Doctoral Colloquium Alphabetical Listing of Participants

Participant Colloquium Affiliation at Time of Colloquium Paper Affiliation Now
Christabel Agyeiwaa
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

University of California, Santa Barbara

“Bend-down Boutique”: Secondhand Economy in Twentieth-Century Ghana

University of California, Santa Barbara
Jenna Alden
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

'Behind the Executive Mask': T-groups and the Rise of Corporate Sensitivity Training, 1947-73

Bard High School Early College Queens
Michael Aldous
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Avoiding 'Negligency and Confusion'? Re-evaluating the Role of the Partnership in Nineteenth-Century British Trading Firms in India

Queen's University Belfast
Marcus Anthony Allen
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Institutionalizing Black Capitalism: An Examination of the African-American Depositors at the Savings Bank of Baltimore, 1850-1900

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Carlo Edoardo Altamura
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

European Banks and the Rise of International Finance after Bretton Woods, 1973-1982

Department of History, The University of Manchester, Institute of Political Studies, University of Lausanne
Francesca Russello Ammon
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

Waging War on the Landscape: Demolition and Clearance in Postwar America

Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Joseph Arena
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Closer to the Edge: New York City and the Triumph of Risk

Adjunct Professor, Capital University
Jennifer J. Armiger
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Women of Western Electric: Reconsidering Gender Discrimination, Civil Rights, and the Meaning of Equity in Post-1960s America

Assessment Director, Arts & Languages, at Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Kyle Asquith
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

'Aren't They Keen?' Early Children's Food Advertising and the Emergence of the Brand-Loyal Child Consumer

University of Windsor
Evelyn Atkinson
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

University of Chicago

American Frankenstein: Creating the Corporate Constitutional Person

Tulane University School of Law
Samuel Backer
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Johns Hopkins University

Entertaining America: The Political Economy of Popular Culture, 1870-1920

Johns Hopkins University
Zada Ballew
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

University of Wisconsin

“A Company of Kin: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and the Business of Tribal Nationalism, 1820s-2020s”

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Grace Ballor
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

Agents of Integration: Multinational Firms and the European Union 1970-2000

Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
James Barber
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

What Are They Going to Do to Us Now: Fear and Uncertainty at the End of Bretton Woods

Texas Tech University
Joshua Barkan
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Genealogy of the Corporation: Articulating Sovereign Power and Capitalism

University of Georgia
Victoria Barnes
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

English Law and the Emergence of the Joint Stock Banking Company, 1826-1844

Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
Noah Bender
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of California, Berkeley

European Shipping Companies and the World Migration Industry, 1870-1960

University of California, Berkeley
Nikki Berg Burin
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Regency of Women: Female Plantation Management in the Old South

University of North Dakota
Knut-Erland Berglund
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

The Long-Term Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Swedish Big Business

Uppsala University
Adina Popescu Berk
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Columbia University

The Grain Trade during World War I: Wartime Regulation and the Concentration of Agricultural Capital

Yale University Press
Fahad Bishara
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

Duke University

A Sea of Debt: Law, Empire, and Commercial Society in the Western Indian Ocean, c. 1850-1940

Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
Jasper Bittner
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

University of Oxford

The Evolution of the German Bankruptcy Regime 1830-1877

University of Oxford
Brice Bowrey
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of Maryland, College Park

Physicians-Entrepreneurs: Medical Professionals, Biomedical Engineers, and the Making of Modern U.S. Medical Device Regulation, 1946-2000

University of Maryland
Andrew Bozanic
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Delaware

The Acoustic Guitar in American Culture, 1880-1980

Teacher, Padua Academy
Jacqueline Brandon
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Princeton University

Free Trade: NAFTA and the Politics of Post-Cold War America

Princeton University
Mary Bridges
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Vanderbilt University

Constructing Creditworthiness:  The Latin-American Expansion of US Branch Banking the Early Twentieth Century

Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University
Rachel A. Bunker
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Rutgers University

’An Invisible Empire’: The Making of the Consumer Credit Score and Global Corporate Power, 1890-1989

Ph.D. Student, Department of History, Rutgers University
Rachel Burstein
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

CUNY Graduate Center

Labor and the Public: How Organized Labor Represented Itself in Postwar America

Academic Director at Books@Work
Elizabeth Cafer du Plessis
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Indiana

Meatless Days and Sleepless Nights: Food, Agriculture, and Environment in World War I America

Santa Rosa Junior College
Jairo Campuzano-Hoyos
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of Notre Dame, Universidad EAFIT

Reinterpreting Dominant Tropes:  Colombians' Search for Material Progress in Neighboring Latin America, 1870-1930

Professor of Business History, Universidad EAFIT
Michael Castelle
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

University of Chicago

Making Markets Durable: Transaction Processing in Finance and Commerce

University of Warwick
Brent Cebul
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Virginia

Freedom From: The Rise of the Blue Collar-Business Republican Coalition and the Conservative Deregulatory State, 1968-1994

Assistant Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania
Bianca Centrone
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Princeton University

