2007 Program
2007 Annual Meeting Program
Cleveland, Ohio
May 31-June 2, 2007
"Entrepreneurial Communities"
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
BHC Newcomen Doctoral Colloquium
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
5:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Plenary I: Cleveland's Business History
John Grabowski, Case Western Reserve University/Western Reserve Historical Society
Location, Vision, Product: Entrepreneurship in Northeastern Ohio
6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Wolstein Hall
(Made possible through the support of Grant Thornton LLP)
7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Trustees' Meeting
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Registration and Book Exhibit
8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions A
1. Accounting's Impact on Entrepreneurship
Chair: Julia Grant, Case Western Reserve University
Jeffrey J. Archambault, Marshall University
Marie E. Archambault, Marshall University
Financial Reporting among Unregulated Industrial Companies in 1920
Mark Billings, University of Nottingham
Corporate Treasury in International Business History
[Abstract] [Paper]
Richard Vangermeersch, University of Rhode Island
The Marking of Stuart Chase as a "Red" Accountant—An Epic, 1917-1921
Discussant: Barbara Merino, University of North Texas
2. Washington Connections
Chair: Richard Greenwald, Drew University
Mark L. Goldstein, University of Maryland
Washington and the Networks of W. W. Corcoran
[Abstract] [Paper]
Daniel Scroop, University of Liverpool
A Faded Passion? Estes Kefauver and the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, 1957-1963
[Abstract] [Paper]
Dimitry Anastakis, Trent University
The Last Automotive Entrepreneur? Lee Iacocca Saves Chrysler, 1978-1986
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: William H. Becker, George Washington University
3. Institutional Locus of Innovation
Chair: Glen R. Asner, NASA
Andrea Maestrejuan, University of California, Los Angeles
Contracting Invention: The Firm as Entrepreneurial Community
Karen J. Freeze, Technical University of Eindhoven
Unlikely Partners and the Management of Innovation in Communist Europe: A Case Study from the Czechoslovak Textile Machine Industry
[Abstract] [Paper]
Eric S. Hintz, University of Pennsylvania
Independent Inventors in an Era of Burgeoning R&D
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: Kyle Bruce, Aston Business School
4. Local Entrepreneurial Communities
Chair: David Hammack, Case Western Reserve University
Judit Olah, University of Wyoming
Empowering through Entrepreneurship
[Abstract] [Paper]
David Stebenne, Ohio State University
Columbia, Maryland, at Forty
Discussant: Clifton Hood, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
5. Local Retailers
Chair: Jocelyn Wills, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Susan V. Spellman, Carnegie Mellon University
"I would not be without this machine": Cash Registers in the Corner Grocery Store, 1885-1910
Jennifer Malia McAndrew, University of Maryland, College Park
"But You Don't Look Like a Negro": African American Entrepreneurs in Female Beauty Culture during the Mid-Twentieth Century
Maria Stanfors, Lund University
Feminization and Professionalization of Pharmacies in Sweden
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: Tracey Deutsch, University of Minnesota
10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
FRIDAY, June 1
10:30 a.m.
Campus Welcome
10:30 a.m.-noon
Plenary: Krooss Dissertation Session
Chair: Albert Churella, Southern Polytechnic State University
Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech University
Making Tobacco Bright: Institutions, Information, and Industrialization in the Creation of an Agricultural Commodity, 1617-1937 (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2006)
Christopher Magra, California State University at Northridge
The New England Cod Fishing Industry and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution (University of Pittsburgh, 2006)
Aaron W. Marrs, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State
The Iron Horse Turns South: A History of Antebellum Southern Railroads (University of South Carolina, 2006)
Bethany Moreton, University of Georgia
The Soul of the Service Economy: Wal-Mart and the Making of Christian Free Enterprise, 1929-1994 (Yale University, 2006)
Discussant: The Audience
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Lunch (with ticket)
Trustees' Lunch
FRIDAY, June 1
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions B
1. Local Networks of Information and Finance in the Second Industrial Revolution: How Important and Durable Were They?
Chair: Virginia P. Dawson, History Enterprises, Inc.
