Having trouble logging in?
- Did you forget your password? Use this online form to reset it and follow the instructions in the email you receive.
- Do you have an account? If not, you can create a new account even if you are not a BHC member.
- What is the difference betwen "login," "create a new account," and "request a password?"
- Login: If you are a BHC member or have ever served on a BHC committee, you already have an account. Your password may have been set automatically for you, so you should request a new password to log in for the first time.
- Create New Account: If you do not already have an account on our website, use this tool to register so you can access annual meeting functions (see below for details). The form for creating a new account is intended to ensure that only humans and not robots sign up for our website.
- Request New Password: Use this form if you do not remember (or never knew) your password.
- Still having trouble? Contact the BHC Web Administrator at
Looking for the renewal page?
- Visit the membership renewal page for full instructions.
Not a member?
- Some areas of the BHC web site are restricted to members only (see below for details). Join now through the membership page or register as a nonmember for access to annual meeting materials (such as paper proposal tools).
Members vs. Registered Users (Non-Members)
- Members of the Business History Conference automatically receive full access to every component on this web site. This includes:
- Full access to Enterprise & Society online, including the most recent issue
- Inclusion in the "Expertise Database"
- Ability to post announcements (CFPs, job ads, prizes) to the site
- Ability to submit bibliography suggestions, research and teaching resources, and syllabi
- Non-BHC members can access many of the website's tools after registering an account (to prove they are not robots). For example, registered non-members can:
- Upload paper or panel proposals for an annual meeting
- Submit "session organizer" requests for an annual meeting
- Upload abstracts and pre-circulated papers to the annual meeting page
Why am I not in the "Expertise Database?"
- Only registered BHC members who have entered a research biography and research interests appear in the Expertise Database. To update your profile, use the menu link at "Member Tools-->Update My Research Profile."
What is the BHC's privacy policy?
BHC website users and members may refer to and access the organization's privacy policy here.
How do I change my picture, biography, password, email, institutional affiliation, Twitter handle?
- Learn how to update your account and profile here.
Still need help?
- If you are unable to login, please e-mail the Web Administrator at <>. Thank you for your patience!