago
Discussant: The AudienceDaniel Amsterdam, The Ohio State University
Andrew Wender Cohen, Syracuse University
Richard R. John, Columbia University
Nelson Lichtenstein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
Julia Ott, The New School
C.5 Supporting and Destroying Black Business
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Robert Weems, Wichita State University
Discussant: Kimberley Johnson, Barnard CollegeTimothy Bates, Wayne State University
Constraints, Opportunities, and the Decision to Pursue Business Ownership: Analysis of Industry Choice among African American Owners of Small Businesses
[Abstract]Shennette Garrett-Scott, University of Texas at Austin
"All the Other Devils This Side of Hades": State Regulation of Negro Banks in Jim Crow Mississippi, 1900-1915
[Abstract]Crystal M. Moten, University of Wisconsin, Madison
"A Credit to our City as well as our State": African American Beauticians, the Pressley School of Beauty Culture, and the State of Wisconsin, 1945-1950
C.6 Business in Statist Regimes
USS New Jersey
Chair: Hartmut Berghoff, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Discussant: Volker Berghahn, Columbia UniversityBerti Kolbow, Göttingen University
Selling Photography to Hitler: Marketing Strategies of Kodak and Agfa in the Third Reich, 1933-1945
[Abstract]Martin Lutz, Heidelberg University
Siemens and the Soviet State: A Matter of Trust?
[Abstract]Hassan Malik, Harvard University
Reassessing "The Loan That Saved Russia": The Hidden Costs of the Imperial Russian Government 5% 1906 Loan
C.7 The Patenting of Innovation
USS Olympia
Chair: Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University
Discussant: Eric Hintz, Smithsonian InstitutionTobias Cramer, University of Cologne
Patent Law, Research, and Competitiveness: The German Dye Industry during the German Empire, 1871-1914
[Abstract]Shigehiro Nishimura, London School of Economics and Kansai University
Patenting in the United Kingdom and Japan: Subsystems That Determined MNEs' Patent Policy
[Abstract] [Paper]Ross Thomson, University of Vermont
The Government and Innovation in the United States: Insights from Major Innovators
[Abstract] [Paper]
3:00-3:15 pm
Coffee Break
Grand Ballroom Foyer
3:15—4:45 pm
Concurrent Sessions D
D.1 Financial Crisis in Perspective
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Jean-Jacques Dethier, The World Bank
Discussant: Tony O'Brien, Lehigh UniversityAlexander J. Field, Santa Clara University
The Interwar Housing Cycle in the Light of 2001-2011: A Comparative Historical Approach
[Abstract]Ellis Tallman, Oberlin College
Banking and Financial Crises in United States History: What Guidance Can History Offer Policymakers?
[Abstract]Marc Levinson, Independent Scholar
When Risk Regulation Creates Risk: Banks and Capital Standards
D.2 Political Economy of Development
USS New Jersey
Chair: Michele Alacevich, Columbia University
Discussant: Karen Caplan, Rutgers University, NewarkHenderson Carter, University of the West Indies
The Role of Government in the Development of the Electricity Service in Barbados, 1911-1980
[Abstract] [Paper]Jason Jackson, MIT
The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment: Constructing Economic Interests and Policy Preferences in Post-War India and Brazil
D.3 The Rights of Persons and the Rights of Labor
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: John Enyeart, Bucknell University
Discussant: Heather Ann Thompson, Temple UniversityBradley A. Hansen, University of Mary Washington, and Mary Eschelbach Hansen, American University
Business and the Evolution of Debt Collection Laws: Garnishment and Wage Assignment in Illinois, 1880-1930
[Abstract]Shannan Clark, Montclair State University
The Freedom of the Press from Labor: The National War Labor Board, the First Amendment, and the Assertion of Managerial Prerogatives in the United States during the 1940s
[Abstract]Chad Pearson, Collin College
Organized Employers, Strikebreaking, and Individual Rights in Progressive Era Cleveland
[Abstract]Mathieu Floquet and Patrice Laroche, Université Nancy 2
The Impossible Transition from "Absolute Monarchy" toward Industrial Democracy in France: The Experience of Workers' Representatives at Schneider, 1899-1936
[Abstract] [Paper]
D.4 Business and Political Capital
Columbus A
Chair: William Childs, The Ohio State University
Discussant: George D. Smith, New York UniversityDavid M. Higgins, York Management School, and Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
"Bringing Home the Bacon"? State Promotion of the Branding and Marketing of Danish Bacon in Britain during the Interwar Years
[Abstract]Mark Kuhlberg, Laurentian University
The Invisible Hand: International Paper Company's Conquest of Ontario, 1920-1930
[Abstract]Ellen R. Wald, Boston University
A Cooperative Venture: Aramco and the U.S. Government in the Desert Frontier, 1950-1955
D.5 Social Entrepreneurship
Columbus B
Chair: Elisabeth Koll, Harvard University
Discussant: Daniel Wadhwani, University of the PacificStephanie Deutsch, Independent Scholar
Julius Rosenwald: Retail Merchant and Wholesale Philanthropist
[Abstract]Laura D. Phillips, Brown University
The Fair Trade Experiment in California: Edna Gleason and the Druggists' Campaign, 1929-1933
[Abstract]Heike Wieters, European University Viadrina
Of Heart-Felt Charity and Billion-Dollar Enterprise: Charitable Non-Profit Enterprises and the State: The Case of CARE, Inc.
