2020 BHC Meeting Program

Thursday, March 12th

Dissertation Colloquium, 8:00am - 1:00pm

Rooms 805 and 806, UNC Charlotte Center City building, 320 E. 9th St.

Details on participants at thebhc.org/doctoral-colloquium-2020-charlotte-nc

Workshop: New Directions in African American Business History, 8:30am - 5:30pm

Charlotte A

Details at: thebhc.org/new-directions-african-american-business-history

Paper Development Workshop: Uses of the Past: Perspectives, Forms and Concepts in Business History, 9:00am - 3:00pm

1st Ward

Details at: thebhc.org/uses-past-perspectives-forms-and-concepts-business-history-0

Workshop: Designing Collaborative Research Projects in Global Business History, 1:00pm - 4:00pm

3rd Ward

Details at: thebhc.org/designing-collaborative-research-projects-global-business-history

Workshop: Teaching with Digital Collections: A Collaborative Design Sprint, 1:00pm - 4:00pm

4th Ward

Details at: thebhc.org/teaching-digital-collections-collaborative-design-sprint

Registration, 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Event Edge

Trustees Meeting, 4:10pm - 6:40pm

1st Ward

Members’ Business Meeting, 6:50pm - 7:50pm

Charlotte A

Opening Plenary: Collaboration in Business History, 8:00pm - 9:15pm

Charlotte E

Moderator: Edward Balleisen, Duke University


  • Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University
  • Gary Gereffi, Duke University
  • Daniel R. Wadhwani, University of Southern California and Copenhagen Business School

Opening Reception, 9:15pm - 10:30pm

Charlotte D

Friday, March 13th

Continental Breakfast, 7:00am - 9:00am

Event Hub

Emerging Scholars Breakfast, 7:15am - 8:15am

Charlotte D

Registration, 8:00am - 5:00pm

Event Edge

Exhibits, 8:00am - 6:00pm

Charlotte BC

Concurrent Sessions 1, 8:30am - 10:00am

Session a: Business and Environmental Protection
Charlotte A
Chair: Peter Thorsheim, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Discussant: Peter Thorsheim, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Shane Hamilton, University of York, and Beatrice D'Ippolito, University of York
"Conceptualizing Technological Maintenance: Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller in Historical Perspective"
Johnathan Williams, Boston University
"'Truckport USA': A Target Distribution Center and a Fight in the Midwest"
Session b: Socialist Transitions
Independence Square
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Dan Du, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Zhu Zhang, Stanford University
"Wealth Without Power: The Rise of Chinese Private Business Elites and Their Relationship to the Communist Party"
Peter Wegenschimmel, University of Regensburg
"From Command Economy to Public Private Partnership: The History of Post-Socialist Shipbuilding"
Juanjuan Peng, Georgia Southern University
"The Last Golden Age of China’s Cotton Textile Industry: State-owned Cotton Mills in the 1980s"
Session c: Uses of the Past
3rd Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Stephen Chambers, The Winthrop Group
Discussant: Stephen Chambers, The Winthrop Group
Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
"From Business History to History as Business"
Fayola Nicholas, Grenoble École de Management
"Retrospection as a Mediating Force for Future Planning"
Takeo Kikkawa, Tokyo University of Science
"Applied Business History: An Application to the Japanese Petroleum Industry"
Session d: Pedagogy in Business History
Charlotte F
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
Daniel Wadhwani, University of Southern Calfornia and Copenhagen Business School, and Christoph Viebig, Copenhagen Business School
"Producing Entrepreneurs: The Paradox of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States and Germany, 1800-2015"
Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford, and Rebecca Orr, University of Oxford
"Collaboration in Researching and Teaching the Global History of Capitalism at Oxford"
Session e: Labor and the Political Economy of Big Works
1st Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Mark Wilson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Emma Teitelman, University of Cambridge
"The U.S. Freedmen's Bureau and the Business of Reconstruction"
Joan Flores-Villalobos, The Ohio State University
"The Value of Death: Federal Compensation in the Panama Canal, 1904-1914"
Mark Hauser, Carnegie Mellon University
"From Four Million Conscripts to Four Million Consumers: Rethinking the First World War and Military-Industrial Complex"
AJ Murphy, Columbia University
"Managing Military Work: Time and Motion Study in the Cold War U.S. Army"
Session f: Knowing Your Consumer in Postwar America
2nd Ward
Chair: Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Discussant: Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Richard Popp, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
"Checkout Lines: People, Supermarkets, and Suburbanized Media Networks"
Andrew Simpson, Duquesne University
"The Greying Market: Product Design and the Creation of an Elderly Consumer Market"
David L. Stebenne, The Ohio State University
"Doing Business with the Middle Class, 1933-1968"
Session g: Business Across Borders
Charlotte G
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Grace Ballor, European University Institute
Discussant: Grace Ballor, European University Institute
Ghassan Moazzin, University of Hong Kong
"Bankers from Afar: A Comparative Study of Foreign Banking in China and Japan Before World War I"
Fatma Derya Mentes, Duke University
"Tracing the Global Airline Industry's History in the Middle East"
Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
"Standard Oil in Europe: European States and American Market Power, 1890-1930"
Session h: Commodities in Motion in Maritime America, 1765 – 1800
4th Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers
Chair: Linda Rupert, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Discussant: Linda Rupert, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Jeremy Land, Georgia State University
"A Regional Complex: Colonial Business Networks in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia"
Eric Oakley, Kennesaw State University
"Baubles of Boston: The Throughput of an Evolving Empire in the Pacific"
Torsten dos Santos Arnold, Justus-Liebig University Giessen
"Europe and the Atlantic Revolutions: Hamburg’s Atlantic Trade, c. 1785-1798"
Session i: Making the World Safe For High Finance
Charlotte E
Chair: Mark H. Rose, Florida Atlantic University
Discussant: Sean Vanatta, New York University
Olga Koulisis, Murray State University
"Banking on Collaboration: Morgan Public Efforts to Promote a Cooperative Ethos, 1914-1920"
Per H. Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
"'Vestigia Terrent'? Making Sense of Danske Bank through Its CEOs, 1871-2020"
Sean Delehanty, The Johns Hopkins University
"Barbarian Scholarship: Making the Case for the Legitimacy of Hostile Takeovers in the 1980s"

