General Information

Doctoral Colloquium

2011 BHC Meeting

The members of the program committee for the 2011 meeting were Mark R. Wilson (chair), Teresa da Silva Lopes, Matthias Kipping, Jocelyn Wills, and Richard R. John (BHC President). The members of the local arrangements committee were Matthew Sherman (chair), David B. Robertson, and Jeffrey T. Manuel.


Photos from this annual meeting

BHC Members: submit your own photos from this meeting

Jacqueline McGlade and Eric Godelier

? and Anna Spadavecchia

Werner Scheltjens, Mrs. Neal, Will Hausman, Larry Neal

Dan Bouk accepts the Krooss Prize

Checking the AV for Richard John's (far right) Presidential Address

Mansel Blackford and Austin Kerr flank ?

Grietje Verhoef, Francesca Polese, and Mary O'Sullivan at the Presidential Reception

Patrick Fridenson and Kazuo Wada

Geoff Jones, Marcelo Bucheli, and Andrea Lluch