2004 Program
2004 Annual Meeting Program
Le Creusot, France
June 17-19, 2004
Thursday 17 June
First Plenary Session: Networks
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chair: JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas P. Hughes, University of Pennsylvania, emeritus, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Firms, Networks, Systems: Coping with Complexity"
Bruno Latour, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines
"Gabriel Tarde's Network Theory of Firms and Markets: A Primer for Business Historians One Hundred Years Later"
Robert Boyer, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"The Rediscovery of Networks, Past and Present--An Economists' Perspective"
Comment: The audience
8:30 PM
Friday 18 June
First Session of Parallel Panels
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Panel 1: Political Entrepreneurship in the United States, the Soviet Union, and China
Chair: Franco Amatori, Università Bocconi
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University
"Lurching toward the Military-Industrial Complex: Building Jet Engines in Postwar America"
Yves Cohen, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"Matter Matters to Authority: Some Aspects of Soviet Industrial Management in the 1930s from a Multi-Sited Perspective"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Linda Tjia Yin Nor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"Explaining Railway Reform in Twentieth-Century China"
Commentator: Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Panel 2: Outsider Networks in Italy, France, and the United States since 1800
Chair: Walter A. Friedman, Harvard University
Daniela Luigia Caglioti, Università di Napoli 'Federico II'
"Building a Protestant Network: 'Ethnic Entrepreneurs' in Nineteenth-Century Italy"
David L. Mason, Young Harris College
"The Ties That Bind: Mutual Building and Loans and the Problem of Agency, 1880-1920"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Claire Zalc, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
"Immigrant Small Businesses and Immigrant Small Entrepreneurs in the Paris Region, 1919-1939"
Lisa D. Cook, Harvard University and Stanford University
"African-American Patentees, 1821-2000"
Commentator: Rowena Olegario, Vanderbilt University
Panel 3: Farewell to the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit: Ethnic and Gendered Entrepreneurial Networks in a Globalizing Economy
Chair: Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, Athens University
Andrew Godley, University of Reading
"The Transformation of Ethnic Entrepreneurship, 1880-2000"
Melissa Fisher, Columbia University
"Enterprising Women: Remaking Gendered Networks on Wall Street in a Global Economy"
Commentator: Gordon Redding, INSEAD
Panel 4: Professional Networks in France and Germany since 1800
Chair: Robert R. Locke, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Elizabeth Marie Sage, Whittier College
"Disciplinary Practice and the Practice of Discipline, or Political Economy and Paternalism in Nineteenth-Century France"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Jeffrey Fear, Harvard Business School
"The Schmalenbach Society and the Dinkelbach School of German Management: Networks of Theory and Practice"
Sophie Chauveau, Université Lyon II
"The Blood Business in Twentieth-Century France"
Commentator: J. Peter Murmann, Northwestern University
Panel 5: Farm or Factory? Commercial Agriculture in the United States and Cuba, 1800-1860
Chair: Barbara Karsky, Université Paris VII (Denis Diderot)
Barbara Hahn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Manufacturing Planters: The Tobacco Business in the Antebellum South"
Marina Moskowitz, University of Glasgow
"A Hybrid Economy: Seed Sellers in Nineteenth-Century America"
William Van Norman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Foreign Investment and the Decline of Agricultural Diversification in Early Nineteenth-Century Cuba"
Commentator: Sven Beckert, Harvard University
Panel 6: Business Networks in Switzerland and the United States since 1900
Chair: Christopher McKenna, Oxford University
Thomas David, University of Lausanne and University of Neuchâtel
Martin Lüpold, University of Lausanne
André Mach, University of Lausanne
Gerhard Schnyder, University of Lausanne
"Building the 'Fortress of the Alps': Company Networks in Switzerland in the Early Twentieth Century"