Coffee Break, 10:00am - 10:15am

Event Hub

Mini-Plenaries, 10:15am - 11:45am

Session a: Toward a Global Collaboration for Women's Business History
Charlotte A
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Pamela Laird, University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Jennifer Aston, Northumbria University
"New Perspectives: Reframing and Refocusing through Collaboration"
Kari Zimmerman, University of St. Thomas
"Joining Separate Fields and Separate Spheres in Business History"
Alisha Cromwell, Coastal Carolina University
"A Workshop of One's Own"
Susan Ingalls Lewis, State University of New York, New Paltz
"Breaking Barriers, Thinking Bigger"
Session b: Telling Complex Stories: Data Analytics and Business History
Independence Square
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
Douglas Oard, University of Maryland
Tim Hannigan, University of Alberta
David Kirsch, University of Maryland
Session c: Business Historians Beyond the Professoriate
Charlotte G
Chair: Roger Horowitz, Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society, Hagley Museum and Library
Erik Rau, Director, Library Services, Hagley Museum and Library
Stephen Chambers, Director, The Winthrop Group
Claire Brennecke, Economist, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
James Cortada, Research Fellow, University of Minnesota
Elizabeth Brake, Vice President of Community Partnerships, Venture For America
Session d: Theories of Cooperation and Competition
Charlotte F
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Susie Pak, St. John's University
Louis Galambos, The Johns Hopkins University
"Entrepreneurs, Teams, and Bureaucracy in Postwar American Business"
David Sicilia, University of Maryland
"Human Collaboration: Insights from Evolutionary Biology and Anthropology for Business History"
Daniel Horowitz, Smith College
"Most Sharks Swim Alone, but Those on 'Shark Tank' Only Pretend to Do So"
Session e: The Piketty Effect: A Roundtable Discussion of Ideology and Capitalism
Charlotte E
Chair: Andrew Popp, Copenhagen Business School
Richard John, Columbia University
Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Atiba Pertilla, German Historical Institute
Mary O'Sullivan, University of Geneva

Business Historians Beyond the Academy, 11:45am - 1:15pm

The Asbury, 237 N. Tryon Street

Lunch Break, 11:45am - 1:15pm


Business Historians in Business Schools Lunch, 11:45am - 1:15pm

204 North Kitchen and Cocktails, 204 N. Tryon Street

204 North Kitchen and Cocktails, located at 204 N. Tryon Street, is a three-block, five-minute walk from the conference hotel.

