Alejandro E. Caceres
Latin America, Oil Multinationals, Energy, Strategy, Organizations, Management Practices
Business Historians at Business Schools
Alejandro E. Caceres lectures the graduate courses Economics and Enterprise: Venezuelan Business History and Economic Development: Latin American Economic History in History and Economics Master programs of Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (UCAB), and the graduate course of Strategy in MBA program of IESA Business School, both in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a PhD Student in History at UCAB, and holds degrees of B.S. in Industrial Engineering from UCAB (Caracas, Venezuela), MSc. Finance from IESA Business School (Caracas, Venezuela) and MSc. Economics & History from Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). Alejandro researches on oil industry business history in Venezuela, in particular on organizational structures and management practices evolution during 20th century. Member of Venezuelan Studies Section of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), The Business History Conference. Along with his career in academia, Alejandro has held regional managerial and consulting positions in the Caribbean and Venezuela in corporate strategy, planning, finance and business development in consumer goods, telecom and IT industry sectors. Some of his publications include: A multinational's reorganization: Shell Venezuela in the 1950s (Debates IESA, 2010), Creole Petroleum Corporation in Venezuela: The great oil merger of 1940s (Debates IESA, 2012), and Mene Grande Oil Company and oil industry development in Eastern Venezuela (UCAB, 2014).
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