Sean Safford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Why the Garden Club Couldn't Save Youngstown: Civic Infrastructure and Mobilization in Economic Crises"
Commentator: Hervé Joly, CNRS, Lyon
Second Session of Parallel Panels
10:30 AM to 12:00 AM
Panel 7: Firms and Networks in Twentieth-Century Europe
Chair: Daniel Raff, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Nicolas Hatzfeld, Université d'Évry
"The Recasting of the Factory by Its Networks: Two Transformations of the Peugeot Car Plant at Sochaux, 1948-1998"
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Hitotsubashi University
"Evolution of the Supplier Network in the German Automotive Industry from the Prewar to the Postwar Period: A Comparative Perspective with the Japanese Experience"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Catherine Vuillermot, Université de Franche-Comté
"The Schneider Network during the Presidency of Charles Schneider, 1942-1960"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Daniel Raff, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Panel 8: Telegraph and Telephone Networks in Europe and the United States since 1844
Chair: TBA
Benjamin S. M. Schwantes, University of Delaware
"Iron Horses Versus Lightning Wires: The Managerial Response to Telegraphy and Telephony on America's Railroads, 1844-1920"
Alex Nalbach, Saginaw Valley State
"The Grand Telegraphic Alliance: The Global Telegraphic News Agency Cartel, 1870-1914"
Alain P. Michel, Centre de Recherche d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris
"Allo! Renault Speaking: Building a Telephone Network within a Growing Factory"
Commentator: Pascal Griset, Université Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne)
Panel 9: Fashion and Design in Twentieth-Century Europe
Chair: Grace Lees-Maffei, University of Hertfordshire
Florence Brachet Champsaur, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"French Fashion during the First World War"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Elisabetta Merlo, Università Bocconi
Francesca Polese, Università Bocconi
"The Emergence of Milan as the Capital of the Italian Fashion Industry"
Per H. Hansen, Copenhagen Business School
"The Rise of Danish Design"
Commentator: Christopher Breward, Victoria and Albert Museum
Panel 10: Public Utilities in the United States and Portugal, 1850-2000
Chair: Youssef Cassis, Université Grenoble II
Álvaro Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Nova
Ana Cardoso de Matos, Universidade de Évora
"The Networked City: Power and Water Utilities in Portugal, 1850s-1920s"
[Abstract] [Paper]
William J. Hausman, College of William and Mary
John L. Neufeld, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"The Economics of Electricity Networks and the Evolution of the U. S. Electric Utility Industry, 1882-1935"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Nuno Luís Madureira, Universidade de Lisboa
"Asymmetry and Discrimination in an Electricity Network: Portugal, 1920-1947"
Charles Jacobson, Morgan Angel & Associates
"Expecting the Unexpected: Networks, Markets, and the Failure of Electric Utility Restructuring in California"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Christophe Bouneau, Université Bordeaux III
Panel 11: British Industrial Districts before 1920
Chair: Susan Bowden, University of Sheffield
Francesca Carnevali, University of Birmingham
"'Crooks, Thieves, and Receivers': Transaction Costs in Nineteenth-Century Birmingham"
Andrew Popp, University of London
"'An indissoluble mutual destiny': The North Staffordshire Potteries and the Limits of Regional Trade Associationalism"
Ronnie Johnston, Glasgow Caledonian University
"Business Networks in the West of Scotland, 1870-1920"
Commentator: Marc Stern, Bentley College
Panel 12: Networks of Innovation in the United States and Japan since 1800
Chair: Mary O'Sullivan, INSEAD
Ross Thomson, University of Vermont
"From the Old to the New: The Social Basis of Innovation in the Antebellum United States"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Yoichi Kobayakawa, Chuba University
William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts at Lowell and INSEAD
Tsuneo Suzuki, Gakushuin University
Kazuo Wada, University of Tokyo
"Venture Networks in Japanese Industry since the Late Nineteenth Century"
Michael Best, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Albert Paquin
Hao Xie
"Discovering Regional Competitive Advantage: Massachusetts High-Tech"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: TBA
Lunch: 12:00 AM to 1:15 PM
