BHC Collective Bibliography

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The Business History Conference Collective Bibliography
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Abdelrehim, Neveen, Aparajith Ramnath, Andrew Smith, and Andrew Popp. "Ambiguous decolonisation: a postcolonial reading of the IHRM strategy of the Burmah Oil Company." Business History (2018): 1-29.
Anderson, Jeffrey E. Conjure in African American society. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2025.
Anderson, Jennifer L. Mahogany: The Costs of Luxury in Early America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012.
Baptist, Edward E. "Toxic Debt, Liar Loans, Collateralized and Securitized Human Beings, and the Panic of 1873." In Capitalism Takes Command: The Social Transformation of Nineteenth-Century America. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2025.
Baradaran, Mehrsa. The color of money: Black banks and the racial wealth gap. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2017.
Barnes, L. Diane. "Fraternity and Masculine Identity: The Search For Respectability among White and Black Artisans in Petersburg, Virginia." In Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South, edited by Thompson Friend, Craig, and Lorri Glover. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2025.
Barnes, L. Diane. "Industry and Its Laborers, Free and Slave in Late-Antebellum Virginia." In The Old South’s Modern Worlds: Slavery, Region, and Nation in the Age of Progress, edited by Barnes, L. Diane, Brian Schoen, and Frank Towers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2025.
Bates, Timothy. "Utilization of minority employees in small business: a comparison of nonminority and black-owned urban enterprises." In African Americans and post-industrial labor markets, edited by Stewart, James B.. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 1997.
Bates, Timothy, and Michael Henry. "Minority business development programs: failure by design." In Race, poverty, and domestic policy. New Haven, Conneticut: Yale University Press, 2025.
Bayly, Christopher A. The birth of the modern world, 1780-1914 : global connections and comparisons. Blackwell Publishing, 2025.
Beard, Philip R. "The Kansas Colored Literary and Business Academy: A White Effort at African American Education in Late Nineteenth Century Kansas." Kansas History 24, no. 3 (2001): 200-217.
Beckert, Sven, and Seth Rockman. Slavery's capitalism: a new history of American economic development. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025.
Bell, Gregory S. In the Black: a history of African Americans on Wall Street. New York: Wiley, 2025.
Black, Dan, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, and Stuart S. Rosenthal. "Racial Minorities, Economic Scale, and the Geography of Self-Employment." Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 2001, no. 1 (2001-01-01): 245-286.
Bodenhorn, Howard, and National Bureau of Economic Research. Colorism and African-American wealth: evidence from the nineteenth-century South / Ruebeck, Christopher S.. Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2025.
Bodenhorn, Howard, and National Bureau of Economic Research. The complexion gap: the economic consequences of color among free African Americans in the rural antebellum South. Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2025.
Bolster, W. Jeffrey. Black jacks: African American seamen in the age of sail. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Bond, Beverly Green. "‘The Extent of the Law’: Free Women of Color in Antebellum Memphis, Tennessee." In Negotiating Boundaries of Southern Womanhood: Dealing with the Powers that Be, edited by Coryell, Janet L., 7-26. Columbia, Mo: University of Missouri Press, 2025.
Borowiecki, Karol Jan, and Christian Møller Dahl. "The land of artistic beauty and racial inequality: A study of the US since 1850." Accessed July 22, 2020.
Borowiecki, K.J., and C Møller Dahl. What makes an artist? The evolution and clustering of creative activity in the US since 1850
Boston, Thomas D. Affirmative action and black entrepreneurship. London ; New York: Routledge, 1999.
Boyd, Robert L. "Protected markets and African American professionals in northern cities during the great migration." Sociological Spectrum 17, no. 1 (January 1, 1997): 91-101.
Bray, William J. "Ebony entrepreneur: Captain Hansford C. Bayton." Steamboat bill. 54, no. 3 (1997): 193-199.
Bristol, Douglas. "From Outposts to Enclaves: A Social History of Black Barbers from 1750 to 1915." Enterprise & Society 5, no. 4 (2004/12): 594-606.
Buchanan, Thomas C. Black life on the Mississippi: slaves, free Blacks, and the western steamboat world. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2025.