Workers in Beautiful Homes: Productivism,Growth, Social Policies and Entrepreneurs in the European Southeast,1890s-1950s

Princeton University
Chambi Seithy Chachage
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Harvard University

Capitalizing Cities: The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Elites in African Commercial Capitals and the Growth of Black Business in the Global Economy

Harvard University
Christy Chapin
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Virginia

Ensuring America's Health: Publicly Constructing the Private Health Insurance Industry, 1945-1970

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Department of History
Marta Chmielewska
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

European University Institute

Researcher, European University Institute
Sungshin Cho
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Kyoto University

Dynamics in Japanese shipping in 1970-2000: Restructuring and the new wave of Imabari Shipowners

Graduate student, Kyoto University
Hyungsub Choi
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Johns Hopkins University

Manufacturing Knowledge in Transit: Technical Practices, Organizational Change and the Rise of the Semi-conductor Industry in the U.S. and Japan

Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Jiakai Jeremy Chua
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

University of Southern California

Doctoral Candidate
François-Valentin Clerc
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

University of Geneva

Threading Japanese Silk into Global Capitalism: French and American Silk Manufacturers Changing Relationships with Japanese Silk Suppliers, 1859-1913

University of Geneva
Stephen Crandall
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Case Western Reserve University

The History of Telemarketing in The United States

Retired , Associate Professor, Notre Dame College
Erin Cully
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

City University of New York Graduate Center

Banking on Change: The Politics of US Bank Consolidation

CUNY Graduate Center
John D'Amico
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Yale University

What was a merchant house in Tokugawa Japan? The case of the Nakai Genzaemon

Yale University
Malin Dahlström
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Gothenburg

The Limestone and Cement Industry in Sweden: A Study about Concentration, Rationalization and Cooperation in Two Industries, 1890-1975

Jönköping University
Ann Daly
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

Brown University

Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846

University of South Florida-Tampa
Elbra David
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of California-Irvine

Legal Pluralism and Mercantile Authority in the Integration in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic

University of California-Irvine
Cory Davis
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Illinois-Chicago

A Commercial Republic: The National Board of Trade and the Making of a National Political Economy in the Late Nineteenth-Century U.S.

University of Illinois-Chicago
Aniket De
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Harvard University

Harvard University
Paula de la Cruz-Fernández
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

Florida International University

Singer in Spain and Mexico: The Culture and Business of Sewing in Historical Perspective, 1870-1950

Digital editor and Assoc. Director, Inquire Capitalism Program, University of Florida, Web editor, Business History Conference
Ari de Wilde
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

Ohio State University

'The Dizzy Race to Nowhere':The Business of Professional Cycling in North America, 1891-1940

Eastern Connecticut State University
Austin Dean
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Ohio State University

A Coin for China? Making Money and Modernity in the Late Qing Dynasty, 1870-1912

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sean Delehanty
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Johns Hopkins University

The Shareholder Value Revolution

Ph.D. Candidate Johns Hopkins University
Bridget Diana
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Safety Regulation in the US Poultry Industry: For Whom?

University of Massachusetts
Xavier Duran
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

London School of Economics

Was the First Transcontinental Railroad Expected To Be Profitable? Evidence from Entrepreneur Declarations, an Empirical Entry Decision Model and Ex-Post Information

Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
Elena Egawhary
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Columbia University

Kroll Associates Inc. and The Business of Knowledge Production 1970 – 2017

Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia University
Bartow J. Elmore
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Virginia

Citizen Coke: An Environmental and Political History of the Coca-Cola Company

Ohio State University
Erik Moss Erlandson
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

University of Virginia

Redesigning the State: Federal Courts and the Emergence of a Deregulatory Bureaucracy

University of Virginia
Lindsey Feitz
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Kansas

Democratizing Beauty: Avon Cosmetics and the Transnational Marketing of Femininity, 1954-2008

University of Denver
Evan Fernández
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

University of California, Berkeley

Chile’s ‘Key to the Orient’: Commerce, Labor, and the Political Economy of the Pacific World, 1987-1943

University of California, Berkeley
Edward Fertik
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Yale University

Industrialization as Globalization: Iron and Steel between Germany, Brazil, and the United States

Senior Strategist, Working Families Party/Grassroots Policy Project
Jonathan Franklin
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Maryland-College Park

Economists' Domain: The Emergence of the Professional Economist, 1880-1939

Unknown Affiliation
Georgina Gajewski
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of North Carolina

'No Likeness—No Pay': The Market for Art and Artists in Early North Carolina: Art and Economy in the American South, 1789-1860

Unknown Affiliation
Paula Gajewski
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Vanderbilt University

Financial Regulation, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Transformation of Retirement in America

LKQ Corporation
Shennette Garrett-Scott
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Texas at Austin

Daughters of Ruth: Enterprising Black Women in Insurance in the New South, 1890s to 1930s

Texas A&M University
Valeria Giacomin
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Copenhagen Business School