Trustees Lunch: 12:00 AM to 1:15 PM
Second Plenary Session: Krooss Prize Dissertation Competition
Friday, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Chair: Andrew Godley, University of Reading
Douglas Bristol, University of Southern Mississippi
"From Outposts to Enclaves: A Social History of Black Barbers, 1750-1915"
Tracey Deutsch, University of Minnesota
"Making Change at the Grocery Store: Government, Grocers, and the Problem of Women's Autonomy in the Creation of Chicago's Supermarkets, 1920-1950"
Tiffany M. Gill, University of Texas at Austin
"Civic Beauty: Beauty Culturists and the Politics of African American Female Entrepreneurship, 1900-1965"
Rohit Daniel Wadhwani, Harvard Business School
"Citizen Savers: The Family Economy, Financial Institutions, and Social Policy in the Northeastern United States from the Market Revolution to the Great Depression"
Third Session of Parallel Panels
Friday, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Panel 13: Business, Politics, and the Media in the United States in the Twentieth Century
Chair: Christopher Beauchamp, University of Cambridge
Julia Ott, Yale University
"The 'Free and Open' 'People's Market': Public Relations at the New York Stock Exchange, 1913-1929"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Shannan Clark, Columbia University
"The Popular Front in the United States and the Corporate Appropriation of Modernism"
Michael Jo, Yale University
"The 'Pink Slip Strike,' the Sentinels of the Republic, and the Evolving Defense of Private Enterprise, 1922-1940"
Olivier Zunz, University of Virginia
"The Politicization of American Civil Society in the 1960s"
Commentator: James Livingston, Rutgers University
Panel 14: Commercial Networks in the Atlantic World, 1700-1860
Chair: Kenneth Morgan, Brunel University
Chris Evans, University of Glamorgan
Göran Rydén, Mid Sweden University
"From the Baltic to the Atlantic: Merchant Networks and Economic Integration in the Northern Seas during the Eighteenth Century"
Robin Pearson, University of Hull
David Richardson, University of Hull
"Networks, Institutional Innovation, and Atlantic Trade before 1800"
Ellen Hartigan O'Connor, San Jose State University
"The Ties That Buy: Shopping Networks of the Atlantic World"
Commentator: Nuala Zahedieh, University of Edinburgh
Panel 15: Business and the Environment in Great Britain, Brazil, and the United States since 1800
Chair: Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud, Université Clermont-Ferrand II
Richard Coopey, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
"Business and Nature: The Eighteenth-Century Shropshire Ironmasters in their Landscape"
Gail D. Triner, Rutgers University
"Property Rights, Kinship Groups, and Business Partnership in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Brazil: The Case of the St. John d'el Rey Mining Company, 1834-1960"
[Abstract] [Paper]
James Michael Buckley, Citizens Housing Corporation
"Roots, Branches, and Other Forest Networks: The Redwood Lumber Industry in Northern California, 1850-1929"
Commentator: Franz-Josef Brueggemeier, Universität Freiburg
Panel 16: Financial Networks in Mexico and Brazil since 1850
Chair: Annick Lempérière, Université Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne)
Juliette Levy, James Madison University
"Networks of Credit, Networks of Influence: Notaries and the Mérida Credit Market, 1850-1899"
Aldo Musacchio, Stanford University
Ian Read, Stanford University
"Did Well-Connected Directors Add Value? Network Centrality and Investor Valuation in Brazil and Mexico, 1905-1909"
Gustavo Del Angel, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico City
"Networks, Discipline, and Idiosyncratic Risks in Mexican Banks, 1950-1980"
Commentator: Rory Miller, University of Liverpool Management School
Panel 17: Women in Business in the United States before 1920
Chair: Jonathan Russ, University of Delaware
Susan Ingalls Lewis, SUNY, New Paltz
"Beyond 'Enterprising Women': The Importance of Networks for Female Microentrepreneurs in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Albany, New York"
Edith E. Sparks, University of the Pacific
"Terms of Endearment: Informal Borrowing Networks among Northern California Businesswomen, 1870-1920"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Jonathan Russ, University of Delaware
Panel 18: Research and Development in the Netherlands and France
Chair: Ernst Homburg, University of Maastricht
Mila Davids, Technical University Eindhoven
