Emerging Scholars Committee: "The Long Road to the First Book" (08 March)
As part of our 2023 Mentoring Week (March 6–10), the Emerging Scholars Committee is hosting a virtual workshop for aspiring business historians: “The Long Road to the First Book” will offer advice on what steps to take toward publishing the main work. Our panel of speakers features Ai Hisano (University of Tokyo), who won the 2020 Hagley Prize for the best book in business history; Geoffrey Jones (Harvard Business School), a distinguished scholar with an extensive publishing record; and Robert Lockhart (University of Pennsylvania Press), a senior editor with expertise in business history.
We are inviting you to this virtual event, which will take place on Wednesday, March 8, at 11am EST on Zoom. To receive your access link, please register here. <http://tinyurl.com/BHC-ESC>
We hope to see you there. Best wishes,
Valeria Giacomin and Sven Kube
Co-Chairs, Emerging Scholars Committee