Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jennifer J. Armiger
The Women of Western Electric: Reconsidering Gender Discrimination, Civil Rights, and the Meaning of Equity in Post-1960s America
Hyungsub Choi
Johns Hopkins University
Manufacturing Knowledge in Transit: Technical Practices, Organizational Change and the Rise of the Semi-conductor Industry in the U.S. and Japan
Stephen Crandall
Case Western Reserve University
The History of Telemarketing in The United States
Magnus Sveinn Helgason
University of Minnesota
Forging a Scandinavian Consumer Society: The Consumer Cooperatives and Consumerism in Sweden, 1919-1939
Daniel Holt
University of Virginia
Acceptable Risk: Law, Regulation, and the Politics of American Financial Markets, 1878-1930
Christopher McGahey
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harnessing Nature's Timekeeper: A History of the Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Technological Community, 1880-1959
Benjamin Schwantes
University of Delaware
Fallible Guardian: The Social Construction of Railroad Telegraphy in 19th-Century America
Cheng Hua Tzeng
McGill University
Growing Entrepreneurial Firms in Developing Countries: The Interplay of the State, the Market, and the Social Sector