PDW International Business and Civilizations

Paper Development Workshop for historical research papers on international business.
Organized under the auspice of the BHC workshop committee by Teresa da Silva Lopes, Heidi Tworek and Christina Lubinski; sponsored by Copenhagen Business School

International Business Concepts
Commentator: Heidi Tworek (Univ. of British Columbia)

R. Dan Wadhwani (Univ. of the Pacific) and Christina Lubinski (CBS): “International Entrepreneurship”
Andrew Smith (University of Liverpool Management School): “Connecting the Histories of Race and International Business: What Business History Can Offer International Business”
Teresa da Silva Lopes (Univ. of York), Andrea Lluch (CONICET and Los Andes) and Gaspar Martins Pereira (Univ. of Porto): “Imitation and Global Business”

Internationalization of Taste
Commentator: Neil Rollings (Univ. of Glasgow)

Pierre-Yves Donzé (Osaka University) and Véronique Pouillard (University of Oslo): “Luxury”
Peter Miskell (University of Reading): “Makers of Globalisation: The Film Industry”
Patrick Friedenson (L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Social, Paris) and Kazoo Wada: “Automobiles”

Competitiveness and Dynamics of Emerging Markets
Commentator: Christina Lubinski (CBS)

Valeria Giacomin (CBS): “Clusters as Tools for Global Integration”
Chenxiao Xia (Kyoto Univ.): “The Rise of Chinese Big Business, 1990-2015"
Espen Storli (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): “Commodity Trading”

Institutions of Internationalization
Commentator: R. Dan Wadhwani (Univ. of the Pacific)

Niels Viggo Haueter (Swiss Re): “Chapter on Insurance and Reinsurance”
Michael Aldous (Queen’s University Belfast): “Trading Companies”
Marcelo Bucheli and Ishva Minefee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): “Corruption”

Internationalizing Knowledge and Practices
Commentator: Teresa da Silva Lopes (Univ. of York)
Robert Fitzgerald (University of London) “Trends in Multinational Management: Integration, Decentralization and Capabilities
Matthias Kipping (Schulich School of Business) “Masters of Global: Consultants and Business Internationalization”
Rolv Petter Amdam (BI Norwegian Business School): “The Globalization of Executive Education: 1945-1980”