Shih-tse Lo, Concordia University
Dhanoos Sutthiphisal, McGill University
Knowledge Diffusion and Cross-over Inventions: Evidence from the Electric Industries, 1890-1910
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, University of California, Los Angeles
Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan
Kenneth Sokoloff, University of California, Los Angeles
Do Innovative Regions Inevitably Decline? Lessons from Cleveland's Experience in the 1920s
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University
2. Information, Institutions, and Entrepreneurial Communities in Accounting and Finance
Chair: Larry Parker, Case Western Reserve University
Gary John Previts, Case Western Reserve University
Dale L. Flesher, University of Mississippi
Donaldson Brown (1885-1965): Twentieth-Century Financial Management Entrepreneur: The Power of an Idea over Time
Caroline Fohlin, Johns Hopkins University
Creating Modern Venture Capital: Institutional Design and Performance in the Early Years
Phillip G. Bradford, University of Alabama
Paul J. Miranti, Rutgers University
Technology, Associationalism, and the Transformation of Entrepreneurial Endeavor: Automating Odd-Lot Trading at the New York Stock Exchange, 1956-1976
Discussant: Christopher McKenna, University of Oxford
3. Who Needs the Real Thing?
Chair: Miriam Levin, Case Western Reserve University
Cai Guise-Richardson, Iowa State University
Art and Artifice: The Introduction and Adoption of Machine-Made Lace, 1760-1880
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Independent Scholar
Are Synthetics "Test-Tube-Y and Unnatural"? Dorothy Liebes, Interior Designers, and DuPont Fibers in Postwar America
Robert Kanigel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"All Shortcomings Have Been Eliminated": The Corfam Debacle
Discussant: David Hounshell, Carnegie Mellon University
4. Transnational Entrepreneurial Communities
Chair: Peter Miskell, University of Reading
Joshua D. MacFadyen, University of Guelph
Threads in a Web of Trade: Reciprocity and Flax in the United States and Canada
Andrew D. Smith, University of London
Scale and Soap: Lever Brothers in Canada, 1889-1914
J. Andrew Ross, University of Western Ontario
Hockeyists, Horsemen, Pugilists, and Promoters: Interwar Sports Entrepreneurs in the United States and Canada
Discussant: Robert MacDougall, University of Western Ontario
5. Industry Emergence and the Commercialization of the Internet, 1993-2004
Chair: Sheldon Hochheiser, Independent Scholar
Shane Greenstein, Northwestern University
Innovation and the Evolution of Market Structure for Internet Access in the United States
David Kirsch, University of Maryland, College Park
Brent Goldfarb, University of Maryland, College Park
Small Ideas, Big Ideas, Bad Ideas, Good Ideas: Characterizing Dot Com Venture Creation
Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
The Web's Missing Links: The Search Engine and Portal Industry
Discussant: Leslie Berlin, Stanford University
6. Business and the Welfare State: New European Perspectives
Chair: Franco Amatori, Bocconi University
Matthieu Leimgruber, Swiss National Science Foundation/IHR
Contested Boundaries: British and Swiss Life Insurers and the Challenge of Postwar Pension Provision, 1945-1980s
Dennie Oude Nijhuis, University of Leiden
Bringing Labor Back In: Worker Solidarity, Employer Opposition, and the Development of Old Age Pensions in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom [Abstract]
Jussi Vauhkonen, University of Helsinki
A Cross-Class Alliance in the Making: Finnish Employers and the Emerging Welfare State in 1950s and 1960s
Discussant: Per H. Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
FRIDAY, June 1
3:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions C
1. Creating Social Networks
Chair: Jonathan Coopersmith, Texas A&M University
Gordon Boyce, Queensland University of Technology
Language, Family, Diversions, and Socially Constructed Reality in the Merchant-Shipowning Community: The Bates of Liverpool, 1870-1945
Deborah Breen, Boston University
The Individual in the Community: American Entrepreneurial Cohorts in the Australian Colonies, 1850-1890
Louise Guenther, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Embedded, yet Separate: British Cultural Strategies of Legitimation in Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Francesca Carnevali, University of Birmingham
Andrew Popp, University of London
Communities of Interest: Cooperation and Trust in Three Industrial Communities: Providence, Birmingham, and the Black Country
Discussant: David Mason, Georgia Perimeter College
2. Nationalism and Marketing: Multinational Companies in Latin America and Africa in the Twentieth Century
Chair: William J. Hausman, College of William and Mary
Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Nationalist Conflicts around Oil Marketing in the Southern Cone: Standard Oil of New Jersey and Royal-Dutch Shell in Argentina and Chile, 1922-1955
Stephanie Decker, University of Liverpool
Guarding Corporate Image: Advertising as a Countervailing Measure to Host-Country Nationalism in West Africa