Concurrent Sessions 2, 1:15pm - 2:45pm

Session a: Varieties of Boosterism
4th Ward
Chair: Albert Churella, Kennesaw State University
Discussant: Albert Churella, Kennesaw State University
Anne Magnussen, University of Southern Denmark
"Highways and History: The Business Community of Gonzales, Texas, in the 1930s"
Timothy Trombley, Illinois State University
"Railroad Tunneling: Self Dealing during the Construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad"
Session b: Epistemologies of Business History
Independence Square
Chair: Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech University
Discussant: Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech University
Marc Levinson, Independent Scholar
"What's a Comparative Advantage?"
Daniel Raff, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
"Explanation, Historical Explanation, and Some Tasks for Business History"
Session c: Strategic Uses of Intellectual Property
Charlotte G
Chair: Jennifer Black, Misericordia University
Discussant: Kathryn Steen, Drexel University
Robert Fredona, University of York , and Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
"Brands, Trademarks, and the Law in Medieval and Renaissance Business"
Gregory Hargreaves, University of Delaware
"The Gospel of Automation: Oliver Evans and the Business of Innovation, 1783-1819"
Peter Scott, University of Reading, and Anna Spadavecchia, University of Strathclyde
"Fundamental Patents, Industry Control, and the Rise of the Giant American Corporation"
Session d: Entrepreneurship in Education
1st Ward
Chair: William Childs, The Ohio State University & University of Texas, Austin
Discussant: Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School
Jane Stroup, North Carolina State University
"The Rise and Decline of American Correspondence Schools"
Hernando Javier Arbelo, University of Buenos Aires
"Business Strategies in the Field of Education in Development Argentina (1943-1973): Factory-schools, Management and Financing of State Education"
Session e: From Heroine to Team: Entrepreneurial Groups and Female Entrepreneurship
Charlotte F
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: David Sicilia, University of Maryland
Discussant: David Sicilia, University of Maryland
Helen Horowitz, Smith College
"Julia Child as Entrepreneur and Business Woman"
Paula de la Cruz-Fernández, University of Florida
"Gender and the Multiple Currencies of Multinational Business"
Valeria Giacomin, University of Southern California, and Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School and University of Southern California
"Contested Femininity and Entrepreneurial Imagination: Ruth Handler"
Session f: Legitimizing Business
2nd Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Rowena Olegario, University of Oxford
Discussant: Rowena Olegario, University of Oxford
Aaron Marrs, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State
"'The Men of the Church Must Go by Steam': Religion and Business in Antebellum America"
Kena Wani, Duke University
"Trustees of the Nation: Business, Philanthropy and Trust-making Regimes in Twentieth-Century Colonial/Postcolonial India"
Nicholas Gaffney, Morehouse College
"Legitimizing Black Business from the Civil War to Civil Rights"
Session g: Reconstructing American Financial Services
3rd Ward
Chair: Mark H. Rose, Florida Atlantic University
Discussant: Mark H. Rose, Florida Atlantic University
Seung Woo Kim, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
"Legitimising the Index Fund: The US Neoliberalism and the Re-making of the U.S. Asset Management Industry in the 1970s"
Christy Chapin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
"U.S. Policymakers, Regulators, and Bankers Search for Common Ground, 1945-1985"
Dalit Baranoff, Independent Scholar
"The Self-insurance Boom: Employee Health Benefits and the Changing Role of Insurance Companies, 1974 to 2010"
Session h: Adventures in Free Trade: U.S. Business and Labor in the Cold War Era
Charlotte A
Co-Sponsored by LAWCHA – The Labor and Working-Class History Association
Chair: Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Discussant: David Zonderman, North Carolina State University
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, University of Lausanne
"U.S. Business and the Pivotal Issue of Free Trade, 1947-1957"
Melanie Sheehan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"Cooperation or Competition? U.S. Labor Unions, the ICFTU, and the Question of Import Protection, 1953-1969"
Jennifer Delton, Skidmore College
"Fighting the New Protectionism: NAM’s Global Trade Campaigns in the 1970s-80s"
Session i: Strange Bedfellows: Corporations and the Company They Keep
Charlotte E
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Alex Beasley, University of Texas, Austin
Discussant: Alex Beasley, University of Texas, Austin
Lauren Klaffke, University of Minnesota
"The Art of Medicine and the Science of the Sale: Smith, Kline & French Co., the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Ars Medica Collection"
Kyle Williams, University of Virginia
"The Challenge to Managerialism and the Corporate Politics of the Late Twentieth Century"
Jessica Levy, University of Virginia
"Mandela and Coke: How One of the World’s Most Well-Known Companies Courted a Black Revolutionary"