The Evolution of the Palm Oil Industry in Malaysia and Indonesia in the 20th Century

Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
Amanda Gibson
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

College of William and Mary

African American Credit Use in the Early National Period

2021-2023 Markets and Society Postdoctoral Fellow, The Center for the Study of American Democracy and History Department, Kenyon College
Emily Katherine Gibson
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Georgia Institute of Technology

Domesticating the Air/Domesticating the World: Feminism, Modernity, and the Rise of Commercial Aviation, 1920-1970

National Science Foundation
Marcus Golding
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

University of Texas

The Price of Doing Business: Capital, National Development and Soft Power in the Venezuelan Oil Industry (1939-1975)

University of Texas
Alexandra D. Greco
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

University of Georgia

To Control the Waves: Marconi Wireless, the State, and the Struggle between Public and Private Interest

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Georgia, Department of History
Ryan Haddad
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

University of Maryland

America's Commercial Cold War: Trade and Security in the Western Alliance

University of Maryland
Catharina Haensel
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Georg-August University (Italy)

"The Ahmedabad experiment": Technological change and the emergence of 'scientific' wages as part of human resources management

PhD Student, Georg-August University of Göttingen , PhD Student, Scuola Normale Superiore
Kristin Hall
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Waterloo

The Establishment of Maclean's Magazine and Notions of Masculine Canadian Nationalism

University of Waterloo
Elizabeth Harmon
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

University of Michigan

Incorporating for Social Good: Philanthropic Foundations and the Origins of Social Enterprise (1860-1920)

Lockwood Strategy Lab
Hunter Harris
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of Michigan

When Trust Fails: Merchants, Law, and Empire in the Eighteenth Century

University of Michigan
Fei He
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

The Resumption of Trade Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China, 1949-1976

Magnus Sveinn Helgason
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Minnesota

Forging a Scandinavian Consumer Society: The Consumer Cooperatives and Consumerism in Sweden, 1919-1939

University of Bifrost
Eric Hintz
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Pennsylvania

The Post-Heroic Generation: American Independent Inventors, 1900-1950

Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, Smithsonian Institution
Koji Hirata
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Stanford University

Steel Metropolis: Industrial Enterprise, Urban Space, and Social Identity in Northeast China, 1909-1997

Research Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
Ai Hisano
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Delaware

A History of Food Color in the United States, 1880s-1970s

The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor
Nate Holdren
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

University of Minnesota

'The Compensation Law Put Us Out of Work': Workplace Injury Law, Disability, and Capitalism in the Progressive Era United States

Drake University
James Hollis
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Brasenose College, University of Oxford

Pax Pecuniaria? Offshore Finance in the Twilight of the British Empire, 1922-1984

University of Oxford
Sylvea Hollis
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Iowa

'What are you worth?' Race and the Multiple Meanings of Risk in the Jim Crow Era, 1887-1945

Unknown Affiliation
Daniel Holt
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Virginia

Acceptable Risk: Law, Regulation, and the Politics of American Financial Markets, 1878-1930

United States Senate Historical Office
Stephanie Holyfield
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Delaware

Friendly Interest: The Corporate Culture and Development of Welfare Work at Joseph Bancroft & Sons Company, 1885-1965

Wesley College
Caley Horan
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Minnesota

Actuarial Age: Insurance and the Emergence of Neoliberalism in the Postwar United States

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clint Hough
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Florida International University

A Propensity to Truck, Barter, and Exchange: Florida Indian Traders

Florida International University, Faculty, Ransom Everglades School
R Scott Huffard Jr
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Florida

Perilous Connections: Railroads in the Post-Reconstruction South

Lees McRae College
Owen James Hyman
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Mississippi State University

The Cut and the Color Line:  An Environmental History of Jim Crow in the Deep South's Forests, 1876-1965

University of Mississippi
Minseok Jang
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

University of Albany

“Kerosene Anti-monopoly: An Environmental and Global History of the Antitrust Movement Against Standard Oil, 1846-1911,”

Ph.D. Student, SUNY Albany
Alice Janssens
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

Erasmus University Rotterdam

The Rise and Fall of Berlin as a Fashion Capital: 1924-1939

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Christopher Jones
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Pennsylvania

Energy Landscapes: Coal Canals, Oil Pipelines, Electricity Transmission Wires in the Mid-Atlantic, 1820-1930

Arizona State University
Bill Kelson
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

University of Georgia

Shanghai Panic: China's Big Debt Crisis

Henry Kaufman Financial History Fellow
Brenden Kennedy
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

University of Florida

The Yazoo Land Sales: Slavery, Speculation, and Capitalism in the Early American Republic

Unknown Affiliation
Michael S. Kideckel
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Columbia University

When Food Became Natural:  Industrial Food Culture and the Marketing of Reform

History Teacher, The Hewitt School
Lauren Klaffke
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

University of Minnesota

Medicating the Corporate Soul: Employee Relations, Public Relations, and Philanthropy in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1930-1980

University of Minnesota
Rob Konkel
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Princeton University