Andrea Lluch, Harvard Business School
Investment and Marketing Strategies of American Companies in Argentina during the Rise of Economic Nationalism in the 1930s
Discussant: Mira Wilkins, Florida International University
3. Challenging Myths of Entrepreneurship
Chair: Nicola Lacetera, Case Western Reserve University
Brian Phelan, University of Maryland, College Park
The Chrysanthemum and the Factory: Ruth Benedict, James Abegglen, and American Interpretations of the Japanese Economy, 1946-1960
Heli Valtonen, University of Jyväskylä
Does Culture Matter? Entrepreneurial Attitudes among Twentieth-Century Business Leaders in Finland and the United States
[Abstract] [Paper]
Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique
"Do you have a garage?" Discussion of Some Myths about Entrepreneurship
[Abstract] [Paper]
David B. Sicilia, University of Maryland, College Park
Toward a Dynamic Model of American Entrepreneurship
Discussant: Ken Lipartito, Florida International University
4. Along the Tracks: Railroads, Communities, Communications, and Entrepreneurship
Chair: Jack Brown, University of Virginia
Aaron W. Marrs, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State
Railroads and the Antebellum South: Southern Exceptionalism?
Benjamin Schwantes, University of Delaware
Disinterest and Distrust: The Ambivalent Relationship between Railroad Managers and Telegraph Entrepreneurs in Antebellum America
Thomas C. Jepsen, Independent Scholar
"A Look into the Future": Images of Women Railroad Telegraphers and Station Agents in Pennsylvania, 1855-1960
Andrea Giuntini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Relationships and Linkages between Railways and Telegraphy in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Networks, Technology, and Management
Discussant: Albert Churella, Southern Polytechnic State University
5. The Impact of the Cold War on Entrepreneurship
Chair: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University
Dominique A. Tobbell, University of Pennsylvania
Who's Winning the Human Race? Cold War as Pharmaceutical Political Strategy
Hugh R. Slotten, University of Otago
Satellite Communications, Organizational Arrangements, and the Global Context of Entrepreneurial Activity
Discussant: Glenn Bugos, Moment LLC
6. Shifts in Financial Institutions
Chair: George Smith, New York University
Chris Kingston, Amherst College
Marine Insurance in Philadelphia during the Quasi-War with France, 1795-1801
John Murray, University of Toledo
Actuarial Science in the Rise of Group Health Insurance
Christopher Kobrak, European School of Management
The Rise and Fall of International Family Banking: Private Banks, Capital Markets, and the Democratization of Finance
Christopher Marquis, Harvard Business School
Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta School of Business
Historical Conflict and New Bank Foundings in U.S. Communities in the 1990s
Discussant: Dalit Baranoff. Independent Scholar
FRIDAY, June 1
5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Membership Meeting
6:15 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Kelvin Smith Library
(Made possible through the support of the Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University)
7:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Breakfast Meeting: Business Historians at Business Schools
Speaker: Jerry Trapnell, Executive Vice President and Chief Accreditation Officer, AACSB International
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Registration and Book Exhibit
8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions D
1. Small Businesses around the Globe
Chair: Mansel Blackford, Ohio State University
Adriana Castagnoli, University of Turin
The Female Entrepreneurs' Point of View and the Italian Economy
[Abstract] [Paper]
Steven Tolliday, University of Leeds
Micro-Businesses and Entrepreneurial Communities in the Japanese Ceramics Industry in the Twentieth Century
Discussant: Mansel Blackford, Ohio State University
2. The Challenge of Reaching Consumers
Chair: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business School
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Queen Mary, University of London
Mark Casson, University of Reading
Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Big Business in Branded Consumer Goods
James L. Baughman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Uneasy Underwriters: Advertisers and American Television, 1946-1956
Daniel Raff, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Book-of-the-Month Club: A Reconsideration
Discussant: Shirley Teresa Wajda, Kent State University
3. Scale and Productivity in Services: Comparing the United States and Europe, 1900-2000
Chair: Leslie Hannah, University of Tokyo
Stephen Broadberry, University of Warwick
Market Services and the Productivity Race, 1850-2000: Britain, the United States, and Germany
Peter Wardley, University of the West of England
Modern Economic Growth and the Rise of Big Business: From Services to Industry and Back Again?
