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Donate to the BHC
Alfred Chandler Fund donation
Some years ago a group of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.’s friends and colleagues created in his honor a fund to further the study of business history, principally by helping emerging scholars take part in the activities of the Business History Conference. Your gift will be a lasting one, as the Fund is managed as an endowment by the Business History Conference, a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization. You will receive a letter from the BHC acknowledging the gift and indicating it may be credited on your tax return as a charitable donation.
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Unrestricted Fund donation
Our unrestricted fund supports the Business History Conference's general operating budget. This is operated as an endowment with expenditures limited to 5% of the fund's amount. The Business History Conference is a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization. You will receive a letter from the BHC acknowledging the gift and indicating it may be credited on your tax return as a charitable donation.
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