Building Blocs: Raw Materials and the Global Economy in the Age of Disequilibrium

Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University
Sven Kube
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Florida International University

’The Devil's Music’: Selling Anglo-American Pop Music in Cold War Communist Germany

Florida International University
Arun Kumar
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Lancaster University

Philanthropy in Post/Colonial India: Tatas' Giving for/to the Modern (Neoliberal) Nation

University of York
Peter Labuza
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of Southern California

’When a Handshake Meant Something’: The Emergence of Entertainment Law and the Constitution of Hollywood Art, 1944-1967

University of Southern California
John Lapidus
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Gothenburg

Why Such a Permissive Attitude towards Monopolistic Associations? Social Democracy up to the First Swedish Law on Cartels in 1925

University of Gothenburg
Jessica Levy
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Johns Hopkins University

From Black Power to Black Empowerment: Transnational Capital and Racial Integration in the United States and South Africa, 1969-2010

Assistant Professor, Purchase College, SUNY
Bastian Linneweh
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

University of Göttingen

The Anatomy of a Global Market in Transformation. Rubber, 1900-1960

Doctoral Researcher & Lecturer, University of Goettingen, Institute for Economic and Social History
Jessica Lomas
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Henley Business School

Origins of Ethical Capitalism: The Case of the Monte di Pietàs

University of Reading (Henley Business School)
Corinna Ludwig
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

German Historical Institute

Bridging the Atlantic Gap: German Business in the United States after the Second World War

The Nielsen Company
Kira Lussier
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of Toronto

Motivating the Self:  Psychological Testing in Corporate America, 1950-1990

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Mississauga
Josh MacFadyen
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Guelph

Fashioning Flax: Industry, Region, and Work in North American Fibre and Linseed Oil, 1850-1930

Arizona State University
Noam Maggor
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Harvard University

Politics of Property: Urban Democracy in the Age of Capital, Boston, 1965-1900

Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London
Natalie Marine-Street
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stanford University

Ladies Agencies Reconsidered: Female Sales Agents and the Development of the American Consumer Economy

Stanford University
Chris Abdul Hakim Martinez
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

University of California, Los Angeles

Contesting the Capitalist World Economy: Bauxite and the Challenge of Guinean Decolonization (1945-1984)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Université de Kindia
Emily L. Martz
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Delaware

The Rise of America's Mutual Fund Industry, 1945-1990

Unknown Affiliation
Jean-Philip Mathieu
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

McGill University

A Social History of Montreal Rolling Mills, 1868 to 1903

McGill University
James McElroy
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of Minnesota

Racial Segmentation and Market Segregation: The Late-Twentieth Century History of the American City Supermarket, 1960-1990

Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, University of Minnesota
Christopher McGahey
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Georgia Institute of Technology

Harnessing Nature's Timekeeper: A History of the Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Technological Community, 1880-1959

Marketing and Business Development Associate and Technical Writer, Setty & Associates Ltd
Andrew Meade McGee
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Virginia

Mainframing America: Computers, Systems, and the Transformation of U.S. Policy and Society, 1940-1985

Carnegie Mellon University
Tracy Mensah
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Georgetown University

"Shopping for all pocket": History of Sindhi Retail and Industrial Busines in the Gold Coast, 1929-1989

Western Carolina University
Ashton Merck
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

Duke University

The Fox Guarding the Henhouse: Coregulation and Food Safety, 1957 – 1996,

Postdoctoral Researcher, North Carolina State University, Non-Resident Affiliate, Duke Center on Risk
Drew J. Meyers
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Michigan

Sun Citizens: The Political Culture of Retirement in America, 1952-1994

Unknown Affiliation
Scott C. Miller
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

University of Virginia

A Merchant's Republic: Independence, Depression, and the Development of American Capitalism, 1760-1807

Darden School of Business, Miller Center of Public Affairs
Ishva Minefee
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

University of Illinois

The Power to Resist? An Evolution of Corporate Responses to Anti-Apartheid Activism, 1948-1994

Iowa State University
Matthew David Mitchell
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Pennsylvania

Joint-Stock Capitalism and the Atlantic Commercial Network: The Royal African Company, 1672-1752

Sewanee, The University of the South
Alvaro Moreno
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of Virginia

James M. Eder and the Economic Development of Valle del Cauca in Early Colombia

Ph.D. Candidate, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Yumiko Morii
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Florida International University

A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Finance in the United States and Japan from 1880 to 1930

Unknown Affiliation
Joshua Morrison
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of Virginia

Nineteenth-century American Commerce in the Indian Ocean

University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Shawn Moura
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

University of Maryland

Development Begins at Home: Women and the Domestic Economy in Brazil, 1945-1975

Hanover Research
Brian Murphy
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of Virginia

Empire State Building: The Formation of States and Parties in New York, 1783-1850

Honors College Director and Associate Professor, Rutgers University, Newark
Jamieson Gordon Myles
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Université de Genève

A Return to Normal in International Trade? Political Economy of Trade Finance and the Case of the Swiss Machine Industry, 1919-1939

