What Makes Women Buy: A Guide to Understanding and Influencing the New Woman of Today
Copyright 1958 by theM cG raw-H ill Book Company, I nc. Printed in the United States of A merica. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 57-12596 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful acknowledgment is made to the authors and publishers of sources given below for permission to use portions of their material in preparing this book. Clifford R. A dams, Making Marriage Work, reprinted by special permission of theL adies Home Journal, copyright 1955, 1956, by the Curtis Publishing Company. Wroe A lderson, Advertisers Urged to Follow Path of Rational Problem Solving Rather Than of Instinctive Drives, Advertising A ge, March 4, 1957. Ruth Benedict, Patterns of Culture, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1934. Frances Benton, Etiquette, Random House, I nc., New York, 1956. Faber Birren, Selling Color toP eople, University Books, I nc., New York, 1956. Esther Eberstadt Brooke, Women in Business and Management, The Spiritual Woman, edited by Marion Turner Sheehan, Harper Brothers Publishers, New York, 1955. Hilde Bruch, Don tB eA jraid of Your Child, copyright 1952 by Hilde Bruch, published by Farrar, Straus Cudahy, I nc., New York, 1952. Gilbert Burck, What Makes Women Buy? Fortune, A ugust, 1956. Thomas E. Coffin, Television sI mpact onS ociety, The American Psychologist, copyright 1955 by the American Psychological A ssociation, I nc., October, 1955. John Crosby, The Changing World of Soap Opera, New York Herald Tribune, May 28, 1956. Lester and I rene David, Do Women Make Good Bosses? reprinted from This Week Magazine, copyright 1956 by the United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, March 4, 1956. Editors ofF ortune, The Changing American Market, copyright 1955 by Time, I nc., Hanover House, Garden City, New York. Family Fortunes, The Wall Street Journal, A (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)