Coffee Break, 2:45pm - 3:00pm

Event Hub

Concurrent Sessions 3, 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Session a: The Spaces of Segmented Markets
3rd Ward
Chair: Vicki Howard, University of Essex
Discussant: Vicki Howard, University of Essex
Lawrence McAndrews, University of Hong Kong
"Lost Opportunities: The Perplexing Persistence of Enterprise Zones"
Morris Speller, The Johns Hopkins University
"'Strangles Every Effort of the Borrower to Breathe Equity into His Home...': Redlining and Second Mortgages in 1950s St. Louis"
James McElroy, University of Minnesota
"'Consumer Dynamics': Racialized and Gendered Profiles of Supermarket Shoppers in the 1960s and 70s"
Session b: Social Networks in Business Communities
Independence Square
Chair: Martin Ruef, Duke University
Discussant: Martin Ruef, Duke University
Joseph Wallace, The Johns Hopkins University
"Bank Lane Bohemians: Financial Culture and Sociability in the Early American Republic"
Mariana Saavedra-Espinosa, Denison University
"Rationalizing Family, Updating Social Status: Family Business Governance and Entitlement to Accumulation in Colombia"
Eric John Abrahamson, Vantage Point History
"Reputation, Social Capital, and the Industrialization of Credit: The Experience of One Mid-American City"
Session c: Mercantile Networks in Comparative Perspective
2nd Ward
Chair: Matthew Mitchell, Sewanee: The University of the South
Discussant: Matthew Mitchell, Sewanee: The University of the South
Joshua Morrison, University of Virginia
"Translating English into American: Americans, Indians, and Global Trade in the Western Indian Ocean (1825-1875)"
Keiko Okamoto, Hosei University
"The Rise and Fall of Two Muromachi Merchants in the Kyoto Kimono Textile Industry between 1900 and 1944"
Maikel Farinas Borrego, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
"Beyond Sugar and Tobacco: Cuban Economic Counterpoints, 1920-1940"
Session d: The Emotional Landscape of 19th-Century American Business
Charlotte F
Chair: Wendy Woloson, Rutgers University, Camden
Discussant: Wendy Woloson, Rutgers University, Camden
Daniel Levinson Wilk, SUNY-Fashion Institute of Technology
"Selling Trust in the Oyster Cellars of Antebellum America"
Mandy Cooper, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
"'For No Other Reason Than That They Wished Me': Family Economic Strategies in the Antebellum United States"
Laura McCoy, Northwestern University
"A Commerce of Affection: Bonds of Business and Feeling among Boston Merchants"
Session e: Expanding Financial Access in the Urban Economy
Charlotte A
Chair: Anne Fleming, Georgetown Law School
Discussant: Anne Fleming, Georgetown Law School
Jackie Wang, University of Hong Kong
"Banking on Women: Tracing the Shanghai Women’s Commercial & Savings Bank"
Atiba Pertilla, German Historical Institute
"Immigrants, Bankers, and the Social Meaning of Money after World War I"
Rebecca Kobrin, Columbia University
"The Lost World of Immigrant Banking: Failure and the Writing of U.S. Business History"
Session f: Law and Markets
Charlotte G
This session has been canceled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Brian Balogh, University of Virginia
Discussant: Brian Balogh, University of Virginia
Franklin Sammons, University of California, Berkeley
"Tangled Up in Yazoo: Finance, Native Sovereignty, and the Case of Fletcher V. Peck"
Steven Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Courts as Collaborators: Ninth Circuit Patent Law and Western Boosterism"
JoAnne Yates, MIT Sloan School of Management, and Craig Murphy, Wellesley College
"Political and Legal Responses to Cooperative Standard Setting"
Session g: Failures and Fallout
1st Ward
Chair: Jonathan Coopersmith, Texas A&M University
Discussant: Andrew Popp, Copenhagen Business School
Frank Vanderlinden, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
"The Brewster Aeronautical Corporation: A Case Study in How Not to Run a Defense Business in Wartime"
Simon Cordery, Iowa State University
"Networking Chicago in the Gilded Age: Albert Benton Pullman Makes (and Unmakes) His Connections"
Andrew Primmer, University of Bristol
"A Profile of a 'Gentlemanly Capitalist': Shirley Jenks's Business Interests in Colombia"
Session h: Strategic Responses to Geopolitical Conflict
4th Ward
Chair: Alex Roland, Duke University
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, Miami University, and Andrew Fagal, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton University
"The U.S. Arms Trade in the Age of Latin American Revolutions, 1815-1825"
Robin Adams, Queen's University Belfast, and Christopher Coyle, Queen's University Belfast
"The Wee Divergence: Entrepreneurship and Political Turmoil in Ireland Before 1900"
Richard Sicotte, University of Vermont
"Chilean Nitrate Exports to the United States during World War II: International Business and the U.S. Wartime Bureaucracy"
Session i: The Coproduction of Business and Environment
Charlotte E
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Joseph Pratt, University of Houston
Discussant: Joseph Pratt, University of Houston
Christine Rosen, University of California, Berkeley
"Business Leadership of Urban Anti-Air and Water Pollution Movements during the Progressive Era"
Tyler Priest, University of Iowa
"Voluntary Environmentalism: Legacy Issues in Oil and Gas"
Abby Spinak, Harvard Graduate School of Design
"Contextualizing Cooperative Ownership in Energy Transitions"

Krooss Plenary, 4:45pm - 6:00pm

Charlotte E

Kristen Alff, ‘The Business of Property: Levantine Joint-stock Companies, Land, Law, and Capitalist Development around the Mediterranean, 1850-1925’ [PhD History, Stanford University]

Grace Ballor, ‘Agents of Integration: Multinational Firms and the European Union’ [PhD History, UCLA]

Koji Hirata, ‘Steel Metropolis: Industrial Manchuria and the Making of Chinese Socialism, 1916-1964’ [PhD History, Stanford University]

Jessica Ann Levy, ‘Black Power, Inc: Global American Business and the Post-Apartheid City’ [PhD History, Johns Hopkins University]

Zoom videoconferencing: https://zoom.us/j/614169852

Reception, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Levine Museum

The Levine Museum, 200 E. 7th Street, is a short walk from the conference hotel. A minibus operated by Peak Limo will also be available. Galleries and regional history exhibits will be open to attendees during the reception.