University of Geneva, University of Oxford
Ellen Mølgaard
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

Copenhagen Business School

When Small and Medium Sized Companies Encounter Globalization

Copenhagen Business School
James Nadel
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Columbia University

Jewish Commerce: Trade, Credit, and Ethnic Difference Across the Russian Empire, 1870-1917

Columbia University
Shaun S. Nichols
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Harvard University

Crisis Capital: The Making and Un-Making of Industrial Massachusetts, 1873-Present

Boise State University
Sasha Nichols-Geerdes
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of California, Los Angeles

Ancient Systems of Trade: Organizing Commerce in the Colonial North

Farmers Business Network
Joona Nikinmaa
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

European University Institute

The Foundations of European Venture Capital, 1960-1985: Organizing Innovation through Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

European University Institute
Ellen Nye
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Yale University

Harvard University, Yale University
Maria Padovan
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

Le rendez-vous manqué: The Role of EURATOM, France and Italy in the European Nuclear Industry, between European Integration and Transnational History (1957-1998)

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Université Paris Cité, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain (LIED - UMR 8236)
Misty Kay Peñuelas
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of Oklahoma

To Draw a Warrant for the Same: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Fiscal-Monetary State in the Long Nineteenth Century

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Oklahoma
Laura Phillips-Sawyer
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Virginia

The American Fair Trade Controversy: Law and Economics in Transition, 1890-1940

Associate Professor, University of Georiga School of Law, Courtesy appointments in Economics & History
Sabine Pitteloud
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Université de Genève

Multinationals-Territory-Work in Switzerland (1970-2010): The History of a Turning Point?

UniDistance Suisse, Assistant Professor
Rohit Prabu
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

European University Institute

The Pursuit of Profit: The Accounting Information Systems of the English and the Dutch East India Companies, c.1700- c.1800

European University Institute
Pablo Pryluka
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Princeton University

Expectations and Inequality: A History of Consumption in South America (1930s-1970s)

Harvard University
Malcolm Purinton
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Northeastern University

Imperialism in a Bottle: How the Pilsner Lager Became the Imperial Beer

Northeastern University
George Zhijian Qiao
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stanford University

The Making of a Mercantile Elite: Network, Entrepreneurship and Empire in Early Modern China

Amherst College
Jonathan Quann
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Princeton University

Sinking Leviathan: Global Shipping and the Growth of the American State, 1870-1920

Princeton University
Jesse Ritner
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

University of Texas, Austin

White Gold: Weather, Technology, and the Rise of the American Ski Industry, 1900-present

University of Texas, Austin
Robert Gabriel Nelson
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of California, Berkeley

The People's Capital:  The Politics of Popular Finance in the Gilded Age

University of California-Berkeley, Drew School
Christian Robles Baez
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Stanford University

The Making of an Improbable Global Market: Coffee 1808-1850

Stanford University
Beatriz Rodríguez-Satizábal
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Queen Mary University of London / Universidad de los Andes

Financing varieties of capitalism. Firms in developing economies: from stand-alone to business groups. The case of Colombia after 1950

Assistant Professor, Departamento Académico de Humanidades, Universidad del Pacífico (Perú)
Brecht Rogissart
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

European University Institute (Florence, Italy)

Belgian Stock Markets: Liberalisation, Growth and Power (1867-1914)

European University Institute
Caitlin Rosenthal
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

Harvard University

From Slavery to Scientific Management: Accounting for Control in Antebellum America

University of California-Berkeley
J. Andrew Ross
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of Western Ontario

Hockey Capital: Commerce, Culture and the National Hockey League, 1917-1967

Library and Archives Canada
Alex Royt
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

University of Pennsylvania

Stalin’s Financial Revolution: Corporate Finance and the History of the Soviet Fiscal State 1921-1953

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Rubel
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

New York University

The Dating Trade: A History of the Dating Industry in America

New York University
Lauren Ruhrold
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

University of Minnesota

No Standard Definition: The Medical Device Industry and Its Social and Cultural History

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Minnesota
Andrew Russell
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Johns Hopkins University

Industrial Legislatures: Consensus Standardization in the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions

Professor of History and Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Joshua Salzmann
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Illinois-Chicago

Safe Harbor: Chicago's Waterfront and the Political Economy of the Built Environment, 1847-1918

Northeastern Illinois University
Felicitas Santurio
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Argentine Catholic University

Women, Work, and Family. Female Workers at the Bunge and Born Group (1884-1943)

Universidad Católica Argentina, Archivo Bunge y Born
Tara Saunders
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Indiana University

Trash and Treasure: Secondhand Trade and Consumption in the Twentieth-Century United States

Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Manchester University
Anne Schaller
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Vanderbilt University

Procompetitive Effects of State Antitrust Laws: Evidence from the Progressive Era

Vanderbilt University
Sam Schirvar
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of Pennsylvania

Manufacturing Self-Determination: Native American Industrial Development in the Postwar United States