Bundles, A'Lelia Perry. On her own ground: the life and times of Madam C.J. Walker. New York: Scribner, 2025.
Burrows, John Howard. The necessity of myth: a history of the National Negro Business League, 1900-1945. Auburn, Alabama: Hickory Hill Press, 1988.
Bussel, Robert. ""The Most Indispensable Man in His Community"; African-American Entrepreneurs in West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1865-1925." Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies (1998): 324-349.
Butler, John S. Entrepreneurship and self-help among Black Americans: a reconsideration of race and economics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2025.
Butler, John S. "Entrepreneurship and the advantages of the inner city: how to augment the Porter thesis." In The inner city: Urban poverty and economic development in the next century, edited by Boston, Thomas D., and Catherine L. Ross. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 1997.
Cable, John H. "“The Roots of Organized Resistance: African-American Political Mobilization in Southwest Georgia, 1918-1945”." The Corinthian. Accessed July 14, 2020.
Carstarphen, Meta G., Tae Guk Kim. "Who’s the victim?: Intercultural perceptions between African American and Korean American business people in Dallas." In Cultural diversity and the U.S. media, edited by Kamalipour, Yahya, and Theresa Carilli. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Cha-Jua, Sundiata Keita. America's First Black Town: Brooklyn, Illinois, 1830-1915. University of Illinois Press, 2025.
Chambers, Jason. Madison Avenue and the color line: African Americans in the advertising industry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025.
Chapin, Christy Ford. "“Going Behind with that Fifteen Cent Policy”: Black-Owned Insurance Companies and the State." Journal of Policy History 24, no. 4 (2012): 644-674.
Chatelain, Marcia. Franchise: the golden arches in Black America. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2025.
Christy, Ralph D. Entrepreneurship-centered economic development: an analysis of African American entrepreneurship in the southern black belt / Dassie, Wylin.. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 2025.
Connolly, N. D. B. A world more concrete: real estate and the remaking of Jim Crow South Florida. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2025.
Dailey, Maceo Crenshaw. "The Business Life of Emmett Jay Scott." The Business History Review 77, no. 4 (2003): 667-686.
Demery, Theresa C. "The Metoyers: Legacy of the Cane River People." North Louisiana History 34, no. 4 (2003): 171-195.
Dingle, Derek T. Black enterprise titans of the B.E. 100s: black CEOs who redefined and conquered American business. New York: J. Wiley, 1999.
Edmondson, Vickie Cox, and Archie B. Carroll. "Giving Back: An Examination of the Philanthropic Motivations, Orientations and Activities of Large Black-Owned Businesses." Journal of Business Ethics 19, no. 2 (1999): 171-179.
"The African American Gospel of Success." In Black conservatism: essays in intellectual and political history. Edited by Peter Eisenstadt, edited by Eisenstadt, Peter, and Walter A. Friedman. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999.
Elwes, Rachel L. "Leaving His Mark." American Legacy: Magazine of African-American History and Culture 10, no. 1 (2004): 22-24, 27-28.
Ferleger, Louis A., and Matthew Lavallee. "Lending a Hand: Black Business Owners’ Complex Role in the Civil Rights Movement." Enterprise & Society 21, no. 2 (2020/06): 494-515.
Fitzgerald, Michael W. "The fruits of sagacity: race, business, and the radical ascendancy." In Urban Emancipation: Popular Politics in Reconstruction Mobile, 1860–1890. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press.
Flamming, Douglas. "The business of race." In Bound for freedom: Black Los Angeles in Jim Crow America. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2025.
Fletcher, Charles D. Black gold: a historical and locational appraisal of commercial banking in the United States by Blacks, 1770-2003. [Place of publication not identified]: Afro. Facts Pub., 2025.
Forret, Jeff. ""How Deeply They Weed into the Pockets": Slave Traders, Bank Speculators, and the Anatomy of a Chesapeake Wildcat, 1840–1843." Journal of the Early Republic 39, no. 4 (2019-11-19): 709-736.
Freeman, Tyrone McKinley. Madam C. J. Walker's gospel of giving: black women's philanthropy during Jim Crow. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2025.