Emerging Scholars Reception, 9:00pm - 11:00pm

Charlotte A

Sponsored by Hagley Museum and Library

Saturday, March 14th

Continental Breakfast, 7:00am - 9:00am

Event Hub

Registration, 8:00am - 12:00pm

Event Edge

Exhibits, 8:00am - 5:30pm

Charlotte BC

Concurrent Sessions 4, 8:30am - 10:00am

Session a: Business Collaboration in Post–World War II Capitalist and Socialist Economies
Charlotte A
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
valentina fava, Czech Academy of Sciences and Technische Universität, Berlin
"Fiat S.p A. Strategy for the Soviet Market: The 1980s and the Challenging Path from Techno-scientific Cooperation to Productive Integration"
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Camden
"Collaboration, Coordination, Cooperation and Subversive Entrepreneurship in Socialist Hungary"
Martin Monsalve, Universidad del Pacifico
"Move and Accommodate: Business and Government Relations during the Peruvian Military Dictatorship (1968-1980)"
Edoardo Altamura, Graduate Institute, Geneva
"From Zero to Hero: Brazil and the World Bank Before and after the Military Coup of 1964"
Session b: Connecting Archives, Corporations, and Scholars
Charlotte G
Chair: Sean Patrick Adams, University of Florida
Discussant: Paula de la Cruz-Fernández, University of Florida
James Cortada, IBM
"Entwined Relations: IBM and Its History Research Relations with Journalists, Historians, and Employees"
Erik Rau, Hagley Museum and Library
"Scenes from an Archive: The Work of Aligning Interests of Business Organizations and Historians"
Benito Peix Geldart, Centre for Business History in Stockholm
"Helping Firms Use History, Promote Historical Research and Manage Archives: The Experience and Practices of the Centre for Business History in Stockholm"
jennifer boettcher, Georgetown University
"ZombieList to Track Historic Business Sources: A Collaborative Crowd-sourced Project"
Session c: Hidden Histories of Credit
1st Ward
Chair: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Discussant: Atiba Pertilla, German Historical Institute
Misty Peñuelas, University of Oklahoma
"Neither Conquest nor Collusion: ‘The Spirit of Masonry” in the Evolution of the Nineteenth-Century Cherokee Fiscal-Monetary State"
Dewen Zhang, Randolph-Macon College
"Regional Networks and Female Banking Entrepreneurship in Republican China: A Case Study on the Shanghai Women’s Commercial and Savings Bank, 1924-1953"
Session d: Extractive Industries Go Global
Charlotte F
Chair: Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ted Beatty, University of Notre Dame, and Israel García Solares, Harvard University
"Measuring the Expansion of Anglo-American Mining Engineers into the World, 1874-1929"
Jordan Howell, Harvard University
"The Business of Geology: Scientists on the Frontiers of Extraction"
Rory Miller, University of Liverpool
"Disruptive Technologies, Financial Crisis and Political Shocks: The Guggenheims and the Chilean Nitrate Industry, 1926-33"
Session e: Business and Government in the Era of Free Market Fundamentalism
Independence Square
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Jennifer Le Zotte, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Discussant: Laura Phillips-Sawyer, Harvard Business School and University of Georgia
Andrew Busch, Coastal Carolina University
"Bringing in the State: Global Competition, Research Consortiums, and the Paradox of High Tech Business, 1978-1988"
Ben Lisle, Colby College
"Beer-Oriented Development in the Post-Industrial City"
Gavin Benke, Boston University
"How Imagining “the Future” Blurred the Lines between Business and Government in the 1960s and 1970s"
Session f: Cooperatives in Practice
2nd Ward
Co-Sponsored by LAWCHA – The Labor and Working-Class History Association
Chair: Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
Discussant: Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
Nicole de Silva, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Housewives Imagine a New World: The Social and Economic Thought of the International Co-operative Women’s Guild, 1921-1939"
Stephanie Vincent, Kent State University
"'Are You A Member of the Made in America Club?' Industrial Cooperation in the Buy American Movement of the 1930s"
Sebastián Elisalde, University of Buenos Aires
"IMPA Plastic Industries: A Company Managed by Its Workers"
Session g: Managing Technological Innovation
3rd Ward
Chair: Heidi Tworek, University of British Columbia
Benjamin Schwantes, The Johns Hopkins University
"Building a User Base through Collaboration: Gary Oppenheimer’s Periodic Electronic Newsletter (PEN) and the Development of an MCI Mail User Community"
Paul J. Miranti, Rutgers Business School, and Phillip Bradford, University of Connecticut, Stamford
"Fourier’s Integral and the Development of Carrier Telephone at the Bell System: A Chapter in the History of Industrial Mathematics, 1918-1948"
Shigehiro Nishimura, Kansai University
"Networking Wireless Patents Worldwide: How Did Marconi and Telefunken Manage Global Technology Flows?"
Natalya Vinokurova, University of Pennsylvania, and Rahul Kapoor, University of Pennsylvania
"Converting Inventions into Innovations in Large Firms: How Inventors at Xerox Navigated the Organizational Filters to Commercialize Their Ideas"
Session h: We’re in the Money! Case Studies from American Film History
4th Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: JoAnne Yates, MIT Sloan School of Management
Martin Louis Johnson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"Letting Dynamite Do It: Du Pont’s Motion Pictures, 1910-1930"
Susan Ohmer, University of Notre Dame
"Constructing Production: The Walt Disney Studio’s 1941 Move to Burbank"
Peter Labuza, University of Southern California
"Hard, Fast, and Capital: Ida Lupino and The Art-Business Divide of 1950s Hollywood"
Paul Monticone, Rowan University
"The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America and Indirect Lobbying in an Entertainment Industry Trade Association, 1922-1945"
Session i: Slavery on the Economic and Legal Fringes in 19th-Century America
Charlotte E
Chair: Justene Hill Edwards, University of Virginia
Discussant: Justene Hill Edwards, University of Virginia
Brittany Farr, University of Pennsylvania
"Unfreedom and Contract: African American Contract Practice and Theory during the Age of Enslavement"
Michael Ralph, New York University
"Before 13th: The Origin of Convict Leasing"
Sharon Murphy, Providence College
"Gone to Texas: Deadbeat Debtors and Their Enslaved Property"

