Expertise Database
Our members are here to help journalists and other non-specialists deliver authoritative, nuanced understandings of the ways in which businesses have operated in their wider social, political, economic, and cultural worlds.
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Elin Åström Rudberg

history of advertising and consumer culture, Business and Culture, Business History, Market Regulation, Advertising and Marketing Industries, Europe, Modern, European Common Market, neoliberalism, entrepreneurship
Elise Berggren

World War II, Legal History, 20th century, Digital Humanities, Business and Culture, Business and Economic History, family business
Grace Dutt

Business History, 19th century finance, Finance, African-American History, American Consumer Culture, Banking, Business and Culture, Racial Capitalism, Financial history, Financial Institutions
Sophie Heath

archaeology, cultural history, Native Americans, Architecture, American History, Business and Culture, American women's history, Business History, African-American History, oral history
John Wong

Business and Economic History, East Asian modern business history, business and consumption, Business and Culture, Transnational history, Transnational, Transportation, food history, Housing
Samantha Woodward

Business and Culture, Corporate Social Responsibility, Modern Britain, civil society