2022 BHC Meeting


Call for Papers (English)

Convocatoria de ponencias (español)

The Program Committee includes Stephen Mihm (University of Georgia) (co-chair); Paloma Fernández Pérez (Universitat de Barcelona) (co-chair); Gustavo del Angel (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, CIDE); Christy Chapin (University of Maryland); Ai Hisano (University of Tokyo, 東京大学, Tōkyō daigaku); Chinmay Tumbe (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, IIMA); along with BHC President Andrea Lluch (CONICET and Universidad de los Andes).

The #BHC2022MexicoCity and #BHC2022online is now available. On April 6 participants will be able to attend virtual workshops and April 7 and 8 there will be concurrent sessions running from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (all times are Mexico Daylight Time). The final day of the 2022 Business History Conference April 9 will focus on in-person activities at the Hotel Maria Isabel in the heart of Mexico City. These include conventional events, such as the Krooss Prize Session and the Prize Ceremony. Some of these events will be hybrid and online registrants will be able to attend them from their computers.

Questions regarding proposals and the conference should be directed to the Program Committee at ProgramCommittee@thebhc.org 
Para cualquier duda referente a ponencias o el congreso anual por favor escriba a ProgramCommittee@thebhc.org



Photos from this annual meeting

BHC Members: submit your own photos from this meeting

Christy Chapin, Carlos Marichal, Andrea Lluch, Alberto Gómez Alcala (Citibanamex), Graciela Márquez and Gustavo del Ángel

Araceli Almaraz and José Galindo, II Latinamerican Workshop 2022, coords.

Christy Chapin, Carlos Marichal, Andrea Lluch, Alberto Gómez Alcala (Citibanamex), Graciela Márquez and Gustavo del Ángel

Templo Mayor Museum visit.


Araceli Almaraz and Bernardo Batiz-Lazo

Colleagues at Banco de México, México City.

John Lithgow, Teresa da Silva Lopes, and others enjoying son Jarocho show

Andrea Lluch, Presidential Address