D.6 Innovation and Change in the Post Office Business
USS Olympia
Chair: Mitchell Larson, University of Central Lancashire
Discussant: Mitchell Larson, University of Central LancashireMark Billings, University of Exeter, and Alan Booth, University of Exeter
The "Working-Class Bank" That Never Was: Britain's Post Office in Financial Services, 1945-1975
[Abstract]Mark Crowley, Wuhan University
Technological Change and the Future of Post Office Communications, 1939-1945
[Abstract]Peter Sutton, King's College London
Mechanizing the Mail: Technological Change and Industrial Relations in the Post-War British Post Office
D.7 Roundtable: Teaching Business History
Columbus C
Chair: Christy Ford Chapin, University of Virginia
Discussant: The AudienceChristy Ford Chapin, University of Virginia
Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
Edward J. Balleisen, Duke University
Per Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
4:45-5:00 pm
Coffee Break
Grand Ballroom Foyer
5:00-6:30 pm
Plenary: Krooss Dissertation Session
Columbus Ballroom
Chair: Shane Hamilton, University of Georgia
Alexia M. Yates, Harvard Center for History and Economics
Ph.D.: University of Chicago (2010)
Selling Paris: Real Estate and Commercial Culture in the Fin-de-Siècle CapitalChristy Ford Chapin, Johns Hopkins University Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise
Ph.D.: University of Virginia (2011)
Ensuring America's Health: Publicly Constructing the Private Health Insurance Industry, 1945-1970Xaq Frolich, Independent Scholar
Ph.D.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011)
Accounting for Taste: Regulating Food Labeling in the "Affluent Society," 1945-1995Noam Maggor, Vanderbilt University
Ph.D.: Harvard University (2010)
Politics of Property: Urban Democracy in the Age of Global Capital, Boston 1865-1900
6:30-8:00 pm
Presidential Reception
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Sponsored by
The Chemical Heritage Foundation
The Wharton School
The Winthrop Group
9:30 pm-12:00 midnight
Emerging Scholars Reception
Grand Ballroom D
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Press
Saturday, March 31
7:15-10:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30-8:15 am
BHC General Membership Meeting
Grand Ballroom B/C
8:00 am-12:00 noon
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
8:00 am-5:00 pm
Book Exhibit
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
8:30—10:00 am
Concurrent Sessions E
E.1 Roundtable: American and European Corporate Governance, 1790-1914
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Richard Sylla, New York University
Discussant: The AudienceCaroline Fohlin, Johns Hopkins University
Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics
Whig Fables of Corporatization, 1776-1914
[Abstract]Robin Pearson, University of Hull
Robert E. Wright, Augustana College
Early U.S. Business Corporations as Republics
E.2 International Politics and Technological Innovation
Columbus A
Chair: Donald C. Jackson, Lafayette College
Discussant: Kathryn Steen, Drexel UniversityKate Epstein, Rutgers University, Camden
Arms and the State: American Torpedoes, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex before World War I
[Abstract]William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Yin Li, Georgia Institute of Technology
China's Path to Indigenous Innovation
[Abstract]Slawomir Lotysz, University of Zielona Gora, Poland
Think before You Ban: American Reactions to the Rise of an Independent Antibiotic Industry in Eastern Europe in the Late 1940s
E.3 Regulating Current Events: Crimes, Malfeasance, and Regulation
USS New Jersey
Chair and Discussant: Eduardo Canedo, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Jill S. Huerta, Michigan State University
Crises in the Making: The Regulation and Deregulation of the U.S. S&L Industry
[Abstract]Rosalie Genova, University of Pennsylvania
The "Appearance of Corruption" and "Pinstriped Crooks": Narratives of the Enron Scandal in 2002 Regulatory Reforms