Tim Leunig, London School of Economics
Nicholas Crafts, London School of Economics
Abay Mulatu, London School of Economics
Which Was the Best-Managed Railroad in Britain a Century Ago?
Discussant: Colleen Dunlavy, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4. Entrepreneurship and Technological Change
Chair: Mark D. Bowles, Tech Pro, Inc.
Mark A. Eddy, Case Western Reserve University
Technologists Talking Back: Charles Brush and the Voice of Inventor-Entrepreneurs in Academic Research Science
Kim McQuaid, Lake Erie College
NASA as an Entrepreneurial Community: Building the Space Age at the Grass Roots in Cleveland, Ohio, 1958-1990
David J. Whalen, IOT Systems LLC
Aerosat, A Case Study of Failure: Technology, Politics, and Markets
Discussant: Donald C. Jackson, Lafayette College
5. Location and Change in Entrepreneurial Communities
Chair: Carol Heim, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Richard Coopey, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Enterprise on the River Severn, 1750-1950: A Linear Entrepreneurial Community?
Joshua A. T. Salzmann, University of Illinois, Chicago
The Creative Destruction of the Chicago River Harbor, 1889-1906
Joaquim Cuevas, University of Alicante
Lina Gálvez-Muñoz, University of Pablo de Olavide
Lluís Torró, University of Alicante
Integration or Cooperation: The Impact of Institutional Change and the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) on the Network Structure of Alcoi Textile Firms
Discussant: Mark H. Rose, Florida Atlantic University
10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.-noon
Concurrent Sessions E
1. Standardization
Chair: Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
Margaret Graham, McGill University
Henry Phelps Gage: Standardizing Entrepreneur at Corning Glass Works, 1911-1947
JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Craig Murphy, Wellesley College
Charles le Maistre: Entrepreneur in International Standardization
Andrew L. Russell, Johns Hopkins University
Dot-Org Entrepreneurship: Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web Consortium
Discussant: Marine Moguen-Toursel, Centre de Recherches historiques, EHESS
2. Retail Entrepreneurs in Their Communities
Chair: Rowena Olegario, Vanderbilt University
Anton Ehlers, University of Stellenbosch
Renier van Rooyen and Pep Stores Limited: The Genesis of a South African Entrepreneur and Retail Empire
[Abstract] [Paper]
Hani Bawardi, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Why Do Arabs Own So Many Grocery Stores? Clan Affiliation in Business Ownership in Flint, Michigan
Vicki Howard, Hartwick College
"The Biggest Small-Town Store in America": Department Stores and the Rise of Consumer Society
Discussant: Andrew Godley, University of Reading
3. Professionalizing and Modernizing Management
Chair: Melissa Fisher, Georgetown University
Susanna Fellman, University of Helsinki
A Manager and His Professionals: Planning and Constructing the Modern Firm in Finland, 1920s-1940s
Takashi Hirao, Tokyo University of Science, Suwa
Diversification and Labor Strategy of Nippon Rayon Co., Ltd., after World War II: A Case Study of the Introduction of Skill-Based Management in the Japanese Textile Industry
Daniel A. Clark, Indiana State University
"Should Your Boy Go to College?" Mass Magazines, the Middle-Class, and the Re-Conceptualization of College for a Corporate Age, 1890-1915
Tobias Karlsson, Lund University
Downsizing, State Ownership, and Modern Labor Management: Severance Pay at the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly, 1915-1928
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: Eric Neilsen, Case Western Reserve University
4. The Importance of Internal Corporate Strategy
Chair: Kazuo Wada, University of Tokyo
Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo, University of Leicester
A Business and Technological History of the ATM in the United Kingdom, 1965-2005
David Hochfelder, State University of New York at Albany
"Trying to Turn an Elephant around in a Bathtub": Managing Western Union's Post-World War II Decline
Gerben Bakker, London School of Economics
The Emergence of High Sunk Costs Industries: Market Structure, Entrepreneurship, and Technological Change in Services, 1750-2000