"Knowledge-Business Networks at Philips"
Kees Boersma, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
"Creating an Agricultural Research Network: Irradiation of Plants with Artificial Light at Philips Research in the 1930s"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Gabriel Galvez-Behar, Université Lille III
"Technical Networks at Schneider"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Karen J. Freeze, Foundation for the History of Technology, Eindhoven
Panel 19: Roundtable Discussion of Mira Wilkins's History of Foreign Investment in the United States, 1914-1945 (2004)
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
William H. Becker, George Washington University
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School
Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Commentator: Mira Wilkins, Florida International University
Fourth Session of Parallel Panels
Friday, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Panel 20: Economic Policy Networks in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States since the Second World War
Chair: Maurice Lévy-Leboyer, Université Paris X - Nanterre, emeritus
Martin Chick, University of Edinburgh
"Economists and Energy Policy in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States since 1945"
Régis Boulat, Université de Franche-Comté
"'Le Bataillon Sacré de la Productivité' and French Modernization, 1945-1954"
Judith Stein, City University of New York
"From Keynesianism to Market Fundamentalism: The 1970s in the United States"
Commentator: Romain Huret, Université d'Artois
Panel 21: Battling Networks in the Twentieth-Century United States
Chair: Tiffany M. Gill, University of Texas at Austin
Pamela W. Laird, University of Colorado at Denver
"How Discrimination Works: Strangers, Networks, and Opportunities"
Janice Traflet, Columbia University
"Networks of Scandal: The Problem of Image Contamination at the New York Stock Exchange"
Commentator: Dario Gaggio, University of Michigan
Panel 22: The Marketing of Food and Drink in the United States, 1890-1930s
Chair: George Green, University of Minnesota
Gabriella M. Petrick, University of Delaware
"Closing the Dill: Building a Network of Quality at the H. J. Heinz Company, 1890-1920"
Lisa Jacobson, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Selling the Gospel of Wine: California Wine Marketing and Lobbying in the 1930s"
Commentator: Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of London
Panel 23: Business Strategy in the Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Industries
Chair: Glenn Bugos, Prologue Group
Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique
Catherine Malaval, Creapress Editions
"From Disdain to Strategic Business: Natural Gas Networking at TOTAL: Or How a Large Oil Company Learned a New Business, 1953-2000"
Gunnar Nerheim, Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology
"Competition and Cooperation in the Norwegian Offshore Oil Industry"
Tyler Priest, University of Houston
Joseph Pratt, University of Houston
"Networks of Innovation in the Offshore Oil Industry in the Gulf of Mexico"
Commentator: James H. Bamberg, University of Cambridge
Panel 24: British, Mexican, and Swedish Banking Networks, 1720-1920
Chair: Michel Lescure, Université Paris X- Nanterre
Ann Carlos, University of Colorado
Larry Neal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kirsten Wandschneider
"Broker Networks during the South Sea Bubble: The Strength of Weak Ties"
Lucy Newton, University of Reading
"Networks in Finance: Directors, Shareholders, and Borrowers in English and Welsh Joint Stock Banks, 1826-1860"
Thomas P. Passananti, San Diego State University
"Did Financial Globalization Retard Mexico's Banking Development? What a Study of Credit Networks Suggests"
Jan Jörnmark, Göteborg University
Oskar Broberg, Göteborg University
"The Swedish Venture Capital Market, 1890-1920"
Commentator: John Majewski, University of California at Santa Barbara
Panel 25: Dissertations-in-Progress
Chair: Paul Miranti, Rutgers University
Pascal Desabres, Université Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne)
"Decision Network: Who Decided What in the Building of the Paris Métropolitain, 1898-1920"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Dilip Subramanian, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"The Impact of India's Economic Reforms on State-Owned Enterprises: A Company-Level Case Study of Indian Telephone Industries, Ltd."
