BEH Submission Guidelines
- Papers must be in English and follow our reference style precisely. Papers not in our style will be returned to authors immediately for correction. This is essential to ensure timely publication. The citation style should be the same as that used in the most recent issue of BEH On-Line. Each essay should be accompanied by a 150-200-word abstract. Please pay particular attention to our footnote style (full names of authors; month/season and year of publication for journals; place of publication only for books; no bibliography) While the citation style should be followed strictly, formatting should be kept to a minimum (particularly no headers or footers, please). Please consult our brief Style Guide.
- Since this is an on-line publication, authors are encouraged to include color illustrations (accompanied by permission when necessary) and Internet links in their papers.
- Papers should be submitted using the link at the bottom of this page.
- Papers published in Business and Economic History On-Line may be revised and submitted to print journals without seeking specific permission, although the on-line publication should be acknowledged. Basically, authors may use any of the material in their articles without seeking permission. The BHC will retain the right to reprint articles in print or electronic form without seeking permission of authors. Any residual rights remain with authors. Please see our Copyright Information page.
- To preserve the integrity of the bibliographical record, papers published in BEH On-Line may not be withdrawn by their authors after on-line publication.
- Papers are due as soon after the conference as possible.
- The editor reserves the right to reject any paper if it does not meet scholarly standards or if it does not conform to style guidelines.
When ready to submit, use the link in the menu at the side of this page. Please note that you must be logged in to the site to view the link.