PDW International Business and Civilizations
International Business Concepts
Commentator: Heidi Tworek (Univ. of British Columbia)
R. Dan Wadhwani (Univ. of the Pacific) and Christina Lubinski (CBS): “International Entrepreneurship”
Andrew Smith (University of Liverpool Management School): “Connecting the Histories of Race and International Business: What Business History Can Offer International Business”
Teresa da Silva Lopes (Univ. of York), Andrea Lluch (CONICET and Los Andes) and Gaspar Martins Pereira (Univ. of Porto): “Imitation and Global Business”
Internationalization of Taste
Commentator: Neil Rollings (Univ. of Glasgow)
Pierre-Yves Donzé (Osaka University) and Véronique Pouillard (University of Oslo): “Luxury”
Peter Miskell (University of Reading): “Makers of Globalisation: The Film Industry”
Patrick Friedenson (L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Social, Paris) and Kazoo Wada: “Automobiles”
Competitiveness and Dynamics of Emerging Markets
Commentator: Christina Lubinski (CBS)
Valeria Giacomin (CBS): “Clusters as Tools for Global Integration”
Chenxiao Xia (Kyoto Univ.): “The Rise of Chinese Big Business, 1990-2015"
Espen Storli (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): “Commodity Trading”
Institutions of Internationalization
Commentator: R. Dan Wadhwani (Univ. of the Pacific)
Niels Viggo Haueter (Swiss Re): “Chapter on Insurance and Reinsurance”
Michael Aldous (Queen’s University Belfast): “Trading Companies”
Marcelo Bucheli and Ishva Minefee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): “Corruption”
Internationalizing Knowledge and Practices
Commentator: Teresa da Silva Lopes (Univ. of York)
Robert Fitzgerald (University of London) “Trends in Multinational Management: Integration, Decentralization and Capabilities
Matthias Kipping (Schulich School of Business) “Masters of Global: Consultants and Business Internationalization”
Rolv Petter Amdam (BI Norwegian Business School): “The Globalization of Executive Education: 1945-1980”