Expertise Database
Our members are here to help journalists and other non-specialists deliver authoritative, nuanced understandings of the ways in which businesses have operated in their wider social, political, economic, and cultural worlds.
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Gaston de los Reyes
Business and Economic History, Strategy, Corporate Governance, Business education, Sustainability, political economy and social responsibility.
Colleen Dunlavy
Political Economy, Corporate Governance, Corporate organization, Commodities, Business and Economic History, History of Capitalism, History of technology
Liane Hewitt
antimonopoly, European Common Market, Corporate Governance, Economic and Business History, Planning, Public policy and regulation, Transatlantic History, Europe, Modern, Global Histroy
Kondwani Happy Ngoma
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Economic Development, geopolitics, Risk, Diplomacy, Corporate Governance, African business history, Corporate Politics
Alberto Rinaldi
Corporate Governance, Industrial clusters, Small Business, Networks
Pallavi Singh
Business History, Colonial India, Institutional Change, 20th century, Entreprenuership, Corporate Governance, Capitalism, Networks, Banking, Business and Economic History