Coffee Break, 10:00am - 10:15am

Event Hub

Concurrent Sessions 5, 10:15am - 11:45am

Session a: Forging 20th-Century Consumer Culture
Charlotte A
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Jennifer Scanlon, Bowdoin College
Discussant: Jennifer Scanlon, Bowdoin College
Denise Sutton, CUNY-City Tech
"Harlequin Mills & Boon in India: From the ‘Colonial Library’ to Marketing to Modern Indian Readers"
Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Respect and Respectability: Black Consumers and the Politics of Beer Marketing in the Postwar United States"
Session b: Scales of Business Cooperation
4th Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique
Discussant: Jacqueline McGlade, Wheeling University
Meng Zhang, Loyola Marymount University
"Trade Associations, Taxation, and Contract Enforcement in Early Modern China"
Adrien Jean-Guy Passant, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci
""The Role of Stakeholder Collaboration in Business School Survival: The Case of ESCP Europe, the Oldest Business School in the World (1819-2019)"
Session c: The Culture Sector
Charlotte G
Chair: Michael Stamm, Michigan State University
Samuel Backer, The Johns Hopkins University
"'The Sidewalks of New York': Cooperation and Competition in the American Music Industry, 1880-1920"
Anthony Vickery, University of Victoria
"The Business Organization of Commercial Theatre in the United States from Colonial America to the Second World War"
Stefano Tijerina, University of Maine
"Building a Radio Station from the Bottom Up: WERU, Blue Hill (Maine) and Community Radio in the 1980s"
Session d: The Long(er) History of Financialization
Charlotte E
Chair: Sarah Quinn, University of Washington
Discussant: Sarah Quinn, University of Washington
David Freund, University of Maryland
"Money, Reform, and Financialization’s Long History"
Sean Vanatta, New York University
"The Fall of Fiscal Mutualism: New York State Public Employee Pensions and the State Origins of Financialization"
Erin Cully, CUNY Graduate Center
"From 3-6-3 to Wall Street: The Financialization of U.S. Commercial Banking"
Session e: Nationalization and Its Discontents
Charlotte F
Chair: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Camden
Discussant: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, Camden
Tim Barker, Harvard University
"Survival in the Air Age: The Finletter Commission and the Rise of American Corporatism"
Francesca Fauri, University of Bologna
"The Italian State’s Active Assistance to the Aeronautical Industry: The Case of the Caproni Group (1921-1951)"
Andrew Perchard, University of Wolverhampton, and Keith Gildart, University of Wolverhampton
"No Mere Capitalist Business: Forging a Nationalised British Coal Industry"
Session f: Collaboration and Conflict in China-U.S. Relations, 1800-2000
2nd Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Julian Gewirtz, Harvard University
Discussant: Julian Gewirtz, Harvard University
Dan Du, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
"Black Gold and White Gold: Weaving a Global Network through the Chinese-American Tea Trade, 1815-1842"
Dael Norwood, University of Delaware
"An Exclusive Traffic: The Failed Collaboration between Olyphant & Co., the United States, and the Republic of Peru in the Business of Human Trafficking in the First Era of Globalization"
Peter Hamilton, Trinity College Dublin
"From College Station to Shanghai: Mu Xiangyue and the Introduction of Taylorism in China"
Zhaojin Zeng, University of Pittsburgh
"The Broken Honeymoon: Rethinking Sino-U.S. Economic Exchange in the Long 1980s"
Session g: Global Business and Global Crisis in the 20th Century
1st Ward
Chair: Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Emilie Pack, Canisius College-Université de Valenciennes
"The French Textile Industry and the Search for Fibers in a Time of Crisis, 1938-1962"
David Wight, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
"U.S. Businesses, Petrodollars, and Interdependence with the Middle East in the 1970s"
Ella Coon, Columbia University
"Hardliners and High Technology: Conflicts over the Globalization of Computer Technology in the Communist World"
Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Siegen University
"Three Empires in the East: IBM’s Communist Collaboration"
Session h: The Political Economy of Cooperation in Business
4th Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Richard John, Columbia University
Discussant: Christy Chapin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Laura Phillips-Sawyer, Harvard Business School and University of Georgia
"Jurisdiction beyond Our Borders: The Long Road to U.S. V. Alcoa and Extraterritorial Antitrust, 1909-1945"
Jesse Tarbert, Independent Scholar
"Ideology, Strategy, and 'Self-Regulation' in the 1920s Construction Industry: Reassessing Herbert Hoover’s 'Associative State'"
Jamieson Gordon Myles, University of Geneva
"Rethinking the Problem of Agricultural Credit: Trade Associations, Farmers' Cooperatives, and the U.S. Government, 1913-1923"
Session i: The Business of Reshaping Nature and Agricultural Markets
3rd Ward
Chair: Joshua Specht, University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Joshua Specht, University of Notre Dame
Abeer Saha, University of Virginia
"Animal-Capital Co-operation: Bovines and the Industrial Feedlot"
Chris Deutsch, University of Missouri
"The Homosexual Steer: Buller Syndrome and the Role of Cross-species Cooperation at the Feedlot"
Rosanne Currarino, Queen's University
"Economies of Scale: Business and the State in Gilded Age America"