Simone Selva, Università degli Studi di Milano
"State and Economy in Italy before the Economic Miracle: Economic Policy and International Constraints from the Reconstruction through the Pre-Boom Years"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Mohamed Sassi, Université Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne)
"Evolution of the Structure of the French Oil Economy between the Wars: Toward a French Holding Company"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Reception: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Dinner: 8:00 PM
Saturday 19 June
BHC Membership Meeting
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
Fifth Session of Parallel Panels
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Panel 26: Nineteenth-Century Financial Networks
Chair: Mark R. Wilson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Marc Flandreau, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris
Clemens Jobst, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris
"The International Monetary System, 1890-1910: A Microeconomic Perspective"
John A. James, University of Virginia
David F. Weiman, Barnard College
"Checks, Correspondent Banking Networks, and the Transformation of the Payments System in the United States, 1850-1914"
Richard Sylla, New York University
Robert E. Wright, New York University
"Networks and History's Generalizations: Comparing the Financial Systems of Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and the United States"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Edwin J. Perkins, University of Southern California, emeritus
Panel 27: Commercial Networks in France, Great Britain, and Indochina, 1700-1939
Chair: Jean-Claude Daumas, Université de Franche-Comté
Jon Stobart, Coventry University
"Friends and Family: Personal and Business Networks of Eighteenth-Century English Merchants"
Claire Lemercier, CNRS, Paris
"Business Networks in Nineteenth-Century Paris"
Pierre Vernus, Université Lyon II
"Regulating the Activity of a Business Community: Employers' Organizations in the Lyon Silk Industry, 1860s-1939"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Jean-François Klein, Mozart High School, Blanc-Mesnil
"The 'Republic of Businessmen': Lyon Silk Merchants in Colonial Tonkin"
Commentator: Louis Bergeron, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Panel 28: Social Capital and Social Justice in the United States, 1864-1915
Chair: Jean Heffer, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
John K. Brown, University of Virginia
"Andrew Carnegie & Associates, 1864-1874: A Reevaluation of Individuals, Networks, and Corporate Formation"
Domenic Vitiello, University of Pennsylvania
"An 'organized attempt': William Sellers and Philadelphia's Research and Development Complex, 1864-1900"
Pap Ndiaye, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"Life Insurance, Race, and Social Justice in the United States, 1880-1915"
Commentator: David Hounshell, Carnegie Mellon University
Panel 29: Imperial Networks in Algeria, New Zealand, and Nigeria, 1800-1970
Chair: Ludovic Cailluet, Université Toulouse I
Claude Lützelschwab, University of Lausanne
"Networks and the Dynamics of Enterprise: The Compagnie genevoise des Colonies Suisses de Sétif, 1853-1956"
Ian Hunter, University of Auckland
"Strength in Numbers: The Case for Networks in Colonial Innovation in New Zealand, 1880-1900"
Abayomi Kristilolu, University of Essex
"Shell-BP and the British Government in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970"
Commentator: Marcelo Bucheli, Universidad de los Andes
Panel 30: Cooperatives and the Cooperative Idea in Great Britain and the United States, 1900-2000
Chair: Marie Chessel, CNRS, Paris
Matthew Hilton, University of Birmingham
"Cooperation and Organized Consumerism in Great Britain, 1900-2000"
William R. Childs, Ohio State University
"European and American Consumer Cooperatives in the 1930s"
Maria McGrath, Lehigh University
"'That's Capitalism, Not a Co-op': Countercultural Idealism and Business Realism in 1970s U.S. Food Co-ops"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Tracey Deutsch, University of Minnesota
Panel 31: Alternative Networks: Social Enterprise in American Business since 1850
Chair: Angel Kwolek-Folland, University of Florida
Jocelyn Wills, Brooklyn College-CUNY
"Networking From the Inside-Out: Socializing with 'The Boys' from the Office"
Helen Sheumaker, Minnesota State University at Moorhead
"Helping Hands: Secondhand Shopping and Benevolent Networks of Exchange"
Janet Rose, University of Missouri, Kansas City
"Body Piercing: A Case Study in Radical Fashion"
Commentator: Margaret Walsh, University of Nottingham
Third Plenary Session: Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Doing Business History: Business Archives in France and the United States Chair: Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Hagley Museum and Library
Ivan Kharaba, Académie François-Bourdon
Didier Bondue, Archives de Saint-Gobain
"The Archives of French Industry"
Claire Cottin, Archives de la Société générale
Henri Zuber, Archives de la RATP
"The Archives of French Banks and Public Enterprise"
Terry Snyder, Hagley Museum and Library
"Hidden Treasures: Research Opportunities in the United States for Business Historians"
David Kirsch, University of Maryland, and Dalit Baranoff, University of Maryland
"Preserving the Business Records of the Dot Coms: 'Open Source History' and the Challenge of Digital Archives"
Commentator: Philippe Mioche, Université d'Aix-Marseille I
Lunch: 12:45 PM to 2:15 PM Women in Business History Lunch: 12:45 PM to 2:15 PM
Sixth Session of Parallel Panels
2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Panel 32: Transportation Networks in North America and Great Britain since 1900
Chair: Mark Rose, Florida Atlantic University
Albert Churella, Southern Polytechnic State University
"External and Internal Networks on the Pennsylvania Railroad: The Philadelphia Improvements"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Colin Divall, University of York
"Professional Networks and Industrial Research in a Network Service Business: The London, Midland & Scottish Railway, 1923-1947"
Gregory L. Thompson, Florida State University
"The Rise and Spread of Multi-Destination Transit Networks in North America, 1970-1990"
Commentator: James K. Cohen, City University of New York
Panel 33: The Book and Music Business in France and Great Britain since 1800
Chair: Ludovic Tournès, Université de Rouen
Christine Haynes, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"Cooperating for Free Trade: The Publishing Industry in Nineteenth-Century France"
Jean-Philippe Mazaud, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"From Network to Hierarchy: Hachette, 1944-1980"
John Wilson, University of Nottingham
"Networking in the "Creative" Industries: A Longitudinal and Contemporary Analysis of the East Midlands Region"
Commentator: Andre J. Millard, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Panel 34: World's Fairs and International Expositions
Chair: Anne Rasmussen, Université Strasbourg I
Petra Moser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Do Patents Facilitate Knowledge Spillovers? Evidence from the Geography of Innovations at the Crystal Palace"
Cheryl R. Ganz, University of Illinois at Chicago
"'Cooperative Progress': at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair"
Catherine Bertho-Lavenir, Université Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle)
"Exhibiting the Unexhibitable: Communications Networks at the Paris World's Fair, 1889-1937"
Commentator: Miriam R. Levin, Case Western Reserve University
Panel 35: Maritime Networks since 1780
Chair: Antoine Frémont, Université du Havre
Rohit T. Aggarwala, McKinsey & Company
"Domestic Networks as a Basis for New York City's Rise to Pre-eminence, 1780-1812"
Stavros Ioannides, Panteion University, Athens
Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, Athens University of Economics
"Market-Embedded Clans in Theory and History: Greek Diaspora Trading Companies in the Nineteenth Century"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Michael Miller, University of Miami
"European Port Networks in the Twentieth Century"
Commentator: Silvia Marzagalli, Université Bordeaux III
Panel 36: The Provisioning of Water in Paris, Los Angeles, and Rome, 1830-1950
Chair: Olivier Coutard, LATTS-CNRS
Denis Bocquet, LATTS
Konstantinos Chatzis, LATTS
Agnès Sander, Université de Cergy Pontoise
"Supplying Water to Paris"
Fionn MacKillop, LATTS
"The Influence of the Los Angeles 'Oligarchy' on the Governance of the Municipal Water Department, 1902-1930: A Business Like Any Other or a Public Service"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Denis Bocquet, LATTS
"A Public Company as a Challenger to a Private Monopoly: Providing Water to the Eternal City, 1865-1964"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: H. V. Nelles, York University
Panel 37: Networks of Innovation in the American Computer Industry
Chair: Margaret B. W. Graham, McGill University
Hyungsub Choi, Johns Hopkins University
"Between Research and Production: Making Transistors at RCA, 1948-1960"
Ross K. Bassett, North Carolina State University
"Big Iron in Silicon Valley: Silicon Valley IBM-Based Start-Ups, 1967-1975"
Commentator: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
Seventh Session of Parallel Panels
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Panel 38: Information Processing and the Internet
Chair: Daniel Holbrook, Marshall University
Thomas Haigh, Haigh Group
"Technology versus Technocracy in the Progressive Office in the United States, 1917-1931"
Susanne Hilger, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
"Corporate Networks in the European Data-Processing Industries in the Early 1970s: The Case of UNIDATA, 1973-1975"
Patrice Flichy, Université de Marne la Vallée
"The Imaginary Internet: How Utopian Fantasy Shaped the Making of a New Information Infrastructure"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, CNRS, Paris
Panel 39: Postal Networks in France and the United States, 1830-1870
Chair: Muriel Le Roux, CNRS, Paris
Sébastien Richez, Comité pour l'histoire de la Poste, Paris
"From the Transport to the Delivery of Mail: The Transformation of the French Postal Network in the Nineteenth Century"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Marie-Françoise Berneron-Couvenhes, Université Paris IV
"French Mail Contracts with Private Steamship Companies, 1835-1914"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Robert Dalton Harris, Jr., independent scholar
"The Three Postal Networks of the United States in the 1830s"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Andrea Giuntini, Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia
Panel 40: Entrepreneurial Networks in the United States and France since 1830
Chair: Michael French, Glasgow University
David Hochfelder, Rutgers University
Blaine McCormick, Baylor University
"A Conservative Innovator: Thomas Edison as International Entrepreneur in the 1880s"
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, University of California at Los Angeles
Margaret C. Levenstein, University of Michigan Business School
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, University of California at Los Angeles
"Financing Invention during the Second Industrial Revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920"
Hubert Bonin, Institut d’études politiques de Bordeaux
" 'Blue Angels,' 'Venture Capital,' and 'Whales': Networks Financing the Takeoff of the Second Industrial Revolution in France, 1890s-1920s"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Dominique Barjot, Université Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne)
Panel 41: Business and Labor in the United States since 1870
Chair: Gary Kulik, Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library
Andrew B. Arnold, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
"Ordering Coal: Labor, Law, and Business in Central Pennsylvania, 1870-1900"
James P. Kraft, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
"Networks of Power in Las Vegas, 1975-1985"
Commentator: Howell John Harris, University of Durham
Panel 42: Professional Associations and International Organizations in the Twentieth Century
Chair: Nicolas Berland, Université de Poitiers
Yannick Lemarchand, Université de Nantes
Marc Nikitin, Université d'Orléans
Henri Zimnovitch, École des Mines de Nancy
"International Accounting Congresses in the Twentieth Century: Networks and Organizations"
Stephen L. Morgan, University of Melbourne
"Professional Associations and the Diffusion of New Management Ideas in Shanghai, 1920-1930s: A Research Agenda"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Sara Nocentini, Università di Firenze
"Building the Network: Raw Materials Shortages and the Western Bloc at the Beginning of the Cold War, 1948-1951"
[Abstract] [Paper]
Commentator: Craig Murphy, Wellesley College
Panel 43: The Wine Trade in the Atlantic World, 1640-1910s
Chair: Kolleen Guy, University of Texas at San Antonio
David Hancock, University of Michigan
"The Madeira Trade, 1640-1815"
Paul Duguid, University of California at Berkeley
"Action at a Distance: The Creation and Recreation of the Port Supply Chain"
James Simpson, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville
"Phylloxera, Price Volatility, and Institutional Innovation in France's Domestic Wine Markets, 1870-1911"
Commentator: Regina Grafe, Oxford University
Silent Auction and Coffee Break: 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Fourth Plenary Session: Presidential Address
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Patrick Fridenson, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
"Business Failure and the Future of Business History"