Garrett-Scott, Shennette. "’A Commercial Emancipation’ for the Negro."Financial History 131 (2019), pp. 20-23.
Garrett-Scott, Shennette. "A Historiography of African American Business | The Business History Conference." Accessed July 2, 2020.
Garrett-Scott, Shennette. Banking on freedom: black women in U.S. finance before the New Deal. New York: Columbia University Press, 2025.
Garrett-Scott, Shennette. "To Do a Work that Would Be Very Far Reaching: Minnie Geddings Cox, the Mississippi Life Insurance Company, and the Challenges of Black Women’s Business Leadership in the Early Twentieth-Century United States." Enterprise & Society 17, no. 3 (2016/09): 473-514.
Gibson, Truman K. 1912-2005 (Truman Kella). Knocking down barriers: my fight for Black America / Huntley, Steve.. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2025.
Gilbert, Charlene. Homecoming: the story of African-American farmers / Eli, Quinn.. Boston: Beacon Press, 2025.
Gill, Tiffany M. Beauty shop politics: African American women's activism in the beauty industry. Urbana ; Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2025.
Gill, Tiffany M. "Civic Beauty: Beauty Culturists and the Politics of African American Female Entrepreneurship, 1900–1965." Enterprise & Society 5, no. 4 (2004/12): 583-593.
Gill, Tiffany M., and Philip Scranton. "'I had my own business--so I didn’t have to worry’: Beauty salons, beauty culturists, and the politics of African-American female entrepreneurship." In Beauty and business: commerce, gender, and culture in modern America. New York: Routledge, 2025.
Gill,, Tiffany M. ""The First Thing Every Negro Girl Does": Black Beauty Culture, Racial Politics, and the Construction of Modern Black Womanhood, 1905-1925." In Cultures of Commerce: Representation and American Business Culture, 1877-1960, edited by Brown, Elspeth H., Catherine Gudis, and Marina Moskowitz, 143-169. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2025.
Glenn, Brian J. "Understanding mutual benefit societies, 1860-1960. Essay review." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 26, no. 3 (Jun 2001): 638-651.
Glotzer, Paige. How the suburbs were segregated: developers and the business of exclusionary housing, 1890-1960. New York: Columbia University Press, 2025.
Goddu, Teresa A. Selling Antislavery: Abolition and Mass Media in Antebellum America. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020.
Gonzalez, Aston. Visualizing Equality: African American Rights and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth Century. UNC Press Books, 2020.
Gould, Virginia Meacham. Chained to the rock of adversity: to be free, Black & female in the Old South. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998.
Greer, Brenna W. "Selling Liberia: Moss H. Kendrix, the Liberian Centennial Commission, and the Post-World War II Trade in Black Progress." Enterprise & Society 14, no. 2 (2013/06): 303-326.
Greer, Brenna Wynn. Represented: The Black Imagemakers Who Reimagined African American Citizenship. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019.
Gregory, Sheila T. A legacy of dreams: the life and contributions of Dr. William Venoid Banks. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1999.
Grim, Valerie. "African American Landlords in the Rural South, 1870-1950: A Profile." Agricultural History 72, no. 2 (1998): 399-416.
Harris, LaShawn. Sex workers, psychics, and numbers runners: Black women in New York City's underground economy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2025.
Harris, Abram Lincoln. The Negro as capitalist; a study of banking and business among American Negroes.. McGrath Pub. Co., 1968.
Hayner, Don. Binga: the rise and fall of Chicago's first Black banker. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2019.
Henderson, Alexa Benson. "Heman E. Perry and Black Enterprise in Atlanta, 1908-1925." The Business History Review 61, no. 2 (1987): 216-242.
Henderson, Alexa Benson. "Richard R. Wright and the National Negro Bankers Association: Early Organizing Efforts among Black Bankers, 1924-1942." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 117, no. 1/2 (1993): 51-81.
Hickmott, Alec Fazackerley. "Black Land, Black Capital: Rural Development in the Shadows of the Sunbelt South, 1969–1976." The Journal of African American History 101, no. 4 (September 1, 2016): 504-534.
