
Argentina's economic crisis and its impact on female labour force participation (1970-1994)

Abstract: This paper analyses the impact of the economic crises in Argentina on women's participation in the labour market between 1970 and 1994. These decades marked, on the one hand, a great advance in the incorporation of women into the workforce. On the other hand, since the 1975 crisis (and subsequent ones), changes in the Argentine economy have had an impact on the structure of the labour market, and in particular on women's participation. On the basis of official records (censuses, legislation, etc.), the evolution of women's participation in the labour market (both in general and by sector) is reconstructed. An attempt will be made to explain the variation in women's participation in different activities and sec-tors, in the context of the severe economic crises suffered by Argentina. One of the main conclusions is that the crisis accelerated the trend of women's entry into the world of work.