Women in Business History Lunch, 11:45am - 1:15pm

Charlotte D

Lunch Break, 11:45am - 1:15pm


Concurrent Sessions 6, 1:15pm - 2:45pm

Session a: The Challenges of Mergers and Joint Ventures
Charlotte A
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Discussant: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Robert Kaminski, University of Chicago
"Brewing Corporate Consolidation: Labor Relations, Financialization, and Regulation at Blatz Brewing, 1885-1920"
Sebastián Elisalde, University of Buenos Aires
"North American and Argentine Companies: Productive Articulations and Training Strategies: The Siam Di Tella and the Westinghouse (1935-1945)"
Bram Bouwens, Utrecht University, and Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique
"Cross Border Merger: Guarantee of Failure? The Cases of Renault-Nissan and Air France-KLM"
Session b: Foreign Direct Investment and Nationalism
Independence Square
Chair: Marc Levinson, Independent Scholar
Discussant: Marc Levinson, Independent Scholar
Tom Cinq-Mars, Duke University
"Red FDI: The Case of Russian Oil Products, Ltd. in the British Isles, 1924-1948"
Ryan Haddad, University of Maryland
"Money between Friends: Canadian-American Foreign Direct Investment Controversies in the Diefenbaker Era"
Ashton Merck, Duke University
"Towards 'One Smithfield': Smithfield Foods, WH Group, and the Politics of Pork from North Carolina to China"
Session c: Labor Control as Management Strategy
Charlotte G
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: David Singerman, University of Virginia
Discussant: Caitlin Rosenthal, University of California, Berkeley
Justene Hill Edwards, University of Virginia
"Paternalism, Control, and Capitalism in Antebellum South Carolina"
Bernadette Perez, Princeton University
"Managing Nature’s Shortcomings in Colorado’s Sugar Industry"
Erin Hatton, University at Buffalo
"Control over Status as Labor Coercion"
Session d: The Trials of Small Business
Charlotte F
Chair: Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Discussant: Benjamin Waterhouse, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Brian Callaci, Data & Society Research Institute
"'It's Traumatic to Consider Myself an Employee': Franchisee Associations and Small Business Organizing in the United States"
Shuang Frost, Harvard University, and Adam Frost, Harvard Univeristy
"Taxi Shanghai: Entrepreneurship and Infrastructure in a Global Metropolis"
Session e: The Political Economy of Commodity Money
Charlotte E
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Sharon Murphy, Providence College
Discussant: Sharon Murphy, Providence College
Jane Knodell, University of Vermont
"Managing Silver Money on the Periphery of the English Empire: Massachusetts Bay, 1640-1715"
Andrew Edwards, Oxford University
"Money’s Empire: Political Economy and Reform in the Wake of the Seven Years War"
Sydney Sweat, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Economic Innovation through Community Persistence"
Manuel Alejandro Bautista-González, Columbia University
"King Cotton and His Mexican Dollars: The Political Economy of Mexican Silver Dollars in New Orleans, 1838-1862"
Session f: Varieties of Capitalism Revisited
2nd Ward
Chair: Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
Discussant: Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
Erik Baker, Harvard University
"The New Conservatism: Peter Drucker Discovers Entrepreneurship"
Marina Ampudia, University of Buenos Aires
"New Spatialities of Resistance in the World of Work; Case Study of the Graphic Company Chilavert"
Hartmut Berghoff, Göttingen University
"Varieties of Family Capitalism: Results of a Comparative Project on Germany and the United States"
Session g: Corporate Uses of Social Science
1st Ward
Chair: Melissa Aronczyk, Rutgers University
Discussant: Melissa Aronczyk, Rutgers University
Caroline Jack, University of California, San Diego
"Rationales for Economic Education: Management Reports and the Construction of Facts"
Kira Lussier, University of Toronto, Mississauga
"Psychology in the Corporate Laboratory: A History of Human Resource Management Consulting"
Devon Powers, Temple University
"'The Smartest People I Could Find': Collaborative Futuring and the Corporate Use of Collective Knowledge"
Session h: History and the Uses of the Past at the Hudson Bay Company
4th Ward
Chair: Dimitry Anastakis, University of Toronto
Discussant: Eric John Abrahamson, Vantage Point History
George Colpitts, University of Calgary
"Coordinating Heritage in Hudson’s Bay Company Marketing and Development, 1925-1931"
Ann Carlos, University of Colorado, Boulder
"The Essential Role of Indigenous Consumer Satisfaction in the Eighteenth-Century Hudson’s Bay Company"
Joe Martin, University of Toronto
"The Hudson's Bay Company and the Creation of Canada's History Society"