E.4 Business and Political Elites
USS Olympia
Chair: Christopher McKenna, Oxford University
Discussant: Jerry Muller, Catholic UniversityMatthias Kipping, York University
Masters of the Universe After All? Consulting Alumni in Business and Politics
[Abstract]Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow
Networking between Businessmen and Government Officials in Post-War Britain
E.5 Women in Business and Politics
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Katina Manko, Bard College
Discussant: Mary Yeager, UCLAKendra Boyd, Rutgers University
"A Group of Newark Women on Welfare Have Found a Novel Way to Cut Food Costs—They've Opened Their Own Grocery Store"
[Abstract]Bernardita Escobar Andrae, Universidad Diego Portales
Women in Business: Chile from the 1870s to the 1900s
[Abstract]Talia Pfefferman, Hebrew University
Nationalism, Entrepreneurship, and Gender in Palestine and Israel, 1930-1950
E.6 MNEs in Japan: Confronting the State and Local Barriers
Columbus B
Chair: Junko Watanabe, Kyoto University
Discussant: Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business SchoolPierre-Yves Donzé and Takafumi Kurosawa, Kyoto University
Nestlé Coping with Japanese Nationalism: The Establishment and Maintenance Strategy of a Foreign Multinational Enterprise in Japan, 1913-1945
[Abstract]Osamu Uda, Nihon University
IBM Japan as the Double-Faced Agent
[Abstract]Julia Yongue, Hosei University
The Establishment of Sanofi Pasteur Japon: Overcoming Japanese Entry Barriers in a New Era of Globalization for the Vaccine Industry
E.7 Emerging Technology: The Coevolution of Performances, Regulations, and Markets
Columbus C
Chair: Benjamin Gross, Chemical Heritage Foundation
Discussant: Cyrus C. M. Mody, Rice UniversityDavid C. Brock, Chemical Heritage Foundation
An Existential Entrepreneur: The U.S. Military and Microcircuitry, 1940-1965
[Abstract]Ann Johnson, University of South Carolina
Regulating and Re-regulating the Automobile: The Challenge of Emissions
[Abstract]W. Patrick McCray and Roger Eardley-Pryor, University of California at Santa Barbara
Take a Little Risk? Historical Analogies and the Regulation of Nanotechnology
10:00-10:30 am
Coffee Break
Grand Ballroom Foyer
10:30 am—12:00 noon
Concurrent Sessions F
F.1 Roundtable: Finance and the State
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Jane Knodell, University of Vermont
David Freund, University of Maryland
Karen Ho, University of Minnesota
Jane Knodell, University of Vermont
Sarah Quinn, University of Michigan
F.2 Transnational Marketing
USS New Jersey
Chair: Mira Wilkins, Florida International University
Discussant: Francesca Polese, Bocconi UniversityGlenn Bugos, Moment LLC and NASA Ames Research Center
American Airmail as an Analogy for Commercial Space
[Abstract]Corinna Ludwig, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
"It's ugly, but it gets you there": Volkswagen's Advertising Strategy in the United States, 1949-1968
[Abstract]Jason Petrulis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Selling Goodwill Overseas: How America Became a Brand in 1948
F.3 State Rule Setting
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Madeline Zelin, Columbia University
Discussant: JoAnne Yates, MITAndrea Lluch, CONICET-Argentina and Universidad de San Andrés (CEHDE)
The Historical Evolution of Trademark Legal Frameworks and Registration in Latin America: The Argentine Experience
[Abstract]Gautham Rao, Rutgers/NJIT
The State of the Market: Commerce and the Transformation of Federal Governance in the Early American Republic
[Abstract]Philip Thai, Stanford University
Law, State-Building, and the War on Smuggling in Coastal China, 1927-1937
F.4 Business and Taxes
Columbus A
Chair: Mark R. Wilson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Discussant: Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina, Chapel HillAjay K. Mehrotra, Indiana University
Corporate Capitalism and the Changing Constitution: The Legal Foundations of the Modern American Fiscal State