University of Pennsylvania
Corinna Schlombs
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Pennsylvania

International History of Computing: Trans-Atlantic Transfer of Technology and Culture in the Cold War Era

Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Benjamin Schwantes
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Delaware

Fallible Guardian: The Social Construction of Railroad Telegraphy in 19th-Century America

Managing Editor, Johns Hopkins University
Elizabeth Semler
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of Minnesota

Public Communication of Health Science: Food Advertising in the Post-World War II Period

University of Minnesota
Melanie Sheehan
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

International Labor Federations and the Politics of Global Economic Transformation, 1944-1995

Hartwick College
Pallavi Singh
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Queen's University, Belfast

From Bazaar to Corporations: The Long-Run Evolution of Community in Listed Indian Firms (1920-1970)

Queen's University Belfast
Abram Smith
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Univeristy of Duke

Ginning up Egyptian Cotton: Commodification, Regulation and Power in Global Markets, 1905-1952

Duke University
Carina Spaulding
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of Manchester

Hair Affair: Media, Culture, and the Black Hair Care Industry

Teaching Fellow, University College London
Susan V. Spellman
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Carnegie Mellon University

Cornering the Market: Independent Grocers and Innovation in American Small Business, 1860-1940

Associate Professor of History, Miami University
Ellan Spero
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Crafting a 'Technological Education': Academic-Industrial Laboratories and the 'Innovation Society'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Station1
Siddharth Sridhar
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

University of Toronto

Developing an Empire: Plantation Rubber and Peasant Agriculture in the Bay of Bengal

University of Toronto
Ella Stensdotter
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Umea University

The Swedish Employers' Confederation's Interactions with the Anglo-Saxon World, 1950-1990

Umeå University - Ph.D. Student, Department of Economic History
Mark Stickle
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

Ohio State University

The Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company: Eastern Capital and Mortgage Credit in Ohio, 1834-1845

Alastair Y. Su
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Stanford University

Age of Opium: American Capital and the Making of the Modern Pacific, 1828-1882

Westmont College
Sudarat Sukloet
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

University of York

Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Impact of Multinational Enterprises

University of York
Holly Swenson
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Northwestern University

Northwestern University
Chloe Taft
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Yale University

From Steel to Slots: Locating Postindustrial Community in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Northwestern’s Office of Foundation Relations
John Tang
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of California-Berkeley

The Yellow Non-Pareil: Industrialization and the Making of Modern Japan

ANU College of Business and Economics
Jesse Tarbert
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Case Western Reserve University

When Good Government Meant Big Government: Elite Reformers and American State in the New Era, 1920-1933

Independent Scholar
Nicole Taylor
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Ted Rogers School of Management

Driving Change: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) of Minority Suppliers in the Detroit-Windsor Automotive Industry

Ted Rogers School of Management
Kevin D. Tennent
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

London School of Economics

Owned, Monitored, but Not Always Controlled: Understanding the Success and Failure of Scottish Free-Standing Companies, 1862-1910

University of York
Philip Thai
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

Stanford University

Smuggling, State-Building, and Political Economy in Coastal China, 1927-1949

Associate Professor of History, Northeastern University
Jermaine Thibodeaux
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

University of Texas, Austin

The House that Cane Built: Sugar, Race, and the Gendered Foundations of the Texas Prison System 1843-1920

University of Texas, Austin
Kwelina Thompson
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Cornell University

Cornell University
Maureen Thompson
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Florida International University

Capitalism, Crops, and Cultural Change Through the Lens of the W. Atlee Burpee Seed Company, 1876-1915

Florida International University
David Thomson
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of Georgia

Bonds of War:  The Evolution of World Financial Markets in the Civil War Era

Associate Professor of History, Sacred Heart University
Dominique A. Tobbell
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of Pennsylvania

Pharmaceutical Networks: The Political Economy of Drug Development in the United States, 1945-1980

University of Virginia, Centennial Distinguished Professor of Nursing, Director, Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry
Hannah Knox Tucker
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of Virginia

Masters of the Market: Mercantile Ship Captaincy in the Colonial British Atlantic, 1607-1774

Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Cheng Hua Tzeng
Doctoral Colloquium 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota

McGill University

Growing Entrepreneurial Firms in Developing Countries: The Interplay of the State, the Market, and the Social Sector

Fudan University
Maki Umemura
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

London School of Economics

Unrealised Potential: Japan's Post-War Pharmaceutical Industry, 1945-2005

Cardiff Business School
Leah Valtin-Erwin
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Indiana University

Western European Retail and the Making of Post-Communist (Super)Markets in Eastern Europe, 1989-2004

Indiana University Bloomington
Natascha van der Zwan
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

New School for Social Research

Contentious Capital: The Politics of Pension Investment in the United States and Germany, 1974-2003

Leiden University
Sean Vanatta
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Princeton University

Constituting Credit Capitalism: The Political Economy of Bank Credit Cards in Postwar America

University of Glasgow
Saša Vejzagić
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