Coffee Break, 2:45pm - 3:15pm

Event Hub

Concurrent Sessions 7, 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Session a: Hidden Landscapes and Hidden Labor: Environment and Economy in the American South
Charlotte A
Co-Sponsored by LAWCHA – The Labor and Working-Class History Association
Chair: David Goldfield, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Discussant: David Goldfield, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Jessica Elfenbein, University of South Carolina
"Reclaiming Ferguson, South Carolina 1890-1940: A Community Study"
Aaron Thomas, Mississippi State University
"Jingle Bell Stock: Technology and Labor in the Postwar Artificial Christmas Tree Industry"
Owen Hyman, University of Mississippi
"Collaboration and Dispossession: The Creation of NASA’s Space Technology Laboratory"
Session b: Roundtable: The Business of Fabric/The Fabric of Business
Independence Square
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Marina Moskowitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lin Gardner, University of Glasgow
Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech University
Jade Halbert, University of Huddersfield
Marina Moskowitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session c: Shareholders of Empire
1st Ward
Chair: Xavier Duran, Universidad de los Andes
Discussant: Xavier Duran, Universidad de los Andes
Matthew Mitchell, Sewanee: The University of the South
"A Secret Triangle Trade: The Royal African Company Versus the Private Trading Ring of James Phipps, William Baillie, and Humphry Morice"
Graeme Acheson, University of Strathclyde
"The London Assurance Company: Investor Behaviour and the South Sea Bubble"
Session d: Family Businesses and Finance in Modern Mexico
4th Ward
Chair: Manuel Alejandro Bautista-González, Columbia University
Araceli Almaraz, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
"Business Families in Mexico: Succession and Business Continuity"
José Galindo, Universidad Veracruzana
"The CBPM and Its Role in Shaping the National Banking Sector"
Victor Angel Flores, Banco Nacional de México
"A Close Relationship: Entrepreneurs and Workers in the Mexican Bank, 1920-1940"
Gustavo Del Angel, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
"The Trap and the Temptation: Government Financing to Mexican Mining"
Session e: Entangling the Firm with Nature
Charlotte G
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Christine Rosen, University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Shane Hamilton, University of York
Cody Patton, The Ohio State University
"Dust Bowl Beer: The Environment’s Role in Shaping the Modern American Brewing Industry, 1930-1941"
JONATHAN WLASIUK, Michigan State University
"Harm Reduction: What the War on Drugs Teaches Us About Living in the Anthropocene"
Neil Humphrey, The Ohio State University
"‘The Sure Way of Building Up a Dog’: The Evolution of Spratt’s and Transforming Nature into Dog Biscuits"
Session f: How Business Leaders Coordinate Internationally
3rd Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, University of Lausanne
Discussant: Mary O'Sullivan, University of Geneva
Pierre Eichenberger, New School for Social Research
"The International Brokers of the Wealthy - an Introduction to the Special Issue"
Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow
"Exploring the Motivations for Transnational Business Associations: The Case of Europe"
Sabine Pitteloud, University of Geneva
"Let's Coordinate! The Creation of a ‘Liberal' Bastion within European Industrial Federations (1978-1987)"
Session g: Standards, Markets, and the State
2nd Ward
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Lee Vinsel, Virginia Tech
Discussant: Lee Vinsel, Virginia Tech
Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia
"The Business of Standards and the Limits of Government: Engineers and the Privatization of Standards-Setting in the United States"
Grace Ballor, European University Institute
"Setting Standards for the Single European Market: Multinational Corporations and European Standards Organizations, 1957-1992"
Session h: Re-framing the Business History of Industries
Charlotte F
This session has been cancelled at the request of the organizers.
Chair: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business School
Mary Yeager, University of California, Los Angeles
"The Gender Dynamics of Industry"
Ai Hisano, Kyoto University
"Between Global and Local: The Dynamics of the Food Industry"
Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
"Brands and the Organization of Industries"
Niels Haueter, SwissRE
"Dynamics of Savings"

Book Auction, 5:00pm - 5:30pm

Charlotte BC

Presidential Address, 5:45pm - 6:45pm

Charlotte E

Join via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/614169852

Reception, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Event Hub

Banquet, 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Charlotte BC