2011 BHC Meeting |
Stephen B. Adams |
Their Minds Will Follow: Big Business and California Higher Education, 1954-1960 |
2018 BHC Meeting |
Stephen B. Adams |
A Diversified Portfolio: Resources Fueling Silicon Valley Before Venture Capital |
2012 BHC Meeting |
Stephen B. Adams |
Making a Virtue of Necessity: Herman Miller's Model for Innovation |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Fermín Allende |
Poor Thomas Buddenbrook! Family Business in Literature |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Francesco Ammannati |
Florentine Woollen Manufacture in the Sixteenth Century: Crisis and New Entrepreneurial Strategies |
2007 BHC Meeting |
Dimitry Anastakis |
The Last Automotive Entrepreneur? Lee Iacocca Saves Chrysler, 1978-1986 |
2010 BHC Meeting |
Dimitry Anastakis |
Hubris, Nepotism, and Failure: The Bricklin Car Company and the Question of Inevitability |
2007 BHC Meeting |
Evelyn Anderson |
Nissan's Keiretsu, 1956-1970 |
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting |
Francesca Antolín |
Global Strategies and National Performance: Explaining the Singularities of the Spanish Electricity Supply Industry |
2012 BHC Meeting |
Jennifer J. Armiger |
What was good enough in the 1960s is not good enough today: Sex, Race, and Business Opposition to Equal Opportunity Policy in 1970s America |
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting |
Anna M. Aubanell-Jubany |
Cartel Stability in the Electricity Industry: The Case of Electricity Distribution in Madrid in the Inter-War Period |
2006 BHC Meeting |
Barbara Austin |
The State and Strategic Management of an Enterprise: A Life Cycle Analysis of a Symbiotic Relationship, 1873-1997 |
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting |
Insoo Baek |
The Emergence of a Mass Market and the Dynamics of Retail Forms in Korea |
2005 BHC Meeting |
Astrid Baker |
The First Labour Government's New Start for Manufacturing, Employment, and Social Security in New Zealand, 1935-1949 |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Dominique Barjot |
The Americanization of the European Cement Industry: Lafarge in Comparative Perspective, from Fashion to a Structural Change |
2010 BHC Meeting |
Christian Barrère |
A Strange Story: When Crisis Leads to Wealth--The Institution of Champagne Wine as a Luxury Good |
2011 BHC Meeting |
James L. Baughman |
Henry R. Luce and the Business of Journalism |
2012 BHC Meeting |
Gavin Benke |
I Look Forward to Working with You: Enron's Government Affairs Efforts in the 1990s |
2017 BHC Meeting |
Gavin Benke |
John Naisbitt’s Trend Letter: Reimagining Business Civilization in the 1980s |
2008 BHC Meeting |
Gavin Benke |
Where Is Enron? Changing Perceptions of Geographic Relationships in the Deregulation of California's Energy Market |
2014 BHC Meeting |
Ann-Kristin Bergquist and Kristina Söderholm |
Industry Strategies for Energy Transition in the Wake of the Oil Crisis |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Marie-Francoise Berneron-Couvenhes |
French Mail Contracts with Private Steamship Companies, 1835-1914 |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Eldon Bernstein and Fred Carstensen |
An American Success Story—Keep it Simple: The Wiffle® Ball, Inc. |
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting |
Michael H. Best |
Lowell's Industrial Regeneration: Dynamic Technological Capabilities |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Michael Best, Albert Paquin, and Hao Xie |
Discovering Regional Competitive Advantage: Massachusetts High-Tech |
2005 BHC Meeting |
Michael H. Best |
Regional Specialization and Cluster Drivers: Medical Devices in Massachusetts |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Barbara Bettoni |
Fashionable Accessories: Tradition and Innovation in Button Manufacturing in Northern Italy, Seventeenth to Eighteenth Century |
2007 BHC Meeting |
Mark Billings |
The Corporate Treasury in International Business History |
2008 BHC Meeting |
Mansel G. Blackford |
Business Historians and the Global Over-Fishing Crisis: Opportunities for Research |
2005 BHC Meeting |
Mansel G. Blackford |
Tourism, the Environment, and the Military: The Case of Guam, 1962-2002 |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Denis Bocquet |
A Public Company as a Challenger to a Private Monopoly: Providing Water to the Eternal City, 1865-1964 |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Kees Boersma |
Creating an Agricultural Research Network: Irradiation of Plants with Artificial Light at Philips Research in the 1930s |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Hubert Bonin |
Blue Angels, 'Venture Capital,' and 'Whales': Networks Financing the Takeoff of the Second Industrial Revolution in France, 1890s-1920s |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Hubert Bonin |
Fashion Trends in Banking Business Models since the 1850s |
2010 BHC Meeting |
Florence Brachet-Champsaur and Ludovic Cailluet |
The Great Depression? Challenging the Periodization of French Business History in the Interwar Period |
2007 BHC Meeting |
Deborah Breen |
The Individual in the Community: American Entrepreneurs in the Australian Colonies, 1850-1890 |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Paola Varacca Capello and Davide Ravasi |
The Variety and the Evolution of Business Models and Organizational Forms in the Italian Fashion Industry |
2016 BHC Meeting |
Henderson Carter |
Resisting Hegemony: Black Entrepreneurship in Colonial Barbados, 1900-1966 |
2012 BHC Meeting |
Henderson Carter |
The Role of Government in the Development of the Electricity Service in Barbados, 1911-1980 |
2003 BHC-EBHA Meeting |
Youssef Cassis and Camilla Brautaset |
The Performance of European Business in the Twentieth Century: A Pilot Study |
2007 BHC Meeting |
Adriana Castagnoli |
The Female Entrepreneurs' Point of View and the Italian Economy |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Florence Brachet Champsaur |
French Fashion during the First World War |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Christy Chapin |
Meeting the 1950s Consumer Ideal in Health Care |
2011 BHC Meeting |
William R. Childs |
Henry Luce and Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture |
2010 BHC Meeting |
Eugene K. Choi |
Reconsidering the Innovations in the Meiji Cotton Spinners' Growth Strategy for Global Competition |
2004 BHC Meeting |
Albert Churella |
External and Internal Networks on the Pennsylvania Railroad: The Philadelphia Improvements |
2008 BHC Meeting |
Albert J. Churella |
Does the Man Make the Railroad or Does the Railroad Make the Man? The Pennsylvania Railroad's Connections to Professional Management and the Failure of the Penn Central, 1920-1970 |
2005 BHC Meeting |
Albert Churella |
'The Company could not take complete advantage of its bigness': Managerial Culture and the Pennsylvania Railroad's 1955 Corporate Reorganization |
2006 BHC Meeting |
Albert Churella |
Saving the Railroad Industry to Death: The Interstate Commerce Commission, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Unfulfilled Promise of Rail-Truck Cooperation |
2009 BHC/EBHA Meeting |
Peter A. Coclanis |
Everything Also I Want: Another Look at Consumer Culture in Contemporary Singapore |