European University Institute

The Rise of a Socialist Business Class: The Role of Economic Managerial Elite in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1963-1991

European University Institute
Natalya Vinokurova
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

New York University

The 2008 Mortgage Crisis as a Failure of Analogical Reasoning

Lehigh University
Lee Vinsel
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

Carnegie Mellon University

Federal Regulatory Management of the Automobile Industry in the United States, 1966-1988

Virginia Tech
Joseph Wallace
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Johns Hopkins University

The Architects of their Fortunes: The Rise of Financial Capitalism in Baltimore, 1760s-1840s

The Johns Hopkins University
Benjamin Waterhouse
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Harvard University

A Lobby for Capital: Organized Business and the Pursuit of Pro-Market Politics, 1967-1986

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Jiemin Tina Wei
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Harvard University

Ameliorating Fatigue at Work: Workplace-Management, Mind-Body Medicine, and Self-Help for Industrial Fatigue in the U.S., 1890-1945

Harvard University
Michael Weisel
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Duke University

Charles Schwab and the Steel Navy: The Political Economy of Big Steel and the U. S. Navy 1885-1915

Capital Law Group
Jason Weixelbaum
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

American University

At the Crossroads with Fascism: The Decision of Ford, General Motors, and IBM to Do Business with Nazi Germany

American University
Heather R. Wilpone-Welborn
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

University of Illinois, Chicago

A Taxing Victory: Considering the Fiscality of Race and Class During the American Civil War

Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Chicago
Matthew Wormer
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Stanford University

Opium in the Age of Liberal Reform: Classical Political Economy and the Remaking of the British Empire, 1783-1839

University of Massachusetts Amherst
Narusa Yamato
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Stanford University

Milk for the Nation: A History of the Japanese Dairy Industry, 1840-1952

Stanford University
Damon Yarnell
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Pennsylvania

Making the Motor City: Ford, Detroit, and the Politics of Mass Production, 1908-1929

Dickinson College
Sally Yi
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia


Capital Citizenship: Japanese Investment, Identity, and Property in Seattle, 1930-2000

Princeton University
Yong Yen Nie
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics

“Making the small big”: How Medium-sized Family Firms Became the “Hidden Champions” of Malaysia’s Post-colonial Industrialization

Kyoto University
Hideki Yoshikawa
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Kyoto University

US Healthcare Industry During the AIDS Crisis in the 1980s and 1990s

Kyoto University
Zhaojin Zeng
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

University of Texas, Austin

Nourishing Shanxi: State, Industrial Entrepreneurship, and the Making of Chinese State Capitalism, 1898-2004

Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Participant Colloquium Affiliation at Time of Colloquium Paper Affiliation Now
Franco Amatori
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio Universita' Bocconi
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Duke University

Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Duke University

Duke University
Edward Balleisen
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Duke University

Duke University
Mansel G. Blackford
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Ohio State University

Emeritus Professor of History, The Ohio State University
Marcelo Bucheli
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Gies College of Business and Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ann Carlos
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Professor of Economics and History (courtesy), University of Colorado-Boulder -- Early Modern Empires/Trade in North America

Department of Economics, University of Colorado Boulder
W. Bernard Carlson
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

University of Virginia

University of Virginia
W. Bernard Carlson
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Virginia

University of Virginia
W. Bernard Carlson
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of Virginia

University of Virginia
Peter A. Coclanis
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Professor of Economic History, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina
Teresa da Silva Lopes
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of York

University of York
Teresa da Silva Lopes
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of York

University of York
Teresa da Silva Lopes
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

The University of York

University of York
Stephanie Decker
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Aston Business School

Professor of Strategy & International Business, Birmingham Business School
Gustavo Del Angel
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
Jennifer Delton
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

Skidmore College

Skidmore College
Jennifer Delton
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Professor of History at Skidmore College

Skidmore College
Paloma Fernandez-Perez
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Professor of Economic and Business History, University of Barcelona Business School -- Spanish and Latin American Business History

Department of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona
Walter Friedman
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Harvard Business School

Harvard Business School
Eric Godelier
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

École Polytechnique

Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
Eric Godelier
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Incoming Colloquium Director, Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, École Polytechnique

Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
Eric Godelier
Doctoral Colloquium 2022: Mexico City

Ecole Polytechnique

Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
Eric Godelier
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

École Polytechnique

Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
Eric Godelier
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

l'École Polytechnique

Professor of Management, Corporate History and Business Anthropology, Ecole Polytechnique, Humanities and Social Sciences department, Ecole Polytechnique , Interdisciplinary research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences, Ecole
Margaret B.W. Graham
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

McGill University

Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Founding Director, Winthrop Group, LLP, Chairman of Governance and Nominating Committee, Pioneer Investments
Margaret B.W. Graham
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

McGill University

Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Founding Director, Winthrop Group, LLP, Chairman of Governance and Nominating Committee, Pioneer Investments
Per H. Hansen
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

Copenhagen Business School

Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
Per H. Hansen
Doctoral Colloquium 2015: Miami, Florida

