General Information

2001 BHC Meeting

Services and the Global Economy

Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference

Miami, Florida April 20-22, 2001

The 2001 annual meeting of the Business History Conference will take as its theme "Services and the Global Economy." We invite proposals for papers concerned with the historical evolution of all forms of business enterprise engaged in services with a special emphasis on their international dimensions. It is hoped to attract papers on the widest range of services including finance, utilities, trade, retailing, transport, advertising, tourism, entertainment and crime. Papers could explore both the enterprises and persons engaged in services and their geographical location in cities, regions or countries. Submissions are invited on all chronological periods, and papers on the role of services in Latin America, Asia and Africa are especially encouraged. Submissions on topics beyond the theme are welcome as well. All graduate students presenting papers are eligible for travel grants to defray costs associated with attending the annual meeting.

The Program Committee consists of Geoffrey Jones (chair), Will Hausman, Kenneth Lipartito, and Mary Yeager.