[Abstract]Romain Huret, University of Lyon
Low Taxes, High Times? Businessmen, Andrew W. Mellon, and Tax Policy, 1920-1932
[Abstract]Olivier Burtin, Princeton University
The "One-Woman Army": Vivien Kellems, Business, and the Tax Resistance Movement
F.5 Rural Worlds Remade
USS Olympia
Chair: Andrew Isenberg, Temple University
Discussant: Shane Hamilton, University of GeorgiaKeith Orejel, Columbia University
Factories in the Fallows: Deindustrialization and the Making of Modern Rural Politics, 1945-1965
[Abstract]Betsy A. Beasley, Yale University
A New South and a New City: Race and Rural Modernization in Soul City, North Carolina, 1969-1980
[Abstract]Gabriel N. Rosenberg, Duke University
The Programa Interamericano para la Juventud Rural and the Cultivation of Agribusiness and U.S. Hegemony in Cold War Latin America
F.6 Feeding the War Machine
Columbus B
Chair: Jay Lockenour, Temple University
Discussant: Eugene Gholz, University of Texas at AustinAlexander Donges, University of Mannheim
Economic Rationality and State-Owned Companies in Nazi Germany: The Formation of the Reichswerke "Hermann Göring"
[Abstract]Michael Miller, University of Miami
States at War and Global Supply
[Abstract]Mark Seddon, University of Sheffield
Incorporating the Corporate: Anglo-U.S. Oil Diplomacy during the Second World War
F.7 Alternative Industrial Policies
Columbus C
Chair: Andrew Popp, University of Liverpool
Discussant: The AudienceDimitry Anastakis, Trent University
A Prisoner's Dilemma: Auto Investment Incentives and the Failure to Regulate Them in North America, 1975-1980
[Abstract]Alan Dye, Barnard College, Columbia University
Creative Destruction and Entrepreneurial Obstruction: Cuban Sugar, 1898-1939
[Abstract]Hanaan Marwah, University of Oxford
The "Cement Armada" and Other Nigerian Government Attempts to Ease Construction Bottlenecks during the 1970s Oil Boom
12:00 noon-1:30 pm
Grand Ballroom D
12:00 noon-1:30 pm
Women in Business History Lunch
Riverview B
1:30—3:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions G
G.1 Financial Capitalism and the Limits of Government Regulation
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Edwin Perkins, University of Southern California
Discussant: Mary O'Sullivan, University of GenevaSusie Pak, St. John's University
The Limits of Government Regulation of Interlocking Directorates: The Social and Economic Ties of J. P. Morgan & Co., 1901-1914
[Abstract]Peter James Hudson, Vanderbilt University
Rogue Bankers and Gentlemanly Capitalists: American Foreign Banking, 1890-1913
[Abstract]Atiba Pertilla, New York University
The Interlocking Director Question: Lobbying for Wall Street in the Taft and Wilson Administrations
G.2 Regulating Market Access
USS New Jersey
Chair: Christopher Kobrak, ESCP Europe
Discussant: Michael S. Smith, University of South CarolinaRafael Castro Balaguer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Esther M. Sánchez Sánchez, Universidad de Salamanca
Foreign Assistance to a "Closed Economy": The Case of French Firms in Spain, c. 1941-1963
[Abstract]Laurence B. Mussio, McMaster University
A Clear and Present Danger? The State, Foreign Control, and the Canadian Life Insurance Industry, 1950-1962
[Abstract]Naci Yorulmaz, University of Washington
War Business and the State: German Arms Companies and Germany's "Foreign Economic Policy" toward the Ottoman Empire, 1880-1914
G.3 The American Civil War in Global Perspective
USS Olympia
Chair: Jeremy Atack, VanderbiltUniversity
Discussant: Jonathan Wells, Temple UniversityTony Freyer and Daniel Thomas, University of Alabama School of Law
Reconsidering the Commerce Power in Trans-Atlantic Context: The Passenger Cases (1849)
[Abstract]Dael Norwood, Princeton University
"A Great Thoroughfare for All Mankind": Asian Trade and the Antebellum Business Case for Building a Transcontinental Railroad
[Abstract] [Paper]Evelyne Payen-Variéras, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3
Federal Bonds, Railroad Finance, and the American State of the Civil War Era