Discussant: Jeremy Atack, Vanderbilt University
5. What Do Financial Institutions Do?
Chair: Daniel Holt, University of Virginia
Leslie Hannah, University of Tokyo
What Did Morgan's Men Really Do?
John D. Turner, Queen's University, Belfast
Protecting Outside Investors in a Laissez-Faire Legal Environment: Corporate Governance in Victorian Britain
Lucy Newton, University of Reading
Peter Scott, University of Reading
"Jealous Monopolists"? British Banks and Responses to the Macmillan Gap during the 1930s
Discussant: Larry Neal, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
6. Theoretical Perspectives on Global Entrepreneurship
Chair: David Hancock, University of Michigan
Takashi Yamamoto, Akita International University
East Meets the West in an Entrepreneurial Farming Village in Japan: Endogenous Development Theories and Economic Gardening Practices
[Abstract] [Paper]
R. Daniel Wadhwani, University of the Pacific
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School
Entrepreneurial Theory and the History of Globalization
[Abstract] [Paper]
John Wilson, University of Central Lancashire
British Business Community and Europe: Strategy, Structure, and Investment Trends since the 1950s
Discussant: Jacqueline McGlade, Pennsylvania State University Shenango
Noon-1:30 p.m. Women in Business History Lunch (with ticket)
Noon-1:30 p.m. Lunch (with ticket)
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions F
1. Political Economy of Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century America
Chair: Edwin Perkins, University of Southern California
Richard R. John, University of Illinois, Chicago
The New York Telegraph Act of 1848 and the Culture of Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. Telegraph Industry
Andrew K. Sandoval-Strausz, University of New Mexico
Financing the Palaces of the People: Hotel Entrepreneurs, Commercial Capital, and Internal Improvements in Jacksonian America
Joshua Wolff, Columbia University
The Telegraph Act of 1866: An "Entering Wedge" against the Western Union Monopoly
Discussant: W. Bernard Carlson, University of Virginia
2. Entrepreneurial Strategies for Global Competition
Chair: Matthias Kipping, York University
Peter Miskell, University of Reading
Movies and Multinationals: How did U.S. Film Companies Operate in Foreign Markets during the "Studio Era"?
Evelyn Anderson, Australian Catholic University
Nissan's Keiretsu, 1956-1970
[Abstract] [Paper]
Véronique Pouillard, Columbia University
Federating the Couture Business? Exchanges between French, Belgian, and American Couturiers during the 1930s
Discussant: Matthias Kipping, York University
3. Entrepreneurial Communities in African-American Business
Chair: Juliet Walker, University of Texas, Austin
Robert C. Kenzer, University of Richmond
African-American Businessmen in the Postwar South
Yuri Campbell, University of Texas, Austin
The Brothers Johnson: The Lincoln Film Company and the Role of Black Business in Creating Black Modernity, Culture, and Identity
Douglas Bristol, Jr., University of Southern Mississippi
The Bush Doctor Cometh: Putting the Soul into the "Soul" Market
Discussant: Robert E. Weems, Jr., University of Missouri, Columbia
4. Emergence of Standards as a Collective Process within and beyond the Firm
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Marine Moguen-Toursel, Centre de Recherches historiques, EHESS
Emergence and Transfer of Vehicle Safety Standards: Why We Still Do Not Have Global Standards
[Abstract] [Paper]
Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School
Facilitating Technology Service: Welding Standards and the Shaping of a Danish Technology Service Provider, 1939-2005
Stève Bernardin, Harvard University/University of Paris I—Rives
Harrison Grafos, University of Pittsburgh
A "Science" of Sovereignty? Domestic and Transnational Concerns in Automobile Safety
Discussant: Craig Murphy, Wellesley College
5. The Impact of Corporate Social Entrepreneurship
Chair: Ernie Englander, George Washington University
Jennifer Delton, Skidmore College
Executives, Experts, and Activists: The Entrepreneurial Community of Workplace Integration, 1945-1964
Laura Singleton, Boston College
Out of Many, One: The Divergent Social Vision of William Norris in the Minneapolis Business Community, 1967-1986
Yasuhiro Shimizu, Kobe University
Mayumi Inoue, Kobe University
Satoshi Fujimura, Kobe University
Initial Intent and the Development of an Employee Ownership Plan: A Case of a Japanese Trading Company in the Early Twentieth Century
