Enterprise & Society seeks original, imaginative research on the historical relations between businesses and their larger political, cultural, institutional, social, and economic contexts. A truly international publication, Enterprise & Society welcomes articles focused on individual firms and industries grounded in a broad historical framework, as well as innovative applications of economic or management theories to business and its context. Quantitative works couched in terms accessible to non-cliometricians are also suitable. Enterprise & Society encourages submission of studies of business that arise from collateral social scientific and humanities disciplines (for example, historical sociology, anthropology, political economy, geography, and cultural studies) and which present fresh, interesting, and rigorous research from a variety of national and comparative perspectives.
BHC Members Only (starting January 1, membership provides digital access only, and hard copies are available for a $25 surcharge):
Established in 2000, Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History is published through Cambridge University Press and is the official publication of the Business History Conference. Enterprise & Society appears quarterly; all issues are fully refereed, with the fourth issue containing the address of the Business History Conference President and summaries of selected dissertations in the field. A subscription to the journal is included in Business History Conference membership dues.
For contact information and a list of the journal's full editorial advisory board, please see the journal website at Cambridge University Press. Details about subscribing (for institutions and non-BHC members) and about submitting manuscripts and books for review are available there, as well as an area where those interested can sign up to serve as a reviewer or referee. A searchable archive of Enterprise & Society contents is also available.
TOC announcement (Vol 24 Issue 3 2023) by Andrew Popp
TOC announcement (Vol 24 Issue 4 2023) by Andrew Popp