G.4 Marketing the Market
Columbus A
Chair: Eric Wakin, Columbia University
Discussant: David Farber, Temple UniversityGavin Benke, University of Texas at Austin
"I Look Forward to Working With You": Enron's Government Affairs Efforts in the 1990s
[Abstract] [Paper]Cory Davis, University of Illinois at Chicago
Commercial Republicanism: Merchant Thought on the Relationship between Business and Government in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States
[Abstract]Pamela Walker Laird, University of Colorado Denver
Narratives of Self-Made Men and the State in Antebellum America
G.5 The Political Economy of City Building
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Michelle Craig McDonald, Stockton College
Discussant: Gergely Baics, Barnard CollegeJudith J. Friedman, Rutgers University
A Public-Private Partnership in Town Promotion: Elyria, Ohio, 1900-1910
[Abstract]Noam Maggor, Vanderbilt University
The Making of a Money Machine: Urban Public Policy in the Age of Global CapitalDana Stefanelli, University of Virginia
Federal Capital Building: Construction Financing in Washington City, 1790-1802
G.6 The Cold War Business
Columbus B
Chair: William H. Becker, George Washington University
Discussant: Mary Tone Rodgers, University of South Florida PolytechnicKarl-Erik Michelsen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
A Technocratic Matrimony: Collaboration between the State and Private and Public Enterprises during the War Reparation Era in Finland, 1945-1952
[Abstract]Steven Tolliday, University of Leeds
Crumbling Dream: Japan's Nuclear Quest, 1954-2011
[Abstract] [Paper]Erik Lakomaa, Stockholm School of Economics
Corporatist Advertising in Cold War Sweden: War and Peace Time Cooperation between Swedish Advertising Companies and Psychological Defense Authorities, 1954-1975
G.7 Institutional Constraints on Innovation
Columbus C
Chair and Discussant: Steven Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Benjamin Schwantes, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C./Widener University
Strange Bedfellows: Federal Reformers, Organized Labor, Railroad Managers, and Technological Change in Progressive Era America
[Abstract]Peter Michael Scott, University of Reading
Patents, Antitrust, and the Evolution of the Early British and American Radio Equipment Industries
[Abstract]David Suisman, University of Delaware
The Great Boomdoggle: Sonic Booms and the Fight against the American SST Program
3:00-3:15 pm
Coffee Break
Grand Ballroom Foyer
3:15—4:45 pm
Concurrent Sessions H
H.1 State Policy and the Organization of Finance
Grand Ballroom B/C
Chair: Steve Meardon, Bowdoin College
Discussant: Martha L. Olney, University of California Berkeley and Siena CollegeEmily Martz, University of Delaware
The State's Assumptions about Mutual Funds: A Corrective History, 1929-1932
[Abstract]Scott A. Redenius, Brandeis University
The Origins of the U.S. Unit Banking System: A New Look at the Restrictions Imposed on Antebellum Branch Banking
[Abstract]Mary Tone Rodgers, University of South Florida Polytechnic
Did the 1906 Armstrong Regulation Promote Separation of Ownership and Control in American Corporate Governance?
H.2 Harnessing Capital's Flow: Divergent State Responses to Housing and Urban Crises
Columbus A
Chair: Nathan Connolly, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Kim Phillips-Fein, New York UniversityRobert Henderson, University of Maryland
To Regulate or Not to Regulate: Money Market Mutual Funds and the Soul of the New Deal System of Housing Finance, 1975-1982
[Abstract]Anthony Ross, University of Michigan
Forging a "New Era in Home Finance": Pat Brown, California Mortgage Bankers, and the Remaking of the U.S. Housing Market
[Abstract]Rebecca Marchiel, Northwestern University
"Communities Must be Vigilant": The Mixed Results of Grassroots Financial Regulation through the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
[Abstract]Judge Glock, Rutgers University
The Federal Housing Administration: Did It Really Favor the Suburbs?
