2014 BHC Meeting

The 2014 Program Committee consisted of: Ed Balleisen, Duke University (chair); Chris McKenna, University of Oxford; Andrea Schneider, Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (Society for Business History) (Germany); Per Hansen, Copenhagen Business School (BHC President), and Jan-Otmar Hesse, Universität Bielefeld. Local arrangements in Frankfurt were provided by the Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte.


Photos from this annual meeting

BHC Members: submit your own photos from this meeting

Lobby interior, Poelzig Building

Richard John makes a point to JoAnne Yates.

The Poelzig Building, Goethe University

Ruth Becker, Chris McKenna, Bill Becker, Will Hausman

Prize Committee Chair Leslie Hannah (l) with Williamson Prize recipient Stephen Mihm

Henderson Carter and his family at the Saturday reception

Howard Cox, Nicholas White, and Les Hannah

Directions to the BHC Meeting at Goethe University's Poelzig Building

Roger Horowitz in conversation with Rose Bishara