Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
The BHC's Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a person who, in the judgment of the Grants and Prizes Committee, ratified by vote of the Board of Trustees, contributed in major ways to the work of the Business History Conference and to scholarship in business history. Nominations are solicited from the membership for this award every two to three years as appropriate. The award consists of a commemorative piece in etched crystal, presented at the annual meeting. The first award was bestowed in 2002.
The BHC's Grants and Prizes Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership for this award every two to three years as appropriate. It shall review these nominations and select the nominee who has, in the judgment of the committee, contributed the most to the work of the Business History Conference and to scholarship in business history. The committee will recommend this member to the Board of Trustees, which shall either ratify or reject the committee's recommendation. The award shall consist of a suitably designed or commissioned token (e.g., plaque, medal, etc.) worthy of honoring the selected member's lifetime achievements. The committee is not obliged to make a recommendation if, in its members' judgment, there is no nominee worthy of the award.