H.3 Whither Labor Rights?
Columbus B
Chair: Marjorie Murphy, Swarthmore College
Discussant: Linda Barrington, Cornell UniversityJennifer Armiger, University at Albany, SUNY
"What was good enough in the 1960s is not good enough today": Sex, Race, and Business Opposition to Equal Opportunity Policy in 1970s America
[Abstract] [Paper]Julia Gunn, University of Pennsylvania
"A Good Place to Make Money": Civil Rights, Labor, and the Evolution of Pro-Business Politics in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1958-1970Benjamin L. Peterson, University of Illinois, Chicago
The Making of the Chicagoan Janitorial Class
H.4 Public-Private Welfare
Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Adam Cobb, Wharton Business School
Discussant: Dan Bouk, Colgate UniversityBeth Bates, Wayne State University
Henry Ford and the Inkster Project: Welfare Capitalism in Depression-Era Detroit
[Abstract]Christy Ford Chapin, University of Virginia
Insurance Companies and the Hidden Politics of Health Care, 1945 to 1965
[Abstract]Karen Ward Mahar and Tara E. Keough, Siena College
"The Fullback Is a Lady": Sports, Gender, and Post-War Welfare Capitalism
[Abstract]Chantel Rodriguez, University of Minnesota
Debating the Health Rights of Mexican Citizens Employed by the Pullman Company, 1920s-1930s
H.5 Business of Building
USS New Jersey
Chair: Jason Barr, Rutgers University, Newark
Discussant: Richardson Dilworth, Drexel UniversityFrancesca Russello Ammon, Yale University
"A Dirt Moving War": How World War II Advanced the Business of Construction Equipment Manufacturers
[Abstract]Sara Stevens, Princeton University
Professionalization Meets Public Policy: How the Urban Land Institute Shaped Urban Renewal
[Abstract]Peter Wissoker, Cornell University
"Our success depends upon your able performance": Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., James Rouse, and the Character of the Institutions That Financed Metropolitan Growth, 1945-1970
H.6 Shipbuilding and the State in World War II
USS Olympia
Chair: Albert Churella, Southern Polytechnic State University
Discussant: Michael Reis, History Associates, Inc.Thomas Heinrich, Baruch College
Industrial Mobilization of State-Owned Enterprise: U.S. Navy Yards during the New Deal and World War II
[Abstract]Chris Madsen, Canadian Forces College
Technology Adoption and Adaptation in Canada's West Coast Shipyards, 1918-1950
[Abstract] [Paper]David F. Winkler, Naval Historical Foundation
The Construction of USS Atlanta and the Navy Seizure of Federal Shipbuilding
H.7 Business and the Public Health
Columbus C
Chair: Ian Greaves, Temple University
Discussant: Edward Berkowitz, George Washington UniversityCynthia Connolly, University of Pennsylvania
Creating the "Therapeutic Orphan": Pediatric Pharmaceutical Policy in the United States, 1933-1979
[Abstract]Alan Derickson, Pennsylvania State University
Race and Cancer in the Steel Industry: The Battle over the OSHA Coke Oven Emission Standard, and Its Curious Conclusion
[Abstract]Martha N. Gardner, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
"Needlessly and Massively Exposed": The FDA, Industry, and the 1972 Ban on Hexachlorophene in Consumer Products
[Abstract]Chin Jou, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
When Uncle Sam Partnered with Ronald McDonald: How the Federal Government Helped the Fast Food Industry Expand into America's Inner Cities
5:00—5:30 pm
Book Auction (final call, 5:30)
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
6:00—7:00 pm
Presidential Address
Columbus Ballroom
Chair: Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University
Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan
Escape from Equilibrium: Thinking Historically about Business Responses to Competition
7:00—8:00 pm
Columbus Ballroom Foyer
Reception sponsored by the Business History Initiative at Harvard Business School
8:00—10:00 pm
Awards Banquet
Columbus Ballroom