BEH Online

Welcome to Business and Economic History On-Line, a selection of papers presented at the Business History Conference's annual meeting.

BEH On-Line was founded by William J. Hausman in 2003 on behalf of the Business History Conference as a continuation of the Business and Economic History print series; he was assisted by Deborah Green of the College of William & Mary. Edwin J. Perkins assumed the editorship with the 2010 issue and served through 2012. Pat Denault provided editorial assistance for volumes 1-9. Benjamin Schwantes of the German Historical Institute served as editor until 2019, with Will Hausman as assistant editor from 2014.

The entire run of the printed Business and Economic History, 1962-1999, is available as well. Citations in BEH On-Line papers to essays from these issues are linked to the full text in the archives.


Annual Meeting Author(s) ed
2011 BHC Meeting Stephen B. Adams Their Minds Will Follow: Big Business and California Higher Education, 1954-1960
2018 BHC Meeting Stephen B. Adams A Diversified Portfolio: Resources Fueling Silicon Valley Before Venture Capital
2012 BHC Meeting Stephen B. Adams Making a Virtue of Necessity: Herman Miller's Model for Innovation
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Fermín Allende Poor Thomas Buddenbrook! Family Business in Literature
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Francesco Ammannati Florentine Woollen Manufacture in the Sixteenth Century: Crisis and New Entrepreneurial Strategies
2007 BHC Meeting Dimitry Anastakis The Last Automotive Entrepreneur? Lee Iacocca Saves Chrysler, 1978-1986
2010 BHC Meeting Dimitry Anastakis Hubris, Nepotism, and Failure: The Bricklin Car Company and the Question of Inevitability
2007 BHC Meeting Evelyn Anderson Nissan's Keiretsu, 1956-1970
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting Francesca Antolín Global Strategies and National Performance: Explaining the Singularities of the Spanish Electricity Supply Industry
2012 BHC Meeting Jennifer J. Armiger What was good enough in the 1960s is not good enough today: Sex, Race, and Business Opposition to Equal Opportunity Policy in 1970s America
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting Anna M. Aubanell-Jubany Cartel Stability in the Electricity Industry: The Case of Electricity Distribution in Madrid in the Inter-War Period
2006 BHC Meeting Barbara Austin The State and Strategic Management of an Enterprise: A Life Cycle Analysis of a Symbiotic Relationship, 1873-1997
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting Insoo Baek The Emergence of a Mass Market and the Dynamics of Retail Forms in Korea
2005 BHC Meeting Astrid Baker The First Labour Government's New Start for Manufacturing, Employment, and Social Security in New Zealand, 1935-1949
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Dominique Barjot The Americanization of the European Cement Industry: Lafarge in Comparative Perspective, from Fashion to a Structural Change
2010 BHC Meeting Christian Barrère A Strange Story: When Crisis Leads to Wealth--The Institution of Champagne Wine as a Luxury Good
2011 BHC Meeting James L. Baughman Henry R. Luce and the Business of Journalism
2012 BHC Meeting Gavin Benke I Look Forward to Working with You: Enron's Government Affairs Efforts in the 1990s
2017 BHC Meeting Gavin Benke John Naisbitt’s Trend Letter: Reimagining Business Civilization in the 1980s
2008 BHC Meeting Gavin Benke Where Is Enron? Changing Perceptions of Geographic Relationships in the Deregulation of California's Energy Market
2014 BHC Meeting Ann-Kristin Bergquist and Kristina Söderholm Industry Strategies for Energy Transition in the Wake of the Oil Crisis
2004 BHC Meeting Marie-Francoise Berneron-Couvenhes French Mail Contracts with Private Steamship Companies, 1835-1914
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Eldon Bernstein and Fred Carstensen An American Success Story—Keep it Simple: The Wiffle® Ball, Inc.
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting Michael H. Best Lowell's Industrial Regeneration: Dynamic Technological Capabilities
2004 BHC Meeting Michael Best, Albert Paquin, and Hao Xie Discovering Regional Competitive Advantage: Massachusetts High-Tech
2005 BHC Meeting Michael H. Best Regional Specialization and Cluster Drivers: Medical Devices in Massachusetts
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Barbara Bettoni Fashionable Accessories: Tradition and Innovation in Button Manufacturing in Northern Italy, Seventeenth to Eighteenth Century
2007 BHC Meeting Mark Billings The Corporate Treasury in International Business History
2008 BHC Meeting Mansel G. Blackford Business Historians and the Global Over-Fishing Crisis: Opportunities for Research
2005 BHC Meeting Mansel G. Blackford Tourism, the Environment, and the Military: The Case of Guam, 1962-2002
2004 BHC Meeting Denis Bocquet A Public Company as a Challenger to a Private Monopoly: Providing Water to the Eternal City, 1865-1964
2004 BHC Meeting Kees Boersma Creating an Agricultural Research Network: Irradiation of Plants with Artificial Light at Philips Research in the 1930s
2004 BHC Meeting Hubert Bonin Blue Angels, 'Venture Capital,' and 'Whales': Networks Financing the Takeoff of the Second Industrial Revolution in France, 1890s-1920s
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Hubert Bonin Fashion Trends in Banking Business Models since the 1850s
2010 BHC Meeting Florence Brachet-Champsaur and Ludovic Cailluet The Great Depression? Challenging the Periodization of French Business History in the Interwar Period
2007 BHC Meeting Deborah Breen The Individual in the Community: American Entrepreneurs in the Australian Colonies, 1850-1890
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Paola Varacca Capello and Davide Ravasi The Variety and the Evolution of Business Models and Organizational Forms in the Italian Fashion Industry
2016 BHC Meeting Henderson Carter Resisting Hegemony: Black Entrepreneurship in Colonial Barbados, 1900-1966
2012 BHC Meeting Henderson Carter The Role of Government in the Development of the Electricity Service in Barbados, 1911-1980
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting Youssef Cassis and Camilla Brautaset The Performance of European Business in the Twentieth Century: A Pilot Study
2007 BHC Meeting Adriana Castagnoli The Female Entrepreneurs' Point of View and the Italian Economy
2004 BHC Meeting Florence Brachet Champsaur French Fashion during the First World War
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Christy Chapin Meeting the 1950s Consumer Ideal in Health Care
2011 BHC Meeting William R. Childs Henry Luce and Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture
2010 BHC Meeting Eugene K. Choi Reconsidering the Innovations in the Meiji Cotton Spinners' Growth Strategy for Global Competition
2004 BHC Meeting Albert Churella External and Internal Networks on the Pennsylvania Railroad: The Philadelphia Improvements
2008 BHC Meeting Albert J. Churella Does the Man Make the Railroad or Does the Railroad Make the Man? The Pennsylvania Railroad's Connections to Professional Management and the Failure of the Penn Central, 1920-1970
2005 BHC Meeting Albert Churella 'The Company could not take complete advantage of its bigness': Managerial Culture and the Pennsylvania Railroad's 1955 Corporate Reorganization
2006 BHC Meeting Albert Churella Saving the Railroad Industry to Death: The Interstate Commerce Commission, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Unfulfilled Promise of Rail-Truck Cooperation
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting Peter A. Coclanis Everything Also I Want: Another Look at Consumer Culture in Contemporary Singapore