Historical Methods Workshop
Historical Methods Workshop
Qualitative Sources & Quantitative Analysis in Business History
Thursday, 16th March 2023 (2-3:30 PM)
Business History Conference, Detroit
Over the last year, BHC has sponsored a roundtable and a mini-conference workshop where business historians have gathered to discuss their innovative developments in the study of historical sources, use of quantitative methods, and new research.
This workshop is meant to expand upon this theme by offering an in-depth case of how to translate archival sources like account books, date books, club registers, address data for analysis using programs like Excel and UCINET (a program used for Social Network Analysis). Please note that this is not a workshop teaching SNA’s programs (though information will be shared about workshops and trainings). We will discuss, however, which historical data is best suited for SNA.
The workshop is also meant to be interactive so that scholars can present their own research, questions, and sources. Participants are encouraged to talk about their own research, bring in examples of sources, and consult with the organizer and other workshop participants. The workshop is fairly informal but we ask that you register so that we can anticipate the interest and also make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share and get feedback on their own work.
Please register by March 8th by sending an email about your interest in attending to paks1@stjohns.edu
Organizers: Susie J. Pak, History, St. John’s University
For any questions about the workshop, please send to: paks1@stjohns.edu