Harold F. Williamson Prize
Awarded every two to three years to a mid-career scholar who has made significant contributions to the field of business history, this prize memorializes the contributions to business history of the late Harold F. Williamson. The Grants and Prizes Committee shall serve as the core members of the Williamson Prize Committee, which shall also consist of two ex officio members, the BHC President and the BHC Secretary-Treasurer. The membership shall be solicited for nominations for the Williamson Prize six months before the prize winner is to be selected. The committee's selection shall require ratification by the full Board of Trustees.
The Harold F. Williamson Prize in Business History was first presented in 1990; it is awarded every two years. The prize was established to honor the memory of one of the founding members of the Business History Conference: Hal Williamson taught at Northwestern University for many years, trained dozens of graduate students, and served as president of the BHC in 1974.
The prize is awarded to an individual "at mid-career" who has made significant contributions to the teaching and writing of business history. The prize consists of a medallion and $500.