Holt, Sharon Ann. Making freedom pay: North Carolina freedpeople working for themselves, 1865-1900. Athens, Ga.; London: University of Georgia Press ; Eurospan, 2025.
Horan, Caley. Insurance Era: Risk, Governance, and the Privatization of Security in Postwar America. University of Chicago Press, 2021.
Horton, Hayward D. "Black entrepreneurs, 1970-1990: a demographic perspective." In Immigrant and minority entrepreneurship: The continuous rebirth of American communities, edited by Butler, John S., and George Kozmetsky. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2025.
Horton, James Oliver, and Lois E Horton. Black Bostonians: family life and community struggle in the antebellum North. New York; London: Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 1979.
Horton, Lois, James Oliver Horton. "Power and Social Responsibility: Entrepreneurs and the Black Community in Antebellum Boston." In Entrepreneurs: the Boston business community, 1700-1850, edited by Wright, Conrad Edick, and Katheryn P. Viens. Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society : Distributed by Northeastern University Press, 1997.
House-Soremekun, Bessie. Confronting all odds: African American entrepreneurship in Cleveland. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2025.
House-Soremekun, Bessie. "The Impact of Economic Culture on the Business Success of African American Entrepreneurs." In Black business and economic power, edited by Jalloh, Alusine, and Toyin Falola. Rochester, N.Y: University of Rochester Press, 2025.
Hudson, Peter James. Bankers and empire: how Wall Street colonized the Caribbean. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2025.
Hudson, Lynn Maria. The making of "Mammy Pleasant": a Black entrepreneur in nineteenth century San Francisco. Urbana, Illinois: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2025.
Hudson, Larry E. To have and to hold: slave work and family life in antebellum South Carolina. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1997.
Hunt, Martin K., and Jacqueline E. Hunt. History of black business: the coming of America's largest black-owned businesses. Chicago, Illinois: Knowledge Express Co, 1998.
Hyman, Louis. "Ending Discrimination, Legitimating Debt: The Political Economy of Race, Gender, and Credit Access in the 1960s and 1970s." Enterprise & Society 12, no. 1 (2011/03): 200-232.
Ingham, John N. African-American business leaders: a biographical dictionary / Feldman, Lynne B.. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994.
Ingham, John N. "Building Businesses, Creating Communities: Residential Segregation and the Growth of African American Business in Southern Cities, 1880–1915." Business History Review 77, no. 4 (2003): 639-665.
Ingham, John N. "Patterns of African American Female Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship in Ten Southern Cities, 1880-1930." In Black business and economic power, edited by Jalloh, Alusine, and Toyin Falola. Rochester, N.Y: University of Rochester Press, 2025.
Inman, Katherine. Women's resources in business start-up: a study of black and white women entrepreneurs. London: Routledge, 2025.
Jackson, David H. Jr. "CHARLES BANKS: ‘WIZARD OF MOUND BAYOU'." Journal of Mississippi History 4, no. 64 (2000): 268-292.
Jasen, David A., and Gene Jones. Spreadin' rhythm around: Black popular songwriters, 1880-1930. New York ; London: Schirmer Books ; Prentice Hall International, 1998.
Jenkins, Carol, and Elizabeth Gardner Hines. Black Titan: A.G. Gaston and the making of a Black American millionaire. New York: One World, 2025.
Jewell, Joseph O. Race, social reform, and the making of a middle class: the American Missionary Association and Black Atlanta, 1870-1900. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 2025.
Johnson, John H. Succeeding against the odds. Chicago, Illinois: Johnson Publishing Co, 1989.
Joyce, Donald F. Gatekeepers of black culture: black-owned book publishing in the United States, 1817-1981. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983.
Kaminishi, Miriam, and Andrew David Smith. "Western Debates About Chinese Entrepreneurship in the Treaty Port Period, 1842–1911." Enterprise & Society 21, no. 1 (2020): 134-169.
Katz, Wendy J. "Robert S. Duncanson: City and Hinterland." Prospects 25 (2000/10): 311-337.
Kenzer, Robert C. Enterprising southerners: Black economic success in North Carolina, 1865-1915. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1997.