Discussant: Jennifer Armiger, University of Delaware
6. What Stimulates Innovation?
Chair: William Childs, Ohio State University
Tom Nicholas, Harvard Business School
Spatial Diversity in Invention: Evidence from the Early R&D Labs
Stephen B. Adams, Salisbury University
Domestic Direct Investment and Entrepreneurship in American Second Mover High-Tech Regions
Maki Umemura, London School of Economics
The Interplay between Entrepreneurial Initiative and Government Policy: The Shaping of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry since 1945
[Abstract] [Paper]
Discussant: Lisa Cook, Michigan State University
3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions G
1. Entrepreneurs of a Different Sort: Women and Creative Adaptation in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America
Chair: Mary Yeager, University of California, Los Angeles
Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor, San José State University
Cleaning Up or Scraping By? Women in the Early Atlantic Service Economy
Lisa Tetrault, Carnegie Mellon University
Social Activism as Self-Sufficiency: Woman Suffrage, Earning, and Entrepreneurialism
Discussant: Angel Kwolek-Folland, University of Florida
2. Public-Private Regulation and Bank Entry in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Chair: Sharon Murphy, Providence College
Jane Knodell, University of Vermont
Private Banking Networks and the Development of the Domestic Capital Market in the United States, 1840-1880
Scott A. Redenius, Bryn Mawr College
Regional Economic Development and Variation in Postbellum National Bank Profit Rates
[Abstract] [Paper]
David F. Weiman, Barnard College
John A. James, University of Virginia
The National Banking Acts and the Transformation of New York Banking after the Civil War
Discussant: Kenneth A. Snowden, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
3. Communities of Entrepreneurs
Chair: William Mass, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Joseph H. Wycoff, University of Washington
Exhibiting Innovation: U.S. Mechanic and Manufacturer Associations as Entrepreneurial Communities, 1820-1840
Janet Greenlees, Glasgow Caledonian University
The New England Cotton Textile Manufacturing Community and Workers' Health, c. 1870-1939: Relationships between Investment, Concern, and Profits
Alexia M. Yates, University of Chicago
"A profession for those who have none": Business Agents and Professional Communities in Turn-of-the-Century Paris
Discussant: William Mass, University of Massachusetts Lowell
4. Cooperation
Chair: H. V. Nelles, McMaster University
Karl Gratzer, Södertörn University College
The Agents of Change: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, and Financiers in the Early Swedish Fast Food Industry
Claudia Riani, European University Institute
Cartel versus Monopoly: The German Nitrogen Industry in the Interwar Years
Juanjuan Peng, Johns Hopkins University
Cooperation versus Competiton: The Daxing and Yuhua Cotton Mills in Crisis, 1931-1937
Discussant: Jeff Fear, Harvard Business School
5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Book Auction
5:45 p.m.-6:15 p.m.
Recognition of the Life of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School
Mira Wilkins, Florida International University
Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University
6:15 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Presidential Address
William J. Hausman, College of William and Mary
The Accidental Business Historian
7:00 p.m.-7:45 p.m.
7:45 p.m.-9:45 p.m.
Banquet and Awards Ceremony