Copenhagen Business School

Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
Per H. Hansen
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Copenhagen Business School

Professor in the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
William J. Hausman
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

College of William and Mary

College of William & Mary
William J. Hausman
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

College of William and Mary

College of William & Mary
Richard John
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Columbia University

Columbia University, Professor of History and Communications
Richard John
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

Columbia University

Columbia University, Professor of History and Communications
Abe de Jong
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Matthias Kipping
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

Schulich School of Business, Toronto

York University, Schulich School of Business
Takafumi Kurosawa
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Professor of Economic Policy, Kyoto University -- European and Japanese Business History

Prof. Kyoto University, Visiting Scholar RIJS Harvard (2015-2016)
Takafumi Kurosawa
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

Kyoto University

Prof. Kyoto University, Visiting Scholar RIJS Harvard (2015-2016)
Pamela Laird
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

University of Colorado-Denver

Department of History, University of Colorado Denver
Pamela Laird
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Colorado-Denver

Department of History, University of Colorado Denver
Pamela Laird
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Colorado-Denver

Department of History, University of Colorado Denver
Margaret Levenstein
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Michigan

Michigan Census Research Data Center and Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Margaret Levenstein
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

University of Michigan

Michigan Census Research Data Center and Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Margaret Levenstein
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research

Michigan Census Research Data Center and Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Kenneth Lipartito
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Florida International University

Florida International University
Kenneth Lipartito
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Florida International University

Florida International University
Kenneth Lipartito
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

Florida International University

Florida International University
Kenneth Lipartito
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Florida International University

Florida International University
Andrea Lluch
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET)

Andrea Lluch
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

BHC President, 2021-22, Professor of Economic and Business History, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas

Christina Lubinski
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

Copenhagen Business School and University of Southern California

Copenhagen Business School
Christopher McKenna
Doctoral Colloquium 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

University of Oxford

Reader in Business History & Strategy, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Fellow & Tutor, Brasenose College, University of Oxford
Stephen Mihm
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

University of Georgia

University of Georgia
Sharon Murphy
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

Providence College

Providence College, Professor of History
Sharon Murphy
Doctoral Colloquium 2023: Detroit, MI, United States

Providence College

Providence College, Professor of History
Kenda Mutongi
Doctoral Colloquium 2019: Cartagena, Colombia

Williams College -- African Business History

Williams College
Mary O'Sullivan
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

University of Geneva, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History
Mary O'Sullivan
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

University of Geneva, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History
Mary O'Sullivan
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Professor of Economic History and director of the Department of Economic History at the University of Geneva

University of Geneva, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History
Mary O'Sullivan
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

University of Geneva

University of Geneva, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History
Rowena Olegario
Doctoral Colloquium 2021: Virtual Meeting

Member of the History Faculty and Co-Director, Global History of Capitalism, Oxford University

Co-Director, Global History of Capitalism, University of Oxford
Rowena Olegario
Doctoral Colloquium 2025: Atlanta, Georgia

University of Oxford

Co-Director, Global History of Capitalism, University of Oxford
Martha Olney
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

University of California-Berkeley

Teaching Professor of Economics, University of California-Berkeley
Susie Pak
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

St. John's University

Department of History, St. John's University
Francesca Polese
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

Bocconi University

Università Bocconi
Andrew Popp
Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Columbus, Ohio

University of Liverpool

Copenhagen Business School
Andrew Popp
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Professor of Business at University of Liverpool Management School and Editor, Enterprise and Society

Copenhagen Business School
Núria Puig
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

Complutense University Madrid

Department of History and Economic Institutions, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Daniel Raff
Doctoral Colloquium 2018: Baltimore, Maryland

University of Pennsylvania

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Neil Rollings
Doctoral Colloquium 2020: Charlotte, NC [held remotely]

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow
Mark H. Rose
Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Athens, Georgia

Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University
Mark H. Rose
Doctoral Colloquium 2008, Sacramento, California

Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University
David Sicilia
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, Emeritus
Anna Spadavecchia
Doctoral Colloquium 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Reading

University of Strathclyde
Richard Sylla
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Stern School of Business, New York University

Stern School of Business, New York University
Steven Tolliday
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

University of Leeds

University of Leeds
Steven Tolliday
Doctoral Colloquium 2009, Milan, Italy

University of Leeds

University of Leeds
Gail Triner
Doctoral Colloquium 2017: Denver, Colorado

Professor of History, Rutgers University

Department of History, Rutgers University
Natalya Vinokurova
Doctoral Colloquium 2024: Providence, Rhode Island

Lehigh University

Lehigh University
JoAnne Yates
Doctoral Colloquium 2007, Cleveland, Ohio

Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita
JoAnne Yates
Doctoral Colloquium 2006, Toronto, Ontario

Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita
Mary Yeager
Doctoral Colloquium 2014, Frankfurt, Germany

University of California, Los Angeles

Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles
Mary Yeager
Doctoral Colloquium 2016: Portland, Oregon